kos Putri Mahasiswi Rumah Warna dekat kampus IPB bogor Dramaga Darmaga kost kos2an kosan - Bogor Regency

4.8/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact kos Putri Mahasiswi Rumah Warna dekat kampus IPB bogor Dramaga Darmaga kost kos2an kosan

Address :

kost rumah warna jl raya kampus IPB, belakang polsek Dramaga, kampung Leuwikopo RT 03/02 Babakan, Babakan, Dramaga, Bogor Regency, West Java 16680, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +87
Postal code : 16680
Website : https://kost-kos-kosan-putri-mahasiswi-rumah-warna-dramaga.business.site/
Categories :

kost rumah warna jl raya kampus IPB, belakang polsek Dramaga, kampung Leuwikopo RT 03/02 Babakan, Babakan, Dramaga, Bogor Regency, West Java 16680, Indonesia
Almira Aliya Azhaar on Google

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Saya tinggal 4 tahun di Kosan ini. Kos ini bagus sekali, bentuknya rumah dengan banyak kamar didalamnya sehingga terasa sangat nyaman. Bagian ruang utaama di rumah setiap hari di bersihkan (di sapu, pel, buang sampah). Fasilitas yng disedikan sangat banyak termasuk listrik, air, gas, dan air minum dalam dispenser gratis.Setiap orang difasilitasi loker pribadi untuk menyimpan keperluan masak. Terletak di pinggir jalan utama, sangat aman karena disertai cctv di tiap rumah. Berlokasi dibelakang polsek dramaga sehingga tidak rawan pencurian. Lokasi dekat kampus, saat berangkat tidak akan melewati kemacetan. Disediakan gazebo cantik untuk belajar kelompok. Ibu kosnya dan penjagan kosan sangat baik dan cepat tanggap. Bagian luar kosan sangat cantik, banyak bunga dan bersih. Saat bulan puasa disediakan kurma dan makaan buka puasa gratis, sebulan sekali disediakan buah oleh ibu kos. Beruntung sekali bisa mendapatkan kos disini :)
I lived 4 years in this Kosan. This boarding house is very nice, the shape of a house with many rooms in it so it feels very comfortable. The main room in the house is cleaned every day (in a broom, mop, take out the trash). The facilities provided are plentiful including electricity, water, gas, and drinking water in a free dispenser. Everyone is provided with a personal locker to store cooking needs. Located on the edge of the main road, very safe because it is accompanied by CCTV in every house. Located behind the Dramaga police station so it is not prone to theft. The location is near the campus, when leaving will not pass through congestion. A beautiful gazebo is provided for group study. The boarding house mother and boarding house are very kind and responsive. The outside of the boarding house is very beautiful, lots of flowers and clean. During the fasting month, dates are provided and free fasting food, once a month fruit is provided by the boarding house mother. Very lucky to get a boarding house here :)
Pradyta Galuh on Google

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Kost yg nyaman dan aman. Kebersihannya terjaga dan fasilitasnya memadahi. Dekat dengan kampus ipb serta parkirannya luas dan aksesnya mudah
Comfortable and safe boarding. Cleanliness is maintained and the facilities are adequate. Close to the IPB campus and the parking lot is wide and easy to access
Nikita Arsy Rachmawati on Google

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tinggal di kos ini udah lebih dari 4 tahun jadi udah kayak my 2nd home. Harganya gk mahal karena sesuai dengan fasilitas yg kita dapet.Fasilitasnya lengkap mulai dari area parkir yg luas, keamanan terjamin (karena ada cctv, penjaga kos 24 jam dan dekat kantor polisi), dan fasilitas tiap rumahnya juga oke bgt. di tiap rumahnya cuma ada sekitar 10 kamar jadi gk terlalu crowded/berisik, gas+air+listrik+air minum+internet cepet pun udah include jadi klo tinggal disana cukup bawa baju sama peralatan pribadi aja. untuk jemur bajunya juga enak bgt karena tiap rumah ada ruang untuk jemurnya sendiri dan gk bakal kebasahan karena ujan. anyway disini gk pake ac karena bogor udah dingin tapi boleh bawa kipas kok. Ibu kosannya juga baik setiap bulan puasa dapet makanan buat buka puasa dan sering bgt nyediain buah. Penjaga kosnya juga ramah dan selalu berishin tiap hari. overall this is one of the best place i ever lived !
I've lived in this boarding house for more than 4 years, so it's like my 2nd home. The price is not expensive because it matches the facilities we get. The facilities are complete, starting from a large parking area, guaranteed security (because there is CCTV, 24-hour boarding guards and near the police station), and the facilities for each house are also very good. in each house there are only about 10 rooms so it's not too crowded/noisy, gas+water+electricity+drinking water+fast internet is included, so if you stay there, just bring clothes and personal equipment. for drying clothes is also really good because every house has space to dry it itself and it won't get wet because of the rain. Anyway, I don't use AC here because Bogor is already cold, but you can bring a fan. The boarding house mother is also good every month of fasting to get food for breaking the fast and often provides fruit. The boarding house keeper is also friendly and always cleans every day. overall this is one of the best place i ever lived !
Sudirman Zendrall on Google

