Makam Cepokosari - Kabupaten Bantul

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Makam Cepokosari

Address :

Gg. Salak, Kanggotan, Pleret, Kec. Pleret, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55791, Indonesia

Postal code : 55791
Categories :

Gg. Salak, Kanggotan, Pleret, Kec. Pleret, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55791, Indonesia
Imam Bagus wijaksono on Google

Semoga secepatnya mengunjungi makan ki ageng suryomentaram
Hopefully visit Ki Ageng Suryomentaram as soon as possible
Chaya Kristanto on Google

Tempat leluhurku di makamkan di situ.....Raden Tumenggung Nitinegoro....
My ancestral place is buried there ..... Raden Tumenggung Nitinegoro ....
Paulus Tanoyo on Google

Makam keluarga di daerah Imogiri Timur, dengan tempat parkir yang luas
Family tomb in the East Imogiri area, with a large parking area
Theo Pranindya on Google

Merupakan Makam Keluarga Besar Dari Trah Nitinegoro II. Di Sinilah Ibu Saya Dimakamkan. Di Sini Jugalah Kakek & Nenek Saya Dari Keluarga Bapak Saya Juga Dimakamkan.
Is the Grave of a Large Family of the Nitinegoro II Breed. This is where my mother was buried. Here Also My Grandparents From My Father's Family Are Also Buried.
Laksmi Shitaresmi on Google

Makam tua nenek moyang dan keluraga besar kami dimakamkan.disini, trah Nitinegaran
Old grave our great ancestors and family were buried. Here, the Nitinegaran breed
Budi Hening Santoso on Google

Makam keluarga dan kerabat Ibuku, dulu tiap menjelang romadhon pasti diajak kesini oleh Almh Ibuku. Saya selalu diajak ke makam yang pintunya selalu dikunci, makam Eyang Nitinegoro II. Makam terawat bersih, dan masih banyak tempat kosong. Didepan ada Masjid yang cukup besar. Waktu Ibuku sedo, malah nggak dimakamkan disini......????
The grave of my mother's family and relatives, first every time before Ramadhan is invited by my mother Almh. I was always invited to a tomb whose door was always locked, the tomb of Eyang Nitinegoro II. Clean tombs are clean, and there are still many empty spaces. In front of the mosque is quite large. When my mother is sedo, it's not even buried here ...... ????
Meuz Prast on Google

Makam Ki Ageng Suryometaram ada di komplek makam cepokosari ini, suasananya adem tentrem.
The tomb of Ki Ageng Suryometaram is in this Cepokosari tomb complex, the atmosphere is cool.
doramasittah on Google

Makam keluarga besar trah nitigeran. Terdapat beberapa makam para ulama juga, seperti makam K.H. Abdullah yang merupakan guru K.H. Munawwir Krapyak, kemudian terdapat makam K.H. Zaini Dahlan, juga terdapat makam Kyai Kategan yang merupakan tukang ngarit di jaman Sultan Agung.
Large family graves are in full swing. There are several tombs of scholars, too, such as the tomb of K.H. Abdullah, who is a teacher of K.H. Munawwir Krapyak, then there is the tomb of K.H. Zaini Dahlan, there is also the tomb of the Kyai Kategan who was a stepson in the time of the Sultan.

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