Prasasti Pasir Muara - Bogor Regency

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Contact Prasasti Pasir Muara

Address :

Cisadane River, Ciaruteun Ilir, Cibungbulang, Bogor Regency, West Java 16630, Indonesia

Postal code : 16630
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–4PM
Tuesday 8AM–4PM
Wednesday 8AM–4PM
Thursday 8AM–4PM
Friday 8AM–4PM
Saturday 8AM–4PM
Sunday 8AM–4PM
Categories :

Cisadane River, Ciaruteun Ilir, Cibungbulang, Bogor Regency, West Java 16630, Indonesia
aris dwi guna on Google

tulisan dibatunya mulai pudar,.,,, letaknya di pinggir kali,, aga masuk kedalem dari jalan raya,, banyak juga warga yg mancing disekitaran nya,,, parkiran nya bisa buat beberapa mobil dan motor,.,,, menurut ane harusnya dipagerin supaya pengunjung ga naek ke batu nya,,,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,
the writing began to fade, ... it was on the edge of the time ... I just went into the street, there were many people fishing around it ... the parking lot could be for some cars and motorbikes ... so that visitors don't bother to the stone ... ..., ..., ... ,, ...,.
Rd Mrz on Google

Saya ke situs prasasti batu muara di ciaruteun sekitar tahun ± tahun 1987/1988 , kala itu saya duduk di kelas 6 SD , kala itu suasana pertemuan antara dua sungai yaitu sungai ciaruteun dan sungai Cisadane yang kala itu airnya masih segar dan jernih, cuacanya pun kala senja kala itu cukup sejuk tiada terkira,
I went to the estuary stone inscription site in ciaruteun around 1987/1988, at that time I was in 6th grade, at that time the meeting between the two rivers namely the ciaruteun river and the Cisadane river at that time the water was still fresh and clear, the weather was then dusk at that time was quite cold beyond measure,
Ramdan Febrian Arifin on Google

Tempat ditemukannya situs peninggalan dari kerjaan tertua di Nusantara Tarumanegara ini sarat akan teka teki. Prasasti batu tulis disitu menggambarkan tapak kaki raja Purnawarman. Tak jauh dari lokasi prasasti tapak kaki raja Purnawarman terdapat prasasti tapik kaki gajah peninggalan kerjaan tersebut. Terakhir kesana tempatnya sedang dipercantik lagi demi menarik pengunjung. Mantaplah semoga kita menjadi bangsa yang menghargai sejarahnya bangsanya sendiri
The site of the discovery of a heritage site from the oldest occupation in the Tarumanegara Archipelago is full of puzzles. The slate inscription depicts the footprints of King Purnawarman. Not far from the site of King Purnawarman's footprint inscription, there is an elephant footprint inscription. Finally there the place is being beautified again in order to attract visitors. We hope that we will become a nation that respects the history of its own people
Algie FR on Google

