Pasar Trangsan Bangsan - Kabupaten Boyolali

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Contact Pasar Trangsan Bangsan

Address :

Dusun II, Demangan, Kec. Sambi, Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah 57376, Indonesia

Postal code : 57376
Opening hours :
Monday 5AM–7PM
Tuesday 5AM–7PM
Wednesday 5AM–7:30PM
Thursday 5AM–7PM
Friday 5AM–7PM
Saturday 5AM–7PM
Sunday 5AM–7:30PM
Categories :

Dusun II, Demangan, Kec. Sambi, Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah 57376, Indonesia
Langit Biru on Google

Perlu pembangunan dan di kembangkan lagi untuk pasarnya agar lebih ramai pembeli
It needs to be developed and developed again for the market so that there are more buyers
yonan wunandar on Google

Pasar ini sekarang sdg dilakukan renovasi shg terlihat modern dan lbh nyaman. Namun pasar ini hanya buka pada pagi hari antara pkl 6-10, setelah itu sepi. Semoga setelah renovasi jadi lebih ramai, koleksi lebih lengkap dan buka lebih lama
This market is currently undergoing renovations so that it looks modern and more comfortable. However, this market is only open in the morning between 6-10am, after which it is quiet. Hopefully after the renovation it will be more crowded, the collection will be more complete and open longer
Rindi Oktavia on Google

Pasar ini sudah di renovasi pada th 2018/2019 yang mana sekarang sudah dibangun. Tapi ya kebanyakan pedagang masih berjualan bukan di stand yang sudah disediakan/dibangun tapi di pinggir2 bangunan itu karena mungkin memang disitu lebih ramai orang berlalu lalang. Sehingga disebelah utara banyak stand yang tidak terpakai. Dan untuk kebersihan pasar ini masih cukup bersih, tapi ya kalau musim hujan akan sedikit becek. Untuk tempat parkir, didekat pasar ada penitipan sepeda, tepatnya di depan pintu masuk pasar yang sebelah barat. Tapi banyak juga warga yang parkir di pelataran toko dekat pasar.
This market has been renovated in 2018/2019 which has now been built. But yes, most traders still sell not on stands that have been provided / built, but on the edges of the building because maybe there are more crowded people passing by there. So that in the north there are a lot of unused stands. And for the cleanliness of this market is still quite clean, but yes if the rainy season will be a bit muddy. As for parking, there is bicycle storage near the market, precisely in front of the western market entrance. But there are also many people who park in the court yard near the market.
Muhammad Farid on Google

Panas. Patokan kambing tidak layak. Harus segera diganti. Perlu sikasih atap seperti pasar pengging. Biar pedagang dnan pembeli betah dipasar
Hot. The goat benchmark is not feasible. Must be replaced immediately. It needs roofing like the pengging market. Let traders and buyers feel at home in the market
Mas Muk on Google

Hari pasaran Wage & legi Menu andalan gule wedus Pasar tempat Alm. Mbah buyut mencari nafkah(potong rambut) Pasar tradisional modern saat ini. Pasar sejuta kenangan dr kecil sampe tua????????
Wage & legi market day The mainstay menu of gule wedus The market place Alm. Great-grandmother makes a living (cuts hair) Today's modern traditional market. The market for a million memories from childhood to old
Aris Nur on Google

Pasar desa tp komplit..ada gulai kambing legend rasane manteb...
The village market is complete, but there is a legend goat curry that tastes great...
Andi Wicaksono on Google

Para pegowes harus coba rute menuju pasar ini. Tanjakannya yg cukup tinggi terbayar dengan sepiring tongseng atau gule di pasar ini. Ada dua warung, silakan dipilih yang mana.
Motorists should try the route to this market. The high incline pays off with a plate of tongseng or gule in this market. There are two stalls, please choose which one.
Othinky 90 on Google


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