Penyetan Cok - Kota Jakarta Timur

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Penyetan Cok

Address :

Mall Cipinang Indah, Jl. Raya Kalimalang No.kav. 88, RT.18/RW.3, Pd. Bambu, Kec. Duren Sawit, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13420, Indonesia

Postal code : 13420
Opening hours :
Monday 10AM–9:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–9:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–9:30PM
Thursday 10AM–9:30PM
Friday 10AM–9:30PM
Saturday 10AM–9:30PM
Sunday 10AM–9:30PM
Categories :

Mall Cipinang Indah, Jl. Raya Kalimalang No.kav. 88, RT.18/RW.3, Pd. Bambu, Kec. Duren Sawit, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13420, Indonesia
Mas Beppo on Google

Rasanya enak. Suasana kurang nyaman karena AC mall panas. Kecepatan pelayanan perlu ditingkatkan.
It feels good. The atmosphere is less comfortable because the mall AC is hot. Service speed needs to be improved.
Yoana on Google

Pelayanan tidak bagus, harga yang tertera di banner tidak sesuai setelah pembayaran, pajak sampai 40%, makanan yang disajikan overcook
The service is not good, the price listed on the banner does not match after payment, the tax is up to 40%, the food served is overcooked
Marisa DK Wardani on Google

Pelayanan bagus. Soal tempat juga nyaman. Terdapat beberapa menu paketan yang terdiri dari makanan dan minuman. Saya bersama suami mampir ke sini. Pertama kalinya ke Penyetan Cok. Kami memesan ayam penyet sambal matah dan ayam penyet mozarela. Untuk menu ayam penyet sambal matah, nikmat. Sambal matahnya sueger. Nah kalau untuk menu ayam penyet mozarelanya, tidak terlalu wah. Menurut saya rasa mozarelanya seperti tepung kanji atau tapioka gitu. Ga ada harum mozzarelanya sama gak ada rasa asinnya.
Good service About the place is also comfortable. There are several package menus consisting of food and drinks. My husband and I stopped by here. First time to Penyetan Cok. We ordered the sambal matah kebet chicken and the mozarela penyet chicken. For the sambal matah penyet chicken menu, delicious. His eyes are hot. Now, for the mozzaret chicken, it's not too good. I think the mozzarella taste like starch or tapioca. It doesn't have the scent of mozzarella, it doesn't taste salty.
Ami Midah on Google

Lokasi ngasyaap ada di penyetan cok, ngasyaap merek baru penyetan yang ada di gofood, GrabFood dan Shopee food, kalau mau pesan ngasyaap harus lewat aplikasi yang tadi disebutkan, ngasyaap merupakan merek baru yang khusus menjual menu sei sapi dan sei ayam, bagi yang mau mencoba menu sei dengan potongan harga, pesan online ngasyaap di GrabFood,karena disitu ada promo, ada potongan harga nanti kasih catatan untuk makan di tempat, jangan dibungkus, atau ketika sampai bilang ke kasir saya mau pesan ngasyaap, lewat GrabFood tapi untuk makan ditempat, jadi bisa menikmati menu sei dengan harga murah ?
The location for ngasyaap is in penyetan cok, ngasyaap is a new brand of penyetan that is on gofood, GrabFood and Shopee food, if you want to order ngasyaap you have to go through the application mentioned earlier, ngasyaap is a new brand that specializes in selling beef sei and chicken sei menus, for those who want to try sei menu with discounted prices, order online at GrabFood, because there is a promo, there will be a discount later, I'll give a note to eat on the spot, don't wrap it up, or when I tell the cashier I want to order, via GrabFood but to eat on the spot, so can enjoy the sei menu at a low price
Ryan Neste on Google

