Klinik Pratama Ratna Komala - Bekasi City

3.6/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Klinik Pratama Ratna Komala

Address :

Jl. Jambore Raya No. 15 RT.04/08 Rawalumbu, RT.001/RW.008, Bojong Rawalumbu, Tambelang, Bekasi City, West Java 17116, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +8
Postal code : 17116
Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :

Jl. Jambore Raya No. 15 RT.04/08 Rawalumbu, RT.001/RW.008, Bojong Rawalumbu, Tambelang, Bekasi City, West Java 17116, Indonesia
Bersabarlah Ahlu sunnah on Google

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ALHAMDULILLAH bidannya profesional tindakan persalinan akurat memenuhi syarat medis tempatnya nyaman anak ke 3 dan ke 4 lahir di bidan ratna cara membersihkannya pun sangat detail dan bersih banget pantas aja menjadi bidan delima karena sesuai dengan keprofesionalannya dokter usg kelas wahid dokter senior biasa melayani tindakan cessar dan praktek di rumah sakit umum bekasi dokter usg nya banyak dan senior2 jazakallahu khoir
WL professional midwife accurate delivery actions meet medical requirements comfortable place the 3rd and 4th children were born at the midwife ratna how to clean it is very detailed and very clean it's okay to be a pomegranate midwife because it is in accordance with his professionalism first-class ultrasound doctor Senior doctors usually provide cesarean section and practice at the Bekasi General Hospital There are many ultrasound doctors and seniors jazakallah khair
Mang Marfu on Google

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Sangat sangat recomendasi banget ya Sudah terbukti sama diri sy pribadi Belum pernah saya temukan klinik bersalin senyaman dan sebaik ini Tks buat bu hajjah dan sekeluarga Semoga ALLAH membalas kebaikan ibu AAMIIN ALLAHUMA AAMIIN
Very, very recommended, yes It's been proven by myself personally I have never found a maternity clinic as comfortable and good as this Tks for Mrs. Hajjah and family May Allah repay your kindness AMEN ALLAHUMA AMEN
abe tobing on Google

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Pengobatannya Sih Baik,Cuma Kalau Saran Sih Management Nya Di Perbaiki,Terutama Pelayanan Ke Pasien,Yg Saya Lihat Admin Auto Lelet,Suka Ngerumpi ky Dipasar Rawa Lumbu,,Jadi Kecewa Juga Antri dari Nmr 12 Kita Nomor 14 Nunggu nya Sampe hampir 1,5 Jam Hanya 3 Antrian,Efek Admin Nya Lelet
The treatment is good, only if it's a suggestion The management has been improved, especially the service to patients, what I saw was that the admin auto was slow, liked to chat at the Rawa Lumbu market, so disappointed in the queue from number 12, we number 14, the wait was almost 1.5 hours Only 3 queues, the admin effect is slow
angelina jasmine 3a on Google

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klinik langganan keluarga kami,makanya sy rekomendasiin sm teman..tp agak kecewa padahal dr awal sdh ditanyakan sampai 2kali bisa apa gak kl ketulangan,ada duri yg nyangkut dan dijawab bisa,tp pas dipanggil dokter cm disenterin dan disuruh kers/ugd karena disitu ga ada alatnya dan sebelum pergi disuruh kekasir untuk byr katanya biaya konsultasi. seharusnya kl ga ada alat diberitahu jd ga keluar biaya 2kali.sdh keluar duit tp tulang msh nyangkut
Our family subscription clinic, that's why I recommend it to a friend... but I'm a bit disappointed even though I've been asked twice from the start if it's good or not for bones, there is a thorn stuck and I answered yes, but when I called the doctor, I was sent off and told to work because it wasn't there. there is a tool and before going to the cashier to pay byr he said the consultation fee. it should be that if there is no tool, it will be notified so it doesn't cost twice
yuan amelia on Google

