Pesantren Al I'Tishom - Kabupaten Karawang

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pesantren Al I'Tishom

Address :

JL. Pesantren Al-I’tishom, No.1, Kedongdong - Kondang Jaya, 41371, Bengle, Klari Karawang, Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat 41371, Indonesia

Phone : 📞 +78
Postal code : 41371
Website :
Categories :

JL. Pesantren Al-I’tishom, No.1, Kedongdong - Kondang Jaya, 41371, Bengle, Klari Karawang, Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat 41371, Indonesia
taufik agung on Google

Anak saya dari SD Negeri minim belajar Qur'an dan Pemahaman Islam, setelah masuk AlI'thisom mengalami perubahan Ahlak dan hapalan sudah 3 Juz , Terima Kasih tak terkira atas pendidik dan Pengajar karena ketelatenan dan kesabaran membimbing Anak kami. Semoga Allah membalas Amal Ibadah dan bermanfaat Dunia Akherat.
My son from a public elementary school has minimal learning of the Qur'an and understanding of Islam, after entering AlI'thisom he experienced a change in his character and memorization for 3 juz. Thank you so much for the educators and teachers for your patience and patience in guiding our children. May Allah reward the Charity of Worship and benefit the Hereafter.
Heni Nurfitri on Google

sistem pondok pesantren yang mengutamakan kesederhanaan, kemandirian, persaudaraan, persamaan, jiwa korsa, dan rasa percaya diri dan juga keberanian. masjid menjadi tempat sarana belajar bersama para ustad dan pengasuh pondok yang merupakan tokoh sentral dalam pesantren yang mengajarkan nilai nilai pokok islam sesuai al-qur'an dan assunah sesuai pemahaman para salafussalih. pengajar sangat kompeten dan tingkat pendidikan yang mumpuni. dengan sistem pendidikan yang modern di pesantren al itishom, jangan raqgu untuk menitipkan putra dan putri nya ke pesantren tersebut, harga terjangkau dan lingkungan sangat asri. barokallahu fiikuna
the boarding school system that prioritizes simplicity, independence, brotherhood, equality, corporal spirit, and self-confidence and courage. The mosque is a place for learning with the clerics and boarding school caregivers who are central figures in Islamic boarding schools who teach the basic values ​​of Islam according to the Qur'an and Sunnah according to the understanding of the Salafussalih. very competent teachers and a qualified level of education. With a modern education system at the Al Itshom Islamic Boarding School, don't hesitate to entrust your sons and daughters to the pesantren, the prices are affordable and the environment is very beautiful. barokallahu fiikuna
asia muflihah on Google

Di tengah kota, pesantren dengan lahannya luas nan hijau, sungguh masya Allooh.
In the middle of the city, a boarding school with a large and green land, really masya Allah.
Rahmat Alkarawangi on Google

Alhamdulillah,pertama kali mengenal Sunnah belajar di pesantren Al Itishom,semoga selau Istiqomah dalam menjalankan Sunnah...Aamiin
Alhamdulillah, for the first time knowing the Sunnah studying at the Al Itishom boarding school, hopefully always Istiqomah in carrying out the Sunnah... Amen
O FAM on Google

Visi misi pendidikannya bagus sekali, ijazah diknas dan pesantren, terakreditasi recomended
The vision and mission of education are very good, diplomas from the Ministry of Education and Islamic Boarding Schools, are accredited recommended
Lia Rahmawati on Google

Masya Allah, sungguh indah pemandangan hijaunya dan suasana alam yang asri meskipun lumayan dekat jarak ke kota. Program pembelajaran pesantren pun luar biasa membahas beberapa kutub turots ulama terdahulu dan dengan program andalan pada tahfizh Al-Qur'an. Rasa nyaman jg didapatkan ketika menghafal di saung hijau dengan lingkungan yg mendukung. Semua jenjang dari SD sampai perguruan tinggi ada dsni. Barokallahu fiikum.
Masha Allah, the green scenery and beautiful natural atmosphere are really beautiful even though it is quite close to the city. The pesantren learning program is also extraordinary, discussing several poles of the turots of previous scholars and with a mainstay program on tahfizh Al-Qur'an. A sense of comfort is also obtained when memorizing in a green hut with a supportive environment. All levels from elementary to college are here. Barakallahu fiikum.
aa hasan on Google

Mbah No on Google

Pesantren Al I'tishom is the best

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