Nuansa Seni Souvenir 1 - Kota Jakarta Timur

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Nuansa Seni Souvenir 1

Address :

Pasar Jaya Regional Jatinegara, Jl. Raya Jatinegara Barat, RT.6/RW.6, Bali Mester, Kecamatan Jatinegara, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13310, Indonesia

Postal code : 13310
Categories :

Pasar Jaya Regional Jatinegara, Jl. Raya Jatinegara Barat, RT.6/RW.6, Bali Mester, Kecamatan Jatinegara, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13310, Indonesia
Tikno Sukarta on Google

Mau cari macam macam souvernir dtng ke pasar jatinegara
Want to find various kinds of souvenirs at the Jatinegara market
Dwi Ristami on Google

Murah2 gaes banyak lagi pilihannya mba nya juga baik
Cheaper, many more choices, mba is also good
Esa putri on Google

Souvenirnya berkualitas tapi harga terjangkau, pelayanannya cepat, memuaskan & ramah sekali..??
Quality souvenirs but affordable prices, fast service, satisfying & very friendly .. memuaskan
Nuansa Seni Souvenir 3 on Google

Pegawai cukup baik & sangat humoris, pelayanan nya baik , souvenir nya pun sangat murah jika dibandingkan dengan toko yanh lain nya
The employees are quite good & very humorous, the service is good, the souvenirs are also very cheap when compared to other shops
Akbar Daru on Google

acara saya berjalan sempurna dengan souvenir dari nuansa seni souvenir, harga nya pun sangat murah kebetulan saya memesan gelas pada saat itu..
my program went perfectly with souvenirs from the nuances of souvenir art, the price was very cheap I happened to order a glass at that time ..
Rizki Erianto on Google

Very bad service , Pertama : missed dateline.. Kedua : missed komunikasi , barang pesenan tiba2 kosong harus tunggu lgi Ketiga : di kirim lambat, Keempat : barang tambahan gk di masukin ke pengiriman terakhir, jadi skrng kudu nunggu lagi.... Walaupun lumayan lengkap dan lokasinya stategis, seharusnya servicenya di bagus....
Very bad service, First: missed dateline .. Second: missed communication, the ordered item is suddenly empty, you have to wait again Third: send slowly, Fourth: additional items were not included in the last shipment, so now I have to wait more ... Even though it is quite complete and the location is strategic, the service should be good ....
Jefan Halim on Google

