Masjid Jami' Nurul Huda - Kota Depok

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Masjid Jami' Nurul Huda

Address :

Jl. Pekapuran No.1, 22, Sukatani, Kec. Cimanggis, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16455, Indonesia

Postal code : 16455
Opening hours :
Monday 4:30–5AM
Tuesday 4:30–5AM
Wednesday 4:30–5AM
Thursday 4:30–5AM
Friday 4:30–5AM
Saturday 4:30–5AM
Sunday 4:30–5AM
Categories :

Jl. Pekapuran No.1, 22, Sukatani, Kec. Cimanggis, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16455, Indonesia
Fajar Zaki Al Faris on Google

Masjidnya bagus, enak untuk sholat
The mosque is nice, good for prayer
J Jarwoto Dake on Google

Setelah renovasi menjadi lebih bagus, walhamdulillah. Semoga semakin banyak yang shalat berjamaah di Masjid ini. Kedepanya semoga mobil jamaah yang shalat disitu bisa masuk ke lokasi parkir, aamiiin...
After renovation, it will be better, walhamdulillah. Hopefully more and more are praying in congregation in this mosque. In the future, hopefully the congregation cars that pray there can enter the parking location, aamiiin ...
Nurul Khomsiyatun on Google

Masjid (bentuk tidak baku: mesjid) adalah rumah tempat ibadah umat Islam atau Muslim. Masjid artinya tempat sujud, dan sebutan lain bagi masjid di Indonesia adalah musholla, langgar atau surau. Istilah tersebut diperuntukkan bagi masjid yang tidak digunakan untuk Sholat Jum'at, dan umumnya berukuran kecil. Selain digunakan sebagai tempat ibadah, masjid juga merupakan pusat kehidupan komunitas muslim. Kegiatan-kegiatan perayaan hari besar, diskusi, kajian agama, ceramah dan belajar Al Qur'an sering dilaksanakan di Masjid. Bahkan dalam sejarah Islam, masjid turut memegang peranan dalam aktivitas sosial kemasyarakatan hingga kemiliteran.
The mosque (non-standard form: mosque) is a house of worship for Muslims or Muslims. Masjid means a place of prostration, and other names for mosques in Indonesia are prayer rooms, langgar or surau. The term is intended for mosques that are not used for Friday prayers, and are generally small in size. Besides being used as a place of worship, the mosque is also the center of the life of the Muslim community. Holiday celebrations, discussions, religious studies, lectures and learning the Qur'an are often held at the mosque. Even in Islamic history, mosques have played a role in social and military activities.
Ahda Sabila (Sab) on Google

Mushola bukan sekedar tempat solat, namun juga tempat berkumpulnya majelis ilmu dan jalin silaturahim. Tempat ibadah lain harus mencontoh !
The mosque is not just a place of prayer, but also a gathering place for assemblies of knowledge and hospitality. Other places of worship should be modeled after!
Dedi Untung on Google

Masjid dengan 2 lantai yang nyaman dan luas, area tempat wudhu dan toilet berada dibelakang jadi tidak nampak kalo dari jalan raya. Untuk tempat parkirnya Luas, namun hanya untuk kendaraan roda 2 (motor) saja, akses utk masuk roda 4 tidal ada (mesti parkir dipinggir jalan)
The mosque with 2 floors is comfortable and spacious, the area for ablution and toilets is in the back so it is not visible from the main road. The parking area is spacious, but only for 2-wheeled vehicles (motorbikes), there is no access to 4-wheeled vehicles (you have to park on the side of the road)
Aprian Aji Nurhidayat on Google

Tempat parkirnya luas. Toilet dan tempat wudhu berada di belakang. Pintu masuk kendaraan sangat kecil, kendaraan roda 4 tidak dapat masuk.
Parking area is spacious. Toilets and ablutions are behind. The vehicle entrance is very small, 4-wheeled vehicles cannot enter.
K- Herithea on Google

Fenton Martin on Google

Lovely mosque for praying at Pekapuran. Love it.

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