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Terima kasih untuk bunda Ratna & tim bidan yang sudah membantu saya melahirkan anak kedua. Bismillah, semoga review dari saya membantu bumils yang lain dalam menentukan tempat bersalin Secara umum + Klinik lengkap, ada UGD, Lab, dokter umum, Poli gigi, USG, Prenatal yoga, prenatal massage dan Bidan 24jam + Bisa pakai BPJS, pelayanan ga dibedakan. bidan dan staff ramah semua (*tips, kalau mau pindah faskes, baiknya 5 bulan sebelum HPL, supaya bisa antisipasi kalau nanti pindah faskes nya gagal) + Klinik bersih, peralatan lengkap, toilet bersih, ruang rawat inap nyaman Pemeriksaan rutin kehamilan + Siapapun bidannya ramah, ga nakut-nakutin dan bisa puas konsultasi ga buru-buru pasien lain + Biaya kontrol kehamilan bulanan ga pernah sampai diatas 100ribu, sudah termasuk obat. kalau pakai BPJS gratis pastinya + Bisa kontrol kapan aja, ga perlu janjian karena bidan selalu ada yang stand by. kalau mau kontrol dengan bidan Ratna, bisa janjian dulu di whatsapp + Kalau ada keluhan bisa telepon ke klinik. kalau ada tanda-tanda kehamilan bermasalah, supportive buat kasih rujukan ke RS (buat pemakai BPJS) Persalinan & Pasca Persalinan + Saat itu saya datang jam 1 malam, dan semua bidan yang sedang beristirahat langsung sigap, ga ada yang keliatan ngeluh atau ngantuk. + Semua menerapkan prokes, langsung pakai masker dan APD, asisten atau bidan seniornya. ada sekitar 5-6 yang membantu persalinan saya + Disediakan gym ball untuk memperlacar kontraksi + Persalinan di handle bidan Ratna langsung, tapi sebelum pembukaan lengkap ditemani bidan senior yang lain + Karena saat di bidan Ratna persalinan anak ke-2 jadi saya menilai secara keseluruhan, mereka sangat attention to detail apalagi dalam hal kebersihan jahitan (setelah selesai dijahit dan menunggu 2 jam, ada proses ganti baju dan dibantu bersih-bersih) + Saya memilih kelas 2, cukup bersih dan nyaman, ada TV, AC dan kamar mandi dalam + Makanan yang disediakan 4 sehat 5 sempurna. Dimasak sendiri, (contoh : sop, ayam goreng, nasi, dan tahu) ga asal beli kayak di bidan lain ya. + Pasca persalinan, ada pijat laktasi 2x, dan diajari membersihkan PD + Ruang rawat inap di lantai 2, jadi bisa jemur bayi dari koridor ruang rawat + ini yang PENTING! untuk biaya persalinan terbilang cukup terjangkau. saat saya bersalin, ada yang biayanya ga sampai 2jt. bisa telepon ke klinik tanya biayanya untuk lebih jelas. sudah ada patokan nya sesuai pilihan ruang rawat inap. VIP/kelas 2/kelas 3 - Ruang rawat inap yang saya pilih kelas 2. kebetulan kalau siang, dari jendela terlalu banyak sinar matahari. jadi ya AC nya ga dingin sama sekali. malah seperti sauna. saran saja, bisa minta suami bawa kipas tambahan dari rumah. hehe... atau bisa pilih ruang rawat tipe lain - Sisanya kesempurnaan hanya milik Allah SWT. sejauh ini saya puas dengan pelayanan nya semua tim bidan Ratna yang ramah, tulus, dan sangat membantu * foto ruang rawat inap saya ambil dari instagram @klinikbundaratna .
Thank you to Mrs. Ratna & the team of midwives who have helped me give birth to my second child. Bismillah, I hope my review helps other pregnant women in determining the place to give birth In general + Complete clinic, there are ER, Lab, general practitioner, dental poly, ultrasound, prenatal yoga, prenatal massage and 24-hour midwife + Can use BPJS, services are not differentiated. The midwives and staff are all friendly (*tips, if you want to move the health facility, it's better 5 months before the HPL, so you can anticipate if the health facility transfer fails) + Clean clinic, complete equipment, clean toilet, comfortable inpatient room Pregnancy check-up + Whoever the midwife is friendly, not intimidating and can be satisfied with the consultation without rushing other patients + The monthly pregnancy control fee has never been above 100 thousand, including medicine. if you use BPJS it's free of course + Can control at any time, no need for an appointment because the midwife is always there to stand by. if you want to control with midwife Ratna, you can make an appointment first on whatsapp + If you have a complaint, you can call the clinic. if there are signs of a problematic pregnancy, be supportive to give referrals to hospitals (for BPJS users) Labor & Postpartum + At that time I came at 1 pm, and all the midwives who were resting were immediately alert, no one seemed to complain or was sleepy. + All apply prokes, immediately wear masks and PPE, assistants or senior midwives. there are about 5-6 who helped my delivery + Provided a gym ball to accelerate contractions + Delivery was handled by Ratna's midwife directly, but before the opening was complete, she was accompanied by another senior midwife + Because when the midwife Ratna gave birth to her 2nd child, I judged that overall, they were very attentive to detail, especially in terms of stitching cleanliness (after finishing sewing and waiting 2 hours, there was a process of changing clothes and being assisted in cleaning) + I chose class 2, quite clean and comfortable, there is a TV, air conditioning and an en suite bathroom + Food provided 4 healthy 5 perfect. Cooked yourself, (example: soup, fried chicken, rice, and tofu) don't just buy it like other midwives. + After delivery, there are 2x lactation massages, and they are taught to clean the PD + Inpatient room on the 2nd floor, so you can dry the baby from the corridor of the nursing room + this is IMPORTANT! for the cost of childbirth is quite affordable. when I gave birth, there were those that didn't cost up to 2 million. you can call the clinic to ask the cost for more details. there is already a benchmark according to the choice of inpatient room. VIP/class 2/class 3 - The inpatient room that I chose was class 2. It happened that during the day, there was too much sunlight from the window. so yes the AC is not cold at all. even like a sauna. just a suggestion, you can ask your husband to bring an additional fan from home. hehe... or you can choose another type of treatment room - The rest of perfection belongs only to Allah SWT. So far I am satisfied with the service, all of the Ratna midwife team who are friendly, sincere, and very helpful * Photo of the inpatient room I took from Instagram @klinikbundaratna.
Bunga Xiaomi on Google

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Kirain USG bakal di kasih vitamin juga atau asam folat gitu sama dokternya di resepinnya obat penguat aja itu pun suruh beli di luar, pas mau bayar nanya kan ke bagian kasirnya "ko sy g di kasih vitamin atau asam folat", jawabnya "ohh itu ibuk bisa beli di luar bu" Ya kalo sