Kost Anggrek - Kota Depok

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kost Anggrek

Address :

Gg. H. Atan No.32, Kemiri Muka, Kecamatan Beji, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16424, Indonesia

Postal code : 16424
Categories :

Gg. H. Atan No.32, Kemiri Muka, Kecamatan Beji, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16424, Indonesia
Ristina Rosauli on Google

Maria Dwi on Google

rairaindonesia raira on Google

Bagus bersih dan rapi
Good clean and tidy
uthyrifa on Google

Kost ternyaman se pocin dengan harga yg super standar
The most comfortable boarding house at a super standard price
Zakiyah Aziz on Google

Kos nyaman dan aman 3 lantai. Kontruksi bangunan membuat suhu dalam kost adem.
Comfortable and safe boarding house 3 floors. The building construction makes the temperature in the boarding house cool.
Muhammad muarif on Google

penjaga kos tempramen dan seenaknya sendiri, bermasalah dengan pengendalian emosi, sangat tidak direkomendasikan karena bisa mengganggu kenyamanan dan keamanan aktivitas sehari hari
kos guards tempramen and arbitrarily, having problems with emotional control, are not recommended because they can disturb the comfort and safety of daily activities
Muslim Aliefyan Sigran on Google

Disitu ada orderan grab nya dan saya dapat orderan disana
There is an order for grab it and I can order there
Ayu Maghfurroh on Google

Murah, 750k per kamar dan udh include kasur, meja belajar, kursi, lemari dan km dalam. Bangunan baru tembok tebal. Namun koridor kos sangatlah kotor dan menjijikan.
Cheap, 750k per room and includes a mattress, study table, chair, cupboard and km inside. New building with thick walls. But the boarding corridor is very dirty and disgusting.

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