Ma'had Tamaamul Minnah - Kabupaten Karawang

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ma'had Tamaamul Minnah

Address :

Bengle, Majalaya, Bengle, Karawang, Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat 41371, Indonesia

Postal code : 41371
Opening hours :
Monday 7:30AM–5PM
Tuesday 7:30AM–5PM
Wednesday 7:30AM–5PM
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday 7:30AM–5PM
Sunday 7:30AM–5PM
Categories :

Bengle, Majalaya, Bengle, Karawang, Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat 41371, Indonesia
MReza Satriatama on Google

Disini ada sekolah smk otomotif teknik kendaraan ringan nya ga?
Is there a light vehicle engineering vocational school here?
Rachman Firmansyah on Google

Semoga Allah memberkahi pondok pesantren ini, para pengampunya, para pengajarnya dan para santrinya. Amin
May God bless this boarding house, its benefactors, its teachers and its charities. Amen
Yoga Prima Niar on Google

Baarokallohu fiikum Tempat yg Masya ALLAH. Ibadah dan Menuntut Ilmu Sesuai QUR'AN DAN SUNNAH, Berusaha Beramal sesuai SALAFUL UMMAH dengan lingkungan serta Orang-Orang yg saling mendukung, NASEHAT MENASEHATI, AMAR MA'RUF NAHI MUNGKAR untuk mewujudkanya.
Baarokallohu fiikum The place that Masya ALLAH. Worship and Seeking Knowledge According to the QUR'AN AND SUNNAH, Trying to do good deeds in accordance with SALAFUL UMMAH with the environment and People who support each other, ADVICE ADVICE, AMAR MA'RUF NAHI MUNGKAR to realize it
عمار البشري on Google

Alhamdulillahi hamdan katsiron, thoyyiban mubaarokan fiih. Pondok Pesantren yang belandaskan Al Quran dan Sunnah sesuai dengan Pemahaman Salaful Ummah, Semoga ALLAH Subhanahu wa Ta'ala memberkahi Dakwah ini, Insya ALLAH
Alhamdulillahi hamdan katsenon, thoyyiban makararokan fiih. The Quranic Sunnah and Sunnah's boarding house according to the Salaful Understanding of the Ummah, may Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala bless this Dawah, Allah willing
Abu Aisha Wawan on Google

Semoga Alloh memberikan kita keistiqomahan dalam beragama, memegang teguh Al Haq dalam tuntunan Al Qur'an wa Sunnah . Menjaga mahad ini dan Ma'had - Ma'had lainnya di seluruh Indonesia .
Hopefully Allah will give us wisdom in religion, uphold Al Haq in the guidance of Al Qur'an wa Sunnah. Maintain this mahad and other Ma'had - Ma'had throughout Indonesia.
Wafiq Ahmad on Google

Ma'had Al Islamiy Tamaamul Minnah Semoga selalu istiqomah di atas Al Haq.
Ma'had Al Islamiy Tamaamul Minnah Hopefully always istiqomah above Al Haq.
Abu 'Abdirrauf J.Supriyadi on Google

Salah satu pondok pesantren yg berlandaskan @l Quran&as sunnah,yg sesuai dg pemahaman shohabat ...Semoga Alloh 'Azza wajalla senantiasa menjaganya agar tetap istiqomah diatas Al Haq.... Aaamiin... Baarokalloohufiykum
One of the boarding schools based on the Quran & the sunnah, which is in accordance with shohabat understanding ... May Allah 'Azza wajalla always keep him in good standing above Al Haq .... Aaamiin ... Baarokalloohufiykum

Semoga Anak2 ku di mudah kan dlm menuntut Ilmu sesuai Al Qur'an dan Al Hadist di MAHAD ini ...
I hope it will be easy for my children to study according to the Qur'an and Al-Hadith in this MAHAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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