Soekarno dilahirkan dari pasangan Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo dan Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai di Surabaya pada tanggal 06 Juni 1901 dengan nama asli Koesno Sosrodiharjo, namun kare sering sakit, orangtua nya mengganti nama menjadi Soekarno. Ayah dan ibu beliau bertemu di Bali ketika ayahnya menjadi guru di Bali dan Ibunya merupakan bangsawan di Bali, Soekarno memiliki saudara kandung perempuan bernama Sukarmini. Masa Kecil Soekarno Tentang masa kecil Presiden soekarno, beliau hanya sedikit menghabiskan masa kecil bersama orangtuanya di Blitar. Hingga kemudian beliau tinggal bersama Kakeknya bernama Raden Hardjoko di Tulung Agung jawa Timur, disana beliau sempat bersekolah walapu tidak sampai selesai karena beliau ikut dengan orangtuannya pindah ke Mojokerto. Pendidikan Soekarno Di Mojokerto Ayahnya memasukan Beliau disekolah yang dengan tempat Ayahnya menjadi guru, namun pada tahun 1911 Ayahnya memindahkannya sekolah ke ELS (Europeesche Lagere School) untuk lebih mudah masuk keHBS (Hogere Burger School) di Surabaya. Setelah tamat dan bersekolah di HBS tahun 1915, Soekarno kemudian tinggal di rumah Haji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto atau H.O.S Cokroaminoto yang merupakan kawan dari ayah Soekarno yang dikenal sebgai pendiri dari Serikat Islam (SI). Di rumah Cokroaminoto, Soekarno muda mulai belajar berpolitik dan juga belajar berpidato meskipun cenderung ia lakukan sendiri di depan cermin di kamarnya. Di sekolahnya yaitu Hoogere Burger School atau HBS, Soekarno mendapat banyak ilmu pengetahuan. Setelah lulus dari Hoogere Burger School atau HBS pada tahun 1921, Soekarno kemudian pindah ke bandung dan tinggal dirumah Haji Sanusi dan melanjutkan studinya ke Technische Hoogeschool (THS) jurusan teknik sipil yang sekarang menjadi ITB dan lulus pada tanggal 25 mei 1926 dengan gelar Ir (insinyur). Perjuangan Ir. Soekarno Lulus dari THS, Ir.Soekarno kemudian mendirikan Biro Insinyur pada tahun 1926 bersama Ir.Anwari yang mengerjakan desain dan rancang bangunan. Disinilah yang menjadi cikal bakal berdirinya Partai Nasional Indonesia (PNI) yang berdiri pada 4 Juli 1927. Disinilah Beliau mengamalkan ajaaran Marhaenisme yang bertujuan agar bangsa Indonesia bisa Merdekan dan lepas dari Jajahan Belanda. Dari keberaniannya inilah yang membuat Soekarno di tangkap oleh Belanda di Yogyakarta dan memasukannya ke penjara Banceuy di Bandung pada bulan Desember 1929. Pada tahun 1930 Spekarno di pindahkan ke penjara Sukamiskin, dan disanalah Soekarno membuat Pledoi yang fenomenal yaitu Indonesia Menggugat. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 1931 Soekarno di bebaskan, dan pada tahun 1933 Soekarno bergabung dengan Partai Indonesia (Partindo) yang merupakan pecahan dari PNI. Soekarno kembali ditangkap oleh Soekarno pada bulan Agustus 1933 dan mengasingkannya ke Flores. Karena jarak yang jauh, membuat Soekarno hampir dilupakan oleh tokoh-tokoh nasional lainnya. Pada tahun 1938 Soekarno dibuang ke Bengkulu, dan disinilah Beliau bertemu dengan Mohammad Hatta dan Ibu Fatmawati. Pada tahun 1942 kekuasaan Belanda berakhir setelah Jepang masuk menyerbu Indonesia. Diawal kependudukannya, Jepang tidak memperhatikan tokoh-tokoh pergerakan Indonesia hingga pada akhirnya pada tahun 1943 jepang menyadari pentingnya para tokoh-tokoh ini. Jepang mulai memanfaatkan tokoh Pergerakkan indonesia, salah satunya adalah Ir.Soekarno untuk menarik perhatian penduduk Indonesia terhadap propraganda Jepang. Pada akhirnya para tokoh pergerakan nasional mulai berkerja sama dengan pemerintah penduduk jepang untuk dapat mencapai kemerdekaan Indonesia. Meskipun ada pula tokoh yang menganggap Jepang Fasis yang berbahaya dan melakukan gerakan perlawanan seperti Sultan Sjahrir dan Sjarifuddin. Pada bulan Agustus 1945, Ir.Soekarno diundang oleh Marsekal Terauchi yang merupakan pimpinan Angkatan Darat wilayah Asia Tenggara ke Dalat, Vietnam. Disana Marsekal Terauchi menyatakan bahwa sudah saatnya Indonesia merdeka dan segala urusan proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia adalah tanggung jawab Indonesia sendiri. A
Soekarno was born to Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo and Ida Ayu Nyoman Rai in Surabaya on June 6, 1901 with the real name Koesno Sosrodiharjo, but because he was often sick, his parents changed his name to Soekarno. His father and mother met in Bali when his father was a teacher in Bali and his mother was a nobleman in Bali, Soekarno had a sister named Sukarmini. Soekarno's Childhood Regarding President Soekarno's childhood, he only spent a little of his childhood with his parents in Blitar. Until then he lived with his grandfather named Raden Hardjoko in Tulung Agung, East Java, where he went to school although it did not finish because he joined his parents moving to Mojokerto. Soekarno's education In Mojokerto his father sent him to the school where his father was a teacher, but in 1911 his father moved him to ELS (Europeesche Lagere School) to more easily enter HBS (Hogere Burger School) in Surabaya. After graduating and studying at HBS in 1915, Soekarno then lived at the house of Haji Oemar Said Tjokroaminoto or H.O.S Cokroaminoto who was a friend of Soekarno's father who was known as the founder of the Islamic Union (SI). At Cokroaminoto's house, young Soekarno began to study politics and also learned to make speeches even though he tended to do it himself in front of the mirror in his room. At his school, namely Hoogere Burger School or HBS, Soekarno got a lot of knowledge. After graduating from Hoogere Burger School or HBS in 1921, Soekarno then moved to Bandung and lived at Haji Sanusi's house and continued his studies at the Technische Hoogeschool (THS) majoring in civil engineering which is now ITB and graduated on May 25, 1926 with the title Ir (engineer ). The Struggle of Ir. Soekarno Graduated from THS, Ir. Soekarno then founded the Engineering Bureau in 1926 with Ir. Anwari who worked on building design and design. It was here that became the forerunner of the establishment of the Indonesian National Party (PNI) which was established on July 4, 1927. This is where he practiced the Marhaenism line which aims to make the Indonesian people independent and free from the Dutch colony. It was from his courage that made Soekarno arrested by the Dutch in Yogyakarta and put him in Banceuy prison in Bandung in December 1929. In 1930 Spekarno was transferred to Sukamiskin prison, and there Soekarno made a phenomenal Pledoi, namely Indonesia Sues. On December 31, 1931 Soekarno was released, and in 1933 Soekarno joined the Indonesian Party (Partindo) which was a fraction of the PNI. Soekarno was again arrested by Soekarno in August 1933 and exiled him to Flores. Due to the long distance, Soekarno was almost forgotten by other national figures. In 1938 Soekarno was exiled to Bengkulu, and it was here that he met Mohammad Hatta and Mrs. Fatmawati. In 1942 Dutch rule ended after Japan invaded Indonesia. At the beginning of its occupation, Japan did not pay attention to the figures of the Indonesian movement until finally in 1943 Japan realized the importance of these figures. The Japanese began to take advantage of figures from the Indonesian Movement, one of which was Ir.Soekarno, to attract the attention of the Indonesian population to Japanese propraganda. In the end, the leaders of the national movement began to cooperate with the Japanese government to achieve Indonesian independence. Although there were figures who considered Fascist Japan as dangerous and carried out resistance movements such as Sultan Sjahrir and Sjarifuddin. In August 1945, Ir.Soekarno was invited by Marshal Terauchi who was the leader of the Southeast Asian Army to Dalat, Vietnam. There Marshal Terauchi stated that it was time for Indonesia to become independent and all matters of the proclamation of Indonesian independence were Indonesia's own responsibility. A
TheMunch MuchMore on Google

