Pemandian Air Panas Alam Batu Kapur - Subang Regency

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pemandian Air Panas Alam Batu Kapur

Address :

Jl. Alternative Sagalaherang-Subang, Curugagung, Sagalaherang, Subang Regency, West Java 41282, Indonesia

Postal code : 41282
Categories :

Jl. Alternative Sagalaherang-Subang, Curugagung, Sagalaherang, Subang Regency, West Java 41282, Indonesia
fernantomo heruwibowo on Google

Alami..air panas nya mantapsss.. pas untuk piknik keluarga... yang jelas harganya lebih murah dibanding tempat air panas lainnya.. ada air terjunnya juga.. dan bisa maen di sungai juga....komplit tempat ini..
Natural ... the hot water is perfect ... right for a family picnic ... which is definitely cheaper than other hot springs ... there's a waterfall too ... and you can play on the river too ... complete this place ...
sudra kelana on Google

15 tahun lalu sempat ke tempat ini Beda suasana dan pemandangan yang nampak di foto.. Belum ada kolam renang porselin.. Tapi sangat asri dan sejuk. Bersama teh Unun.. Makasih ya lokasi tempat yang kamu tunjukan di subang.. Juga lokasi2 lainnya yang belum aku kunjungi
15 years ago I was able to visit this place Different atmosphere and views that appear in photos ... There is no porcelain swimming pool ... But it's very beautiful and cool. With tea Unun .. Thanks for the location of the place you showed at Subang .. Also other locations that I haven't visited
Bimo on Google

SIAL! Coba tengah malam jam 22 kesini, bikin rasa antara mau ketemu begal atau kuntilanak. Jalanan rusak, tidak ada lampu, hutan bambu, dan lagi libur lebaran tidak ada orang. Akhirnya kami pun balik karena tidak pasti apakah tempat ini buka 24 jam.
DAMN! Try here at midnight at 22, making you feel like you want to meet begal or kuntilanak. The roads were damaged, there were no lights, bamboo forests, and again on the Eid holiday there were no people. Finally we went back because it was uncertain whether this place was open 24 hours.
sadayuki matsuoka on Google

A hot spring flows from the mountain. Hot springs are springing up little by little even in the vicinity. An iron-rich hot spring. There are 3 baths, and the largest bath is cold. There is a large waterfall at the top. it's recommended.
Priyanto Akhmad Solihin on Google

Ke sini cuman lewat saja. Sekilas tempatnya seperti kurang terawat, tapi gak tahu juga sih di dalamnya. Lokasinya berada di tengah hutan di jalan alternatif Subang-Sagalaherang. Harap berhati-hati saat melewati daerah ini terutama saat mengendarai kendaraan roda empat. Selain karena jalannya kecil, konturnya juga menanjak dan berkelok-kelok.
Just come through here. At first glance the place looks like it is poorly maintained, but I don't know either. The location is in the middle of the forest on an alternative road to Subang-Sagalaherang. Please be careful when passing through this area, especially when driving a four-wheeled vehicle. Apart from the small road, the contours are also uphill and winding.
Saeful Omfonk on Google

SERASA PUNYA SENDIRI, BERKUNJUNG HANYA SE KELUARGA SAYA. Mungkin semenjak pandemi covid-19 tidak ada pengunjung ke curug pemandian airpanas alam batu kapur.... TOLONG DI RAWAT TEMPAT WISATA INI, SEHINGGA BANYAK PENGUNJUNG YG DATANG???
FEELING IT'S OWN, VISITING ONLY MY FAMILY. Maybe since the covid-19 pandemic there have been no visitors to the natural limestone hot spring water bath. PLEASE TAKE CARE OF THIS TOURISM, SO MANY VISITORS ARE COMING
Rio alone on Google

Tempat yang alami dengan harga yang terjangkau, menyajikan pemandangan Curug, kolam berendam air hangat , tempat camping dan sungai dengan bebatuan ?
A natural place at an affordable price, presenting views of the waterfall, warm water bathing pools, camping sites and rivers with rocks ?
Leons Fudeng on Google


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