KUA Kec. Cikarang Selatan - Bekasi Regency

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Contact KUA Kec. Cikarang Selatan

Address :

Jl. Raya Cikarang - Cibarusah No.88, Sukadami, Cikarang Selatan, Bekasi Regency, West Java 17530, Indonesia

Postal code : 17530
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–4PM
Tuesday 8AM–4PM
Wednesday 8AM–4PM
Thursday 8AM–4PM
Friday 8AM–4PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Raya Cikarang - Cibarusah No.88, Sukadami, Cikarang Selatan, Bekasi Regency, West Java 17530, Indonesia
484H on Google

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Suitable for those who want to get married
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Asking for help, I need an amil number whose house is in jambe ... I am from arrowroot, I need amil with amil matters of marriage ...
Masnurch Solis on Google

Peran, Fungsi dan Kewenangan Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA) - Ruang Lingkup Pofil Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan adalah melaksanakan tugas umum pemerintahan dalam bidang pembangunan keagamaan (Islam) dalam wilayah Kecamatan. Melaksanakan tugas – tugas pokok Kantor Urusan Agama dalam pelayanan Munakahat, Perwakafan, Zakat, Ibadah Sosial, Kepenyuluhan dan lain-lain, membina Badan / Lembaga Semi Resmi seperti MUI, BAZ, BP4, LPTQ dan tugas Lintas Sektoral di wilayah Kecamatan .Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan mempunyai tugas melaksanakan tugas pokok dan fungsiKantor Kementerian Agama di wilayah Kecamatan berdasarkan kebijakan Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Jepara dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Adapun tugas-tugasnya meliputi: Melaksanakan sebagian tugas Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten di bidang urusan Agama Islam dalam wilayah Kecamatan.Membantu Pelaksanaan tugas Pemerintah di tingkat Kecamatan dalam bidang keagamaan.Bertanggungjawab atas pelaksanaan tugas Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan.Melaksanakan tugas koordinasi Penilik Agama Islam, Penyuluh Agama Islam dan koordinasi/kerjasama dengan Instansi lain yang erat hubungannya dengan pelaksanaan tugas KUA Kecamatan. Selaku PPAIW (Pegawai Pencatat Akta Ikrar Wakaf). Melalui KMA Nomor 18 tahun 1975 juncto KMA Nomor 517 tahun 2001 dan PP Nomor 6 tahun 1988 tentang penataan organisasi KUA Kecamatan secara tegas dan lugas telah mencantumkan tugas KUA, yaitu: Melaksanakan sebagian tugas Kantor Kementerian AgamaKabupaten/Kota di bidang urusan agama Islam dalam wilayah kecamatan. Dalam hal ini KUA menyelenggarakan kegiatan dokumentasi dan statistik (doktik), surat menyurat, pengurusan surat, kearsipan, pengetikan dan rumah tangga;Mengkoordinasikan kegiatan-kegiatan dan melaksanakan kegiatan sektoral maupun lintas sektoral di wilayah kecamatan. Untuk itu, KUA mempunyai fungsimelaksanakan pencatatan pernikahan, mengurus dan membina masjid, zakat, wakaf, baitul maal dan ibadah sosial, kependudukan dan pengembangan keluarga sakinah . Adapun implementasi pelaksanaan tugas tersebut diantaranya: Penataan Internal Organisasi.Bidang Dokumentasi dan Statistik (Doktik).Bimbingan Keluarga Sakinah dan Pelayanan Pernikahan.Pembinaan Kemasjidan, Zakat dan Wakaf.Pelayanan Hewan Kurban.Pelayanan Hisab dan Rukyat.Pelayanan Sosial, Pendidikan, Dakwah dan Ibadah Haji. Sedangkan para pejabat di KUA diantaranya kepala KUA Kecamatan dengan berpedoman pada Buku Administrasi KUA yang diterbitkan oleh Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama Jawa Tengah mempunyai tugas : Memimpin dan mengkoordinasikan kegiatan semua unsur dilingkungan KUA Kecamatan dan memberikan bimbingan serta petunjuk pelaksanaan tugas masing-masing staf (pegawai) KUA Kecamatan sesuai dengan job masing-masing.Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, Kepala KUA Kecamatan wajib mengikuti dan mematuhi petunjuk serta peraturan yang berlaku.Setiap unsur di lingkungan KUA Kecamatan, wajib mengikuti dan mematuhi bimbingan serta petunjuk kepala KUA Kecamatan dan bertanggung jawab kepada Kepala KUA Kecamatan.Dalam melaksanakan tugasnya, Kepala KUA Kecamatan bertanggungjawab kepada Kepala Kementerian Agama Kabupaten/Kota Madya.Demikian artikel saya tentang Peran, Fungsi dan Kewenangan Kantor Urusan Agama (KUA), semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi anda.
