Klithikan Cebongan - Kabupaten Sleman

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Klithikan Cebongan

Address :

Pasar Cebongan, Jalan Kebon Agung, Tlogoadi, Mlati, Cabakan, Tlogoadi, Kec. Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55286, Indonesia

Postal code : 55286
Categories :

Pasar Cebongan, Jalan Kebon Agung, Tlogoadi, Mlati, Cabakan, Tlogoadi, Kec. Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55286, Indonesia
Iir on Google

Dari jaman kuliah kalau mau cari barang2 pritilan motor atau sepeda ke pasar ini si, dulu hanya di pinggir jalan, skrg tmpt ny luas banget, parkiran 1 lapangan bola. Dari jam 7 udah rame.
From the days of college, if you wanted to look for goods from motorbikes or bicycles to this market, back then it was only on the side of the road, now it is very spacious, 1 soccer field parking lot. From 7 o'clock it was crowded.
Ahmad Ali Fahmi on Google

Nyari apa aja ada.. Sayangnya parkir panas & banyak asap rokok.
Just looking for anything .. Unfortunately the parking lot is hot & a lot of cigarette smoke.
didiwdari95 95 on Google

Pasar rakyat dengan kearifan lokal. Buka dan ramai pas Kliwon hari pasaran.
Folk market with local wisdom. Open and crowded Kliwon passes market day.
Su Prapto on Google

Tempatnya luas disana dijual berbagai macam burung dan unggas, juga barang klitikan ada juga pedagang pakaian dan tanaman. Parkir luda banget karena ditanah lapang
The place is spacious, there are sold various kinds of birds and poultry, as well as klitikan goods, there are also clothing and plant traders. Parking is very slow because it's on the field
Mamad S Dahry on Google

Kebetulan hari ini pasaran Kliwon dan pas hari Minggu, rame poll.. Pokoknya syahdu, refteshing dan berpetulang pilih2 barang baik bekas maupun second, bebas memilh dan memilah. Di tempat ini semua lapisan rakyat terhibur dan segala kebutuhan bisa terpenuhi jika cocok mendapatkan produk. Terima kasih utk kesempatannya....... ????
Incidentally, today is the Kliwon market and on Sunday, the polls are crowded.. Anyway, it's serene, refteshing and having an adventurous choice of goods, both used and second, free to choose and sort. In this place, all walks of life are entertained and all needs can be fulfilled if they get the right product. Thank you for the opportunity....... ????
Risang Setyahadi on Google

Pasar loak di pedesaan yg baik untuk masyarakat dalam mencari suku cadang 2nd
A flea market in the countryside which is good for people looking for spare parts 2nd
Maryono Alkholifah on Google

Tempatnya adem dan bernuansa tradisional, parkir luas, tempat yang pas buat nyari barang/alat rumah tangga .
The place is cool and has a traditional feel, ample parking, the right place to look for household items/tools.
Wahyu Murti Cahyo Putro on Google

Pasar loak paling lengkap di jogja. Mulai dari barang elektronik, pakaian sampai pusaka pusaka ada disini
The most complete flea market in Jogja. Starting from electronics, clothes to heirlooms, it's here

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