Nasi Goreng 99 Bojonggede - Kabupaten Bogor

4.3/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Nasi Goreng 99 Bojonggede

Address :

Jl. Raya Bojong Gede No.100, RT./RW:/RW.02/02, Waringin Jaya, Kecamatan Bojonggede, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16920, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +8778
Postal code : 16920
Opening hours :
Monday 12:30–10PM
Tuesday 12:30–10PM
Wednesday 12:30–10PM
Thursday 12:30–10PM
Friday 12:30–10PM
Saturday 12:30–10PM
Sunday 12:30–10PM
Categories :

Jl. Raya Bojong Gede No.100, RT./RW:/RW.02/02, Waringin Jaya, Kecamatan Bojonggede, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16920, Indonesia
Lastri Marselina on Google

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Baru buka 10/10 dan langsung rame. Kesan pertama, lokasinya strategis dengan area makan cukup luas. Agak kaget karena tukang parkirnya ada 5orang!! Tempat cuci tangan ada di sebelah kiri sebelum masuk, dan kita langsung memesan dari buku menu di kasir. Aku pesan Nasi Goreng Jawa (10rb) dengan topping ayam (tambahan 6rb), dan Nasi Goreng Singapore (13rb) dengan tambahan telur (4rb) minumnya Thai Tea (6) dan Es Jeruk (6) total ditambah pajak 50rb. Mbak kasirnya bilang "ditunggu 30menit" sambil nunggu kita bisa main table game seperti UNO dan lain lain. PERINGATAN buat yang bawa lansia, harap pakai penutup kepala atau jaket, karena posisi kipas angin terlalu dekat ke kepala kalau kelamaan bisa bikin pusing atau masuk angin. Ini dia review makanannya, Nasi Goreng Jawa: nasi masih hangat tapi kering bumbunya kurang berasa dan jujur masih enakan nasgor gerobakan. Nasi Goreng Singapore: aromanya kayak kari, eneg kalau nggak ditambahin sambal dengan sayur kacang polong, wortel, buncis kalau yang ini lumayan. Btw, level kepedasan bisa kita order saat memesan. Singkat kata, maaf kami nggak akan datang lagi, karena rasanya SNI
Just opened 10/10 and immediately crowded. First impression, the location is strategic with a fairly large dining area. A bit surprised because there are 5 parking attendants!! The hand washing station is on the left before entering, and we order directly from the menu book at the cashier. I ordered the Javanese Fried Rice (10k) with chicken topping (6k extra), and Singapore Fried Rice (13k) with an additional egg (4k) and drank Thai Tea (6) and Orange Ice (6) in total plus 50k tax. Ms. the cashier said "wait 30 minutes" while waiting for us to play table games like UNO and others. WARNING for those who bring the elderly, please wear a headgear or jacket, because the fan position is too close to the head if over time it can make you dizzy or catch a cold. Here's a review of the food, Nasi Goreng Jawa: the rice is still warm but dry, the seasoning doesn't taste good and to be honest, the nasgor cart is still delicious. Singapore Fried Rice: it smells like curry, it's good if you don't add chili sauce with peas, carrots, green beans if this one is okay. Btw, we can order the level of spiciness when ordering. In short, sorry we will not come again, because it feels like SNI
Aditya Pradipta on Google

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Baru aja cobain kesini karena istri penasaran. Saya pesan paket nasi goreng Singapore dan istri paket nasi goreng kebuli. Rasanya lumayan. Tapi piringnya terlalu kecil, jadi topping/kerupuk jatuh2an. Lalu sampai rumah saya dan istri mendadak alergi(padahal istri yg alergi seafood tidak makan seafood, dan saya tidak ada alergi seafoof). Mohon pastikan untuk bahannya fresh dan higienis. Sayang lho padahal tempatnya sudah nyaman. Semangat. ?
Just tried it here because my wife was curious. I ordered the Singapore fried rice package and my wife the Kebuli fried rice package. It feels good. But the plate was too small, so the toppings/crackers fell. Then when I got home, my wife and I suddenly had allergies (even though my wife who is allergic to seafood doesn't eat seafood, and I don't have a seafood allergy). Please make sure the ingredients are fresh and hygienic. It's a shame, even though the place is comfortable. Spirit. ?
Vivi Afriyanah on Google