Ngasyaap!! Ternyata adalah penyetan cok!, kalau mau coba menu sei sapi atau sei ayam, ada di penyetan cok dimana aja, ngasyaap! biasanya ada di Shopee food, grab food, atau gofood , tapi kalau datang ke cipinang indah mall tidak ketemu restorannya, nah ternyata ngasyaap! Itu adalah penyetan cok,menu sei yang sangat gw sukai disini bikin nagih, aroma daging bau asap yang bikin menggugah selera bikin makin lapar, daging empuk, baik ayam atau sapi, tinggal pilih menu sei yang tersedia di aplikasi makanan online di restoran ngasyaap, karena disini belum ada menu ngasyaap dan memang tidak ada spanduk ngasyaap, jadi ga usah ragu ngasyaap ada di semua restoran penyetan cok dimana saja, cara pesan menu ngasyaap! Melalui aplikasi online di grab gojek atau Shopee, tapi bisa kok untuk makan ditempat, tinggal kasih catatan, untuk makan ditempat jangan dibungkus agar dibaca oleh kasir, dan kasih tahu kasir pesanan tersebut untuk makan di restoran ya, kadang sudah dikasih catatan suka lupa maklum lah gaes ?,terus driver makanan online juga kasih pesan kalau kita mau makan ditempat, agar ketika driver datang tidak bingung,kemudian untuk alamat pengantaran di aplikasi food tidak masalah bikin lokasi yang terdekat misalnya di dapur solo cipinang indah mall, atau alfamart cipinang indah, jadi bikin mudah driver dan juga membantu driver mendapatkan pekerjaan, kalau mau coba yang murah ada paket sei rakyat cuma 25ribu, tapi belum termasuk minum, kalau paket beserta minum sekitar 35ribu, yang untung kalau pesan online biasanya dapat promo, tinggal pakai voucher nikmati potongan harga, makan di restoran, indah ?? sekali, untuk pelayanan sangat baik, kalau lagi ramai pasti lama dan antri, ingat semua menu tradisional dimasak dadakan jadi perlu waktu, karena covid menyebabkan ekonomi lesu pemasukan sepi akhirnya karyawan dikurangi, gw maklum, restoran masih bertahan saja sudah termasuk bagus, banyak restoran yang tutup terdampak pandemi, jadi tinggal ingatkan pesanan kita agar tidak tersalip oleh pembeli yang datang belakangan,karyawan hanya lulusan sma sederajat yang bersyukur masih bisa kerja disitu, bukan kelas sarjana pemikiran manajer yang bisa atur banyak kerjaan sekaligus, jadi tugas kita sebagai pembeli kalau lagi ramai kasih tahu, jangan terlalu jadi raja atau orang manja, ini restoran tradisional asli milik negeri, tugas kita beli dan belanja di restoran tradisional, lihat saja kebanyakan restoran makanan milik asing yang ramai, betulkah kita cinta Indonesia atau Palestina ?, kok yang laku restoran asing, mereka modal besar jadi bisa kasih pelayanan baik, gaji karyawan diatas restoran tradisional, karena uang asing pakai dolar ketika masuk kesini ditukar rupiah jadi banyak nah disitu logikanya, walaupun tidak senyaman restoran asing, tapi gw tetap akan makan disini, jangan sampai uangmu hanya habis untuk restoran asing, sekali kali restoran asing boleh saja tidak dilarang ⛔, tapi jangan lupakan restoran tradisional, pajak dan penghasilan restoran tradisional akan tetap berada di negeri sendiri, kalau restoran asing keuntungan dibawa keluar negeri, waduh kepanjangan nih idealisme nya ?, balik lagi ke ngasyaap , makanan enak sambal nya juga enak semua yang pasti dari cabai ?, hampir semua sei disini sudah gw coba dengan sambal yang berbeda, yang paling asli sei adalah pakai sambal luwat silahkan dicoba,paket sei disini termasuk terjangkau dibanding dengan restoran lain, apalagi tempat di mall,mari lestarikan kuliner tradisional dengan sering makan di restoran tradisional
Ngasyaap !! Turns out it is penyetan cok !, if you want to try the menu sei sapi or sei ayam, it's in the penyetan kok anywhere, ngasyaap! usually at Shopee food, grab food, or gofood, but if you come to Cipinang Indah Mall you don't find the restaurant, well, it turns out to be delicious! That is the penyetan choke, the sei menu that I really like here makes me addicted, the smell of smoked meat that makes my appetite even more hungry, the meat is tender, both chicken or beef, just choose the sei menu available in the online food application at Ngasyaap restaurant, because here there is no ngasyaap menu and indeed there is no ngasyaap banner, so don't hesitate to have ngasyaap in all penyetan kok restaurants anywhere, how to order the ngasyaap menu! Through the online application at grab Gojek or Shopee, but you can really eat on the spot, just give a note, don't wrap it up to be read by the cashier, and tell the cashier the order is to eat at the restaurant, yes, sometimes you are given a note, you like to forget it. guys ?, then the online food driver also gives a message if we want to eat in place, so that when the driver comes there is no confusion, then for the delivery address in the food application there is no problem making the closest location, for example in the Solo Cipinang Indah Mall kitchen, or Cipinang Indah Alfamart, so it makes it easy for drivers and also helps drivers to get a job, if you want to try a cheap one, there is a sei Rakyat package for only 25 thousand, but not including drinking, if the package and drink is around 35 thousand, which is fortunate if you order online you usually get a promo, just use a voucher, enjoy a discounted price eat at the restaurant, beautiful ?? once, for very good service, if you are busy, you will definitely be long and queuing, remember all the tr menu adisional is cooked impromptu so it takes time, because covid causes a sluggish economy, income is lonely, eventually employees are reduced, I understand, restaurants are still going well, many restaurants have closed due to the pandemic, so just remind our orders so they don't get caught by the buyers who come lately, employees are only high school graduates who are grateful to still be able to work there, not a bachelor's class manager thinking that can manage a lot of work at once, so it's our job as buyers if you're busy telling us, don't be too king or spoiled, this is an authentic traditional restaurant owned by the country, our job is to buy and shop at traditional restaurants, just look at most of the crowded foreign-owned food restaurants, do we really love Indonesia or Palestine ?, how come foreign restaurants sell, they have large capital so they can provide good service, employee salaries are above traditional restaurants, because of money foreigners use dollars when they enter here, they will be exchanged for rupiah so there are a lot of them d That is the logic, although it is not as comfortable as a foreign restaurant, but I will still eat here, don't let your money just run out for foreign restaurants, once foreign restaurants may not be banned ⛔, but don't forget traditional restaurants, taxes and traditional restaurant income will remain at my own country, if a foreign restaurant takes the profits out of the country, oh my idealism balik, back to ngasyaap, good food, the chili sauce is also delicious, everything is certain from chilli ?, I have tried almost all sei here with different chili sauce, the most The original sei is using chili sauce, please try it, the sei package here is affordable compared to other restaurants, let alone places in malls, let's preserve traditional culinary delights by often eating at traditional restaurants
Tommy Ilham on Google