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Kost utk putri yg cocok,aturannya mantapz ,sbagai ortu yg anaknya di sini merasa aman,, fasilitas utk belajar bersama-pun tersedia sangat cocok buat mahasiswi kost di sini.... dan tdk lupa Ibu kost-nya baik dan ramah, dan pastinya kenangan di akhir yg di berikan ibu kost akan di kenang selalu..
The boarding house for the daughter is suitable, the rules are good, as parents whose children feel safe here, the facilities for studying together are also available which is very suitable for boarding students here .... and don't forget the boarding mother is kind and friendly, and of course the memories at the end given by the boarding house mother will always be remembered..
Farah Safira on Google

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Murah, nyaman, bersih, luas, ada cctv, dapur bersih sekali. Kamar luas rapi dan sangat layak. Wifi sangat lancar. Lokasi strategis kalo mau beli makan tinggal nyebrang jalan. Dekat dengan kampus. Tempat parkir sangat luas bisa untuk mobil dan motor, keamanan sangat baik. Penjaga ramah, bersih. Ibu kos ramah. Harga kos affordable bahkan terbilang murah untuk lokasi yang strategis dengan fasilitas seperti itu.
Cheap, comfortable, clean, spacious, there is CCTV, the kitchen is very clean. The rooms are spacious immaculate and very decent. Wifi is very smooth. Strategic location if you want to buy food, just cross the road. Close to campus. The parking lot is very spacious for cars and motorbikes, security is very good. Friendly guards, clean. The landlady is friendly. Affordable boarding prices are even relatively cheap for a strategic location with such facilities.
voye eden on Google

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Tiga setengah tahun tinggal di kos rumah warna, konsep kosan yang seperti rumah membuat kos rumah warna terasa lebih homie dan tentunya nyaman. Fasilitasnya juga sangat lengkap, dapur, gas, kulkas, galon, air, listrik, internet semuanya sudah kerekap dengan biaya bulanan kos jadi tidak perlu pusing bayar banyak hal lagi, dan untuk kos yang seua fasilitas lengkap kos rumah warna termasuk kos seng biaya sewa yang terjangkau. Lokasinya juga dekat jalan raya dan kampus, dan untuk urasan keamanan di kos rumah warna juga ada cctv 24 jam dan bahkan lokasinya di belakang kantor polisi. Untuk urusan kebersihan, menurutku kos rumah warna jadi kos yang paling bersih. Halamannya cantik banget karena banyak bunga dan bersih banget, untuk masalh parkir juga halaman kos rumah warna luas banget jadi ngga perlu khawatir kalau bawa mobil. Ibu kos juga baik banget, bahkan pas bulan ramadhan kita selalu dikasih makanan bukaan gratis dan tiap bulan dikasih buah-buahan gratis juga. Kalau mau belajar bareng juga gampang karena disini ada fasilitas ruangan buat belajar bareng yang dikasih nama rumah bambu. Yang paling penting sih penjaga kos, penjaga kos di rumah warna baik banget, dan selalu jaga kebersihan rumah warna, dari halaman sampai dalem rumah (diruangan bersama). Pokoknya selama menetap di dramaga dan main ke beberapa kos temen, kos rumah warna emang yang paling nyaman dan bersih deh ?
Three and a half years living in a color house, the concept of a boarding house that looks like a house makes the color house feel more homie and certainly comfortable. The facilities are also very complete, kitchen, gas, refrigerator, gallon, water, electricity, internet, all of which are combined with a monthly cost of boarding, so you don't have to worry about paying many more things, and for boarding, all complete facilities, including the cost of zinc, the cost of the rental fee. affordable. The location is also near the highway and campus, and for security matters at the Color House boarding house there is also 24-hour CCTV and even the location is behind the police station. In terms of cleanliness, I think the color house is the cleanest boarding house. The yard is really beautiful because there are lots of flowers and it's very clean, for parking problems, the boarding house yard is very spacious so you don't have to worry if you bring a car. The boarding house is also very kind, even during the month of Ramadan we are always given free food and every month we are given free fruit too. If you want to study together, it's also easy because here there is a room facility for studying together which is named the bamboo house. The most important thing is that the boarding house keeper, the boarding house keeper at the color house is really good, and always keeps the color house clean, from the yard to the inside of the house (shared room). Anyway, while staying in dramaga and playing at some friends' boarding houses, the color house boarding house is the most comfortable and clean one
Septiana Drs on Google

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Selama kuliah, dari awal ngekos selalu di rumah warna. Poin +nya adalah deket kampus jalan ge nyampe, jendela ngadep luar, kamar mandi dalem, free aqua, selalu bersih, parkir luas, kalo ramadhan menu berbuka grates, yg bawa motor tersedia garasi juga. ??????
During college, from the beginning, he always stayed at the color house. The plus points are that it's close to the campus, the road ge nyampe, the window looks out, the bathroom is inside, free aqua, always clean, parking is wide, if Ramadan the iftar menu is free, there is also a garage for those who bring a motorbike. ??????
Kandi Sofia Dahlan on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

Love the complex, quiet, safe and well taken care of.

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