Buka 24 jam tempat ini, karena lokasinya di dalam sungai. Cuman banyak sampahnya, yapi dibuat warga mandi dan mencuci, ada juga yang mancing. Kalo musim hujan sungainya banjir, prasastinya ikut tenggelam. Paling bagus datang kemari saat musim kemarau. Harus sering tanya warga karena ada banyak batu di sini.
Open 24 hours this place, because of its location in the river. But there is a lot of garbage, people make bathing and washing, some are fishing. If the rainy season rivers flood, the inscriptions also sink. It's best to come here during the dry season. Must often ask residents because there are many stones here.
Si Ki'ed on Google

Posisi nya msh di tepi sungai,,rawan rusak, tulisan mulai hilang
Its position is still on the riverbank, prone to damage, writing is starting to disappear
Rizki Wibi on Google

Tempatnya di pinggir sungai yang kalau setelah hujan prasastinya tergenang air sungai yang naik. Isi prasastinya sudah mulai aus, dan hampir tidak terlihat lagi
The place is on the edge of the river which if after the rain the inscription is flooded with rising river water. The contents of the inscription are starting to wear out, and it's barely visible anymore

Located at Cisadane River so open 24 hours. But, difficult ro reach it. Not recommende if you plan to visit in rainy season. Now, this inscription not manage well. Correct Me If I'm Wrong, Thank you

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