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Bagian catat menu dan kasir lambat, jd telat jg masuk ke dapurnya. Kl org sdh pesan tempat baiknya dikasih waktu maksimal pemesanan 2 ato 1 jam sebelum kedatangan, jd org lain yg sdh dtg malah terbengkalai. Sy dtg setengah jam sebelum berbuka malah pesanan yg dr rombongan baru masuk. Jadinya pada telat semua makan berbuka.
Triyoga AP. on Google

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Lokasinya tepat dipinggir jalan arah stasiun Cilebut. Parkiran ada, meskipun gak terlalu banyak untuk mobil. Meja banyak. Ada 2 lantai, lantai bawah untuk yang duduk di kursi, lantai atas untuk lesehan. Pesan Nasi Goreng Kebuli, rasanya so-so. Mirip kaya nasi goreng biasa tetapi di kasih bumbu kari. Porsi juga terlalu sedikit menurut saya, rasa lumayan (meskipun gak terlalu spesial) dan terlalu asin. Kayaknya SOP masak perlu di evaluasi buat dapetin yang pas rasanya. Untuk minum kemarin pesen jus jambu, komposisinya gak pas banget. Air berlimpah, jambu kurang banyak. Ambyar! Semoga kedepan lebih baik lagi.
The location is right beside the road towards Cilebut station. There is parking, although not too much for cars. Many tables. There are 2 floors, downstairs for those who sit on chairs, upstairs for lesehan. Order the Kebuli Fried Rice, the taste is so-so. It's like ordinary fried rice, but with curry seasoning. The portion is too small in my opinion, the taste is ok (though not too special) and too salty. I think the cooking SOP needs to be evaluated to get the right taste. To drink yesterday, I ordered guava juice, the composition is not really right. Abundant water, less guava. Ambyar! Hopefully in the future it will be better.
Tresna Puspa on Google

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Favorit banget nasi goreng kebuli nya ??harga terjangkau tp kualitas dan rasa beneran oke banget. Tempatnya luas, bisa jadi tempat nobar atau kumpul-kumpul, ventilasi oke banget. Jangan takut kegerahan meski no AC. Ada photo booth yg oke juga. Kids friendly dan ada mainan2 buat nyambi nunggu menu Affordable price for best quality ??????
The kebuli fried rice is really my favorite the price is affordable but the quality and taste is really really good. The place is spacious, it can be a place to hang out or get together, the ventilation is really good. Don't be afraid to be hot even if there is no AC. There is a good photo booth too. Kids friendly and there are toys for waiting for the menu Affordable price for best quality ??????
Annisa Sekar Kasih on Google

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Kemarin tanya ke kasir, "Mas, apakah nasi goreng di sini pake angciu?". Kata Masnya, "Enggak Bu". Ku tanya lagi, "Insya Allah halal ya?". "Iya, Bu. Halal insya Allah". Mantaaapp. Tempat luas & nyaman. Harga nasi goreng basic relatif murah. Pembeli memilih tambah topping sendiri (telur, sosis dll). Makanan & minuman bervariasi.
Yesterday, I asked the cashier, "Mas, does the fried rice here use Angciu?". Masnya said, "No ma'am". I asked again, "God willing, yes?". "Yes, ma'am. Halal, God willing." Mantaaapp. Spacious & comfortable place. The price of basic fried rice is relatively cheap. Buyers choose to add their own toppings (eggs, sausages, etc.). Food & drinks are varied.
Muhammad Rifqi Syauqi on Google

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inzi mountina on Google

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They have a spacious place for dine in but you cant expect a normal taste of nasi goreng here.

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