Perumahan Graha Indah Curug - Tangerang Regency

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Perumahan Graha Indah Curug

Address :

Jl. Padat Karya No.38, Curug Kulon, Curug, Tangerang Regency, Banten 15810, Indonesia

Postal code : 15810
Website :
Categories :

Jl. Padat Karya No.38, Curug Kulon, Curug, Tangerang Regency, Banten 15810, Indonesia
suprijaneet janeet67158 on Google

Joooos gandooos
Joooos gandooos
Jimmy Cahsem on Google

Enak orang2nya pd ramah2 dan bisa berbaur ,bergaul, saling pengertian dan semangat gotong royongnya,sosialnya sangat tinggi sekali...?...oke...?
The people are friendly and friendly and can mingle, mingle, mutual understanding and the spirit of mutual cooperation, very high social ... ? ... okay ...?
Yudha Krisnadia on Google

Nyaman..msh byk lahan penghijauan
Comfortable ... thanks to the greenery
Desy Khan on Google

Tempat aku tinggal sekarang
Where I live now
Yudianto M Nur on Google

Komplek perumahan yang nyaman cocok bagi Anda yg suka suasana santai dan tenang karena tidak bising oleh kendaraan sebab tidak dekat jalan raya
Comfortable housing complex suitable for those of you who like a relaxed and quiet atmosphere because it is not noisy by vehicles because it is not near the highway
Maslan Channel on Google

My home... blok q no 2
My home ... block q no 2
Wantono Wantono on Google

Dimasa pandemi saat ini, kegiatan belajar mengajar siswa Khususnya SD Negeri Curug 2 berpindah ke rumah ( Daring ).Dalam hal ini,ada sisi positif dan hikmah pula untuk orang tua...Selama ini,kita sebagai orang tua kadang dan mungkin tidak terpikirkan, bagaimana cara seorang guru untuk mengajari siswa-siswanya di sekolah.... Momentum pandemi ini, ternyata orang tua banyak yang merasakan bagaimana kesulitannya untuk mengajari anaknya ketika belajar di rumah.Saya pribadi,harus dengan berbagai cara ketika mengajak anak untuk belajar.Setiap hari di pastikan ada saja tingkah dan perilaku seorang anak dari rasa jenuh, keinginan untuk bermain,minta makan,jajan,ingin ke kamar mandi ....dan itu semua butuh kesabaran yang tinggi agar seorang anak mau untuk di ajak belajar.Walhasil,dengan kita belajar bersabar dan penuh ketekunan ketika mengajari anak, Alhamdulillah sekarang sudah ada hasilnya,bisa membaca dan menulis.
During the current pandemic, the teaching and learning activities of students, especially SD Negeri Curug 2, have moved to their homes (online). In this case, there are positive sides and lessons for parents ... So far, we as parents sometimes and maybe not even thought about it, How can a teacher teach their students at school .... In the momentum of this pandemic, it turns out that many parents feel how difficult it is to teach their children when studying at home. Personally, I have to use various ways when inviting children to study. Every day just make sure there is a child's behavior and behavior from feeling bored, the desire to play, ask for food, snacks, want to go to the bathroom ... and all of that requires high patience so that a child wants to be invited to learn. As a result, with us learn to be patient and full of diligence when teaching children, Alhamdulillah now there are results, being able to read and write.
MUJI MULYO on Google

GIC yesss....poke

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