The Role, Function and Authority of the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) - Scope of the Pofil The District Religious Affairs Office is to carry out general government tasks in the field of religious development (Islam) in the District area. Carrying out the main tasks of the Office of Religious Affairs in the services of Munakahat, Waqf, Zakat, Social Worship, Counseling and others, fostering Semi-Official Agencies / Institutions such as MUI, BAZ, BP4, LPTQ and cross-sectoral tasks in the District area Office of Religious Affairs The sub-district has the task of carrying out the main tasks and functions of the Ministry of Religion's office in the District area based on the policies of the Jepara Regency Ministry of Religion Office and the applicable laws and regulations. The tasks include: Carry out some of the tasks of the Office of the Ministry of Religion in the District of Islamic Affairs in the District area. Assist the implementation of Government duties at the District level in the religious field. Responsible for carrying out the tasks of the Office of Religious Affairs of the District. with other agencies closely related to the implementation of the KUA Kecamatan duties. As PPAIW (Registrar of Pledge of Endowment Pledge). Through KMA Number 18 of 1975 in conjunction with KMA Number 517 of 2001 and Government Regulation Number 6 of 1988 concerning the organizational arrangement of the District KUAs explicitly and straightforwardly includes the duties of the KUA, namely: Carry out part of the duties of the Regency / City Ministry of Religion's office in the field of Islamic religious affairs in the district area. In this case, the KUA organizes documentation and statistical activities, correspondence, letter handling, archiving, typing and household coordination of activities and carrying out sectoral and cross-sectoral activities in the sub-district area. For this reason, KUA has the function of carrying out marriage registration, managing and fostering mosques, alms, endowments, baitul maal and social worship, population and family development. The implementation of the implementation of these tasks includes: Internal Organizational Structuring. Documentation and Statistics (Doktik). Sakinah Family Guidance and Marriage Services. Development of Mosques, Zakat and Waqf. Animal Sacrifice Services. Reckoning and Rukyat Services. Social Services, Education, Da'wah and Pilgrimage. Meanwhile, officials at the KUA, including the head of the District KUA, guided by the KUA Administration Book published by the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion, Central Java, have the following duties: To lead and coordinate the activities of all elements within the KUA of the District and to provide guidance and instructions for carrying out the duties of each staff (employee) of the KUA of the District in accordance with their respective jobs. elements in the District KUA, must follow and comply with the guidance and instructions of the head of the District KUA and be responsible to the Head of the District KUA. In carrying out their duties, the Head of the District KUA is responsible to the Head of the Religion Ministry of Regency / City. The Office of Religious Affairs (KUA), hope it will be of use to you.
Supri Yadi on Google

Maaf saya mau tanya...? Saya kan mau membuat akte kelahiran anak saya yg kelahiran bekasi .salah satu persyaratannya kan harus ada fotocopy akta nikah 6g ßh dilegalisir oleh KUA.sementara sy nikah di kampung(bkn bekasi).apakah saya bs legalisir FC akte nikah saya di bekasi...?
Sorry I want to ask ...? I want to make the birth certificate of my child who was born in bekasi. One of the requirements is there must be a photocopy of the 6g marriage certificate legalized by KUA. While I am married in the village (not bekasi). Whether I can legalize FC my marriage certificate is in bekasi ... ?

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