2.1/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Jl. Raya K H Abdul Halim No.483, Tonjong, Majalengka, Majalengka Regency, West Java 45418, Indonesia

Postal code : 45418
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–4PM
Tuesday 8AM–4PM
Wednesday 8AM–4PM
Thursday 8AM–4PM
Friday 8AM–4PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Raya K H Abdul Halim No.483, Tonjong, Majalengka, Majalengka Regency, West Java 45418, Indonesia
No name on Google

Untuk tempatnya nyaman, pelayanannya cepat karena saya hanya membuat surat keterangan pindah saja mungkin. Tapi semoga kedepannya ibu/bapak yang bertugas diloket pelayanan untuk sedikit lebih banyak senyum lagi.
For a comfortable place, the service is fast because I only made a certificate of moving away. But hopefully in the future, ladies and gentlemen who are in charge in the service skyline will smile a little more.
Vinot Arya on Google

Petugas pelayanan bekerja dengan santai dan terlalu lama memproses pekerjaan. Sehingga menyebabkan antrean yg sangat panjang, Tidak ada petugas yg bertugas menjadi Navigasi di area tsb, sehingga masyarakat yg kurang paham seperti kebingungan menanyakan permasalahan.sangat menyusahkan jika masyarakat yg datang dari kecamatan yg jauh. Mohon di perbaiki untuk pelayanannya ..karena di jaman yg serba online dan cepat ini, sepertinya tidak seharusnya pelayanan KTP,KK dll harus berlama-lama.
Service personnel work relaxed and take too long to process work. So as to cause a very long queue, there are no officers on duty to navigate in the area, so that people who do not understand such as confusion asking about the problem. Very troublesome if people who come from distant districts. Please fix it for the service ... because in this era of being online and fast, it doesn't seem like the services of KTP, KK etc. should be too long.
musikku dj on Google

Kecewa bangat ..jauh" cuma nayain ktp doang masa ktp udah 1tahun lebih nggx jadi"sekarang di tanya lagi gx dapet kalo gx ada keperluan mah...usia 20 th gx punya ktp kn lucu
Disappointed .. far away "just netted the ID card, how come it's already been 1 year or more so" now I will ask again if I don't have anything to do ... the age of 20 doesn't have a funny ID card
Tatang Muhtar on Google

Bener apa kata orang di postingan ini,saya juga mengalaminya. Pelayanan nya sangat buruk,udah ngantri panjang panjang dari jam 06:25 buka jam 08:00 Alhasil pulang tangan kosong. Bikin kapok !!
Really what people say in this post, I also experienced it. The service is very bad, I have long queues from 6:25 open at 08:00 As a result, I go home empty handed. Make a lesson!
冷坐Erza on Google

Tolong pelayanannya yang ramah timbang bikin KTP sementara susah amat malahan suruh pulang tunggu drumah aja ya pikir saya ke Disduk mo bikin KTP sementara tuh karena KTP aslinya lama banget sama butuh jga buat persyaratan kerja. Lagian saya nanya jga sopan mentang mentang saya baru lulus sekolah jdi dibedakan pelayanannya sama orang tua bgtu?
Please the service that is friendly, weighs, making a temporary ID card, is very difficult, instead of telling to go home, just waiting for home, I think I went to Disduk to make a temporary ID card because the original KTP really takes the same length as well as needing work requirements. Besides, I asked also politely because I just graduated from school, so the service was different from my parents?
medina fadlilatus on Google

Pelayanan buruk sekali! persyaratan yg dikasih cuma jadi sampah aja! Jelas2 di surat keterangan lahir laki2, eh di kartu keluarga dn di akte ditulis perempuan. Pas mau minta revisi kesalahan mereka, dengan santainya di jawab, "buat lagi aja neng, males cari berkasnya" Harus beli map dan formulir lagi 17ribu buat persyaratan akte. Pungli ni namanya!!!!
Very bad service! the requirements given are just rubbish! Obviously on the birth certificate, the family card and the certificate are written on women. When I want to ask for a revision of their mistakes, casually answer, "just make it again, lazy looking for the file" Must buy another map and form for thousands of documents. This extortion is his name !!!!
Aba & Embun on Google

Sebelumnya Mohon Maaf saya kasih bintang 1, banyak yang harus diperbaiki : 1. SDM yang attitude nya kurang baik, banyak orang tua jadi lembek & tidak sigap 2. Sistem antrian yang Kacau, saran kalaupun manual harus bener tidak ada antrian ganda, sistem pengambilan dibenahi, lebih baik pakai sistem yang lebih efektif & efisian 3. Tidak ada alur yang jelas terkait pembuatan dokumen kependudukan 4. Jangan mencari untung dari harga Map 5. Tata ruang yang tidak baik, & tidak ada sign yang jelas kemana - mana nya Tolong perbaiki, jangan anggap cuman masyarakat biasa tapi pelayanan tidak baik. Saya ingin sampaikan kritik & saran jika berkenan sampaikan saran ini untuk perbaikan kedepannya. Jaman sudah berubah dengan cepat, jangan sampai pemerintahan kalah cepat. Harus di perbaharui. Tks. Warga Majalengka
Previously Sorry, I love 1 star, there are many things that need to be improved: 1. HR whose attitude is not good, many parents become soft & not alert 2. The chaotic queue system, a suggestion that even if the manual must be correct there are no double queues, the retrieval system is fixed, it is better to use a more effective & efficient system 3. There is no clear plot regarding population documents 4. Don't make money on Map prices 5. The layout is not good, & there is no clear sign where - where it is Please fix it, don't consider it just ordinary people but the service isn't good. I would like to submit criticism & suggestions if pleased to convey these suggestions for future improvement. Times have changed quickly, don't let the government lose quickly. Must be updated. Tks Residents of Majalengka
Fadhli Alamsyah on Google

Disdukcapil paling kacau yang pernah saya kunjungi. Sangat berbeda jauh dengan kabupaten Sleman diy, dan Wonogiri jateng. Antrian tidak jelas, karena banyak yang nyerobot dengan alasan sudah dari pagi disuruh kembali karena kurang berkas. Kalau yang seperti itu harusnya petugas menyuruh antri lagi dari belakang. Dan harusnya ada petugas informasi di dekat gerbang supaya tidak ada yang kurang berkas.
The most chaotic Disdukcapil I've ever been to. It is very different from Sleman, Yogyakarta and Wonogiri, Central Java. The queue was unclear, because many people had checked in with the excuse that they had been ordered back from the morning because of lack of documents. If it was like that the officer should have ordered to queue again from behind. And there should be an information officer near the gate so that no one is missing files.

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