Sedikit pengalaman saya tentang pelayanan toko ini yang sanagat mengecewakan.. Tgl 01/07/18 saya pesan souvenir ke toko ini lalu saya ketemu dengan mba *k* dan kita akhirnya menemukan kesepakatan barang pesanan saya dan harga akhirnya saya Dp terlebih dahulu. Lalu saya tanyakan kapan barang ini bisa selesai dan saya ambil mba?? Dia jawab 2 mggu lagi, oke saya iyakan saja dan saya tinggal pulang. Setelah 2 mggu saya hubungi dia menanyakan apakah barang saya sudah selesai? Dan mba *k* malah mengarahkan dan disuruh meghubungi bagian gudang alias atasan dia yg bernama pak s*r*u*. Dan saya telponlah orang tersebut yg angkat telpon seorang cewek entah dia istri si pak tersebut atau bukan dan saya lgsung menanyakan pesanan saya itu dan dia jawab kalau dia tidak bisa dan gak memproduksi barang yg sesuai pesanan saya. saya mulai sedikit kesal dan bertanya" kok saya di puter" begini??? Saya datangi toko tersebut dan akhirnya saya ketemu dengan pak s*r*u*. saya panjang lebar jelaskan dr a sampai z. Dengan tujuan uang Dp saya di kembalikan saja. Tetapi dia malah menyanggupi dan bisa untuk memproduksi souvenir yg saya pesan, dan menjanjikan tangl 01/08/18 bisa di ambil. Sampailah tgl 01/08/18 saya hubungi pak tersebut lalu dia bilang pesanan mas belum selesai karena banyak pesanan lain lalu saya di janjikan 3 hari lagi selesai. Oke lah saya maklumi dan tahan emosi. 3 hari berikutnya saya hubungi pak tersebut apa yg dia jawab,?? Barang pesanan mas gagal total waktu proses produksi. Akhirnya saya di kirim foto barang yg saya pesan gagal. Dan bapak tersebut minta waktu 3 hari untuk di proses ulang. Oke saya bilang 3 hr saya ambil. Dan saya dihubungi dan di persilahkan untuk ambil barang pesanan saya dan apa yg terjadi?? Barang pesanan saya tidak sesuai yg saya pesan, warnanya pudar pengerjaannya tidak rapi intinya banyak cacat lah. Saya komplin lah kalau pesanan saya kok bgni g sesui yg saya pesan.?? Akhirnya pak s*k*u* dan mba *k* saling menyalahkan dan tidak lama kemudian nomor saya di blokir. Inti dari pengalaman saya ini semoga teman" yg belanja di toko tersebut lebih hati" dan lebih teliti. Barang siapa yg mempersulit urusan orang niscaya dia akan dipersulit kelak nanti. Semoga bermanfaat buat kita semu.!!
My little experience about the service of this shop is very disappointing .. On 01/07/18 I ordered souvenirs at this shop then I met with mba * k * and we finally found an agreement on my ordered items and the final price was Dp first. Then I asked when this item could be finished and I took mba ?? He replied in 2 weeks, okay, I will and I just go home. After 2 weeks I contacted him asking if my item was finished? And mba * k * instead directed and was told to contact the warehouse department, aka his superior, named Pak s * r * u *. And I called the person who answered a girl, whether she was the wife of the pack or not and I immediately asked for my order and she answered that she could not and did not produce the goods according to my order. I was getting a little annoyed and asked "why am I puter" like this ??? I went to the shop and finally I met Mr. s * r * u *. I at length explain from a to z. With the aim of returning my Dp money only. But he even agreed and was able to produce the souvenir I ordered, and promised that the date 01/08/18 could be taken. Arriving on 01/08/18 I contacted the pack then he said the order was not finished yet because there were many other orders then I was promised 3 more days to finish. OK, I understand and hold my emotions. The next 3 days I contacted the sir, what did he answer? Mas ordered goods failed in total production process time. Finally I was sent a photo of the item I ordered failed. And the man asked for 3 days to process it again. Okay I said I took 3 days. And I was contacted and invited to pick up my order and what happened ?? The item I ordered did not match what I ordered, the color is faded, the workmanship is not neat, the point is there are many defects. I complained that how come my order doesn't match what I ordered. ?? Finally, sir *** and mba * k * blamed each other and not long after that my number was blocked. The essence of my experience is that my friends "who shop at the store will be more careful" and more thorough. Whoever complicates people's affairs, surely he will be complicated later. Hopefully useful for us pseudo. !!
Bryando Golifer on Google

1. Chat susah dibales (alesan banjir padahal dari awal janji akan di chat untuk jenis motif nya) 2. Tidak ada komunikasi yang jelas ke pembeli 3. Barang baru di anter setelah saya datang ke toko (itu nunggu lebih dari 2 Jam) 4. Barang baru di packing stelah di tunggu lebih dari 2 Jam 5. Ada barang yang tidak di sablon nama (kecewa sekali) 6. Hasil sablon miring2 ga profesional. 7. JANGAN PERNAH PESAN KESINI.
1. Chat is difficult to trade (alesan flooding even though from the beginning the promise will be in chat for the type of motives) 2. There is no clear communication to the buyer 3. New items are delivered after I arrive at the store (it waits more than 2 hours) 4. New goods are packed after waiting more than 2 hours 5. There are items that are not in the name screen printing (very disappointed) 6. Angled screen printing results are not professional. 7. NEVER BOOK HERE.

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