Pelayanannya ramah banget. Makanan enak dan menggugah selera. Pembayaran bisa via cash, shopee, ovo, dll. Pokoknya rekomended disini. Cuma harganya agak mahal dan tempatnya kurang dingin. Tolong dong tempratur AC nya lebih dingin. Karena menu disini membuat kita keringetan semua :(
The service is very friendly. The food is delicious and appetizing. Payment can be via cash, shopee, ovo, etc. Anyway, recommended here. Only the price is a bit expensive and the place is not cold. Please, the AC temperature is colder. Because the menu here makes us all sweat :(
Makan Bolang on Google

Sei sapi / ayam paling enak, aroma asap berasa,sambalnya mantap, Tempat nyaman, pelayanan baik, disini semua masakan dibuat dadakan, jadi harus antri, kalau saya selalu mengingatkan pesanan saya kepada pelayan biar tidak lupa, kalaupun lama tidak masalah karena antri, pelayan gajinya kecil, SDM rendah, buat saya wajar yang paham dunia bisnis, sewa di mall sangat mahal, jika gaji karyawan besar, maka makanan yang dijual kemahalan, akhirnya penjualan sepi,untuk menekan pengeluaran,akhirnya dicari karyawan SDM rendah, agar dapat gaji kecil, bisa jual harga terjangkau jadi kita harus memaklumi kalau ada kekurangan dari pelayan,tidak semua yang kerja di mall gajinya besar, ada yang gajinya kecil, karena saya sering bertanya jadi tahu banyak, jangan jadi sok Sultan dimanapun kita berada, kecuali kalau disitu memang tempat super mahal yang wajar untuk kita jadi dimanja, lihat lihat tempat dulu kalau mau dilayani kayak Sultan
The beef/chicken sei is the best, the smell of smoke is good, the sambal is great, the place is comfortable, the service is good, here all the dishes are made impromptu, so you have to queue, if I always remind my order to the waiter so I don't forget, even if it takes a long time it doesn't matter because of the queue, the waiter the salary is small, human resources are low, it's natural for me to understand the business world, rent at the mall is very expensive, if the employee salary is large, then the food sold is expensive, finally sales are quiet, to reduce expenses, finally look for low HR employees, so they can get a small salary, can sell at affordable prices so we have to understand if there is a shortage of waiters, not all who work in malls have big salaries, some have small salaries, because I often ask questions so I know a lot, don't be pretentious Sultan wherever we are, unless it's a super place expensive which is reasonable for us to be pampered, look at the place first if you want to be served like the Sultan
Retta Sinambela on Google

We can call this restaurant as a fancy Sundanese restaurant that serves fried side dish with various kind of sambal and also has a few option of vegetables. It's new and worth to try.

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