Pesantren Masyarakat Hubbul Khoir - Sukoharjo Regency

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pesantren Masyarakat Hubbul Khoir

Address :

Ngentak, Sawah, Bulakrejo, Sukoharjo, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java 57551, Indonesia

Phone : 📞 +877
Postal code : 57551
Website :
Categories :

Ngentak, Sawah, Bulakrejo, Sukoharjo, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java 57551, Indonesia
Fauzan Pratama on Google

Pesantren yang membagikan ilmu diniyah dan beberapa pelatihan gratis kepada masyarakat, semoga selalu dimudahkan untuk kelancaran pondoknya
Hopefully the pesantren which distributes diniyah knowledge and some free training to the community will always make it easier for the school to run smoothly
Nanang Maulana on Google

Hubbul Khoir?? Bisa Insya Allah ??
Hubbul Khoir?? Can God willing ?
Jeri Dwi on Google

masya Allah santri tidak cuma di ajarkan ilmu dunia namun juga di ajarkan ilmu akhirat, seperti tahfidz,fikih,akidah dan diajari khutbah
Masha Allah students are not only taught the knowledge of the world but are also taught the knowledge of the hereafter. such as tahfidz, fiqh, creed and taught sermons
Faza Nadhif on Google

Tempat memulai lembaran baru dan menjadi tempat perubahan bagi masyarakat, pemuda islam dengan program yang tersedia
A place to start a new page and become a place of change for society, Islamic youth with available programs
Mu'in Hanif on Google

Kajian Fiqih setiap Hari Rabu malam kamis❤✔
Fiqh study every Wednesday night thursday ❤✔
Adil Abdul Haq on Google

Tempat untuk mengasah kemampuan IT, from zero to pro. Selain ituu kita juga mendapatkan banyak soft skill
The place to hone your IT skills, from zero to pro. Besides that, we also get a lot of soft skills
Kholid Skuy on Google

Tempat untuk mengembangkan kemampuan dalam bidang desain, selain itu kita juga mendapatkan skill" Yg lainnya
A place to develop skills in the field of design, besides that we also get other "Yg skills."
Riski Bagus on Google

Tidak salah lagi jika bisa disebut from zero to hero, walaupun saya tidak ada background Pondok maupun IT, Alhamdulillah kurang lebih sudah 2 pekan saya belajar disini berjalan lancar. Saya berharap kedepannya semua ilmu yang saya pelajari dapat bermanfaat, Aamiin
There's nothing wrong with being called from zero to hero, even though I don't have any Pondok or IT background, Alhamdulillah, I've been studying here for about 2 weeks and it's been going smoothly. I hope that in the future all the knowledge I learn can be useful, Aamiin

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