Masjid Nurul Huda - North Jakarta City

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Masjid Nurul Huda

Address :

Jemb. Sapi No.43, RT.12/RW.5, Cilincing, North Jakarta City, Jakarta 14120, Indonesia

Postal code : 14120
Categories :

Jemb. Sapi No.43, RT.12/RW.5, Cilincing, North Jakarta City, Jakarta 14120, Indonesia
Dian Permana on Google

Sandi Husnizand on Google

Tempat ibadah,ingatlah kawan hidup hanya sementara jangan lpa sedekah. arn anda tidak hidup selamanya didunia ini.
Place of worship, remember friends live only temporarily do not lose alms. arn you don't live forever in this world.
Eros Munawar on Google

Buat ibadah nyaman
Make worship comfortable
Abu Faishal on Google

masjid nurul huda termasuk masjid yg cukup tua, pertama kali shalat di masjid ini tahun 1997 dan sampai sekarang bangunan masjid sepertinya tidak berubah namun sekarang ruangan utama masjid sudah dilengkapi fasilitas ac, jadi jika shalat zuhur pun terasa cukup sejuk, pengurus masjid sangat peduli pada warga sekitar khususnya jika ada warga yg meninggal dunia maka pengurusan jenazah akan dilakukan oleh pengurus masjid dan semua kebutuhan untuk jenazah ditanggung oleh pihak masjid, mudah2an para pengurus masjid, donatur, dan semua pihak yg membantu mensejahterakan masjid ini mendapatkan pahala dan balasan kebaikan yg berlimpah...
Nurul Huda mosque includes an old mosque, first praying in this mosque in 1997 and until now the mosque building does not seem to change, but now the main room of the mosque is equipped with air conditioning facilities, so even if zuhr prayer feels cool, the mosque caretakers care deeply for the residents around, especially if there is a citizen who dies, the management of the body will be carried out by the mosque manager and all the needs for the body will be borne by the mosque, it is easy for the mosque administrators, donors, and all those who help to prosper the mosque to get reward and reward the abundant kindness .. .
syaifudin wasna on Google

Masjid spt pada umumnya.. sama spt masjid di kampung sy.. adem ber AC.. bersih.. Pengurus/Imam aktif.. kegiatan ramai dan rutin.. pengajian bapak2, ibu2, yasinan, sholawatan/marhaba.. cuma parkir mobil susah.. motor bisa..
Mosques like in general .. the same as mosques in my village .. cool air-conditioned .. clean .. Caretakers / Imams active .. busy and routine activities .. recitation of fathers, mothers, yasinan, sholawatan / marhaba .. only difficult car parking .. the motor can ..
I'mal Firdaus Seknun on Google

Masjid kenangan pernikahan dan sangat strategis buat warga sekitar,, mhon saran/masukannya buat pengurus masjid ktika stiap sholat jumat jama'ah sangat padat sekali klo bisa mesjid segera di bangun dan dibesarkan agar para warga sholat menjadi nyaman dan khusuk. Trima ksih
The mosque is a remembrance of a wedding and is very strategic for the local residents ,, mhon the advice / input for the mosque management when every Friday prayer the congregation is very congested if the mosque can be immediately built and raised so that the residents praying to be comfortable and solemn. Thank you
Taufiq Hidayatullah Assauqi on Google

Hendri on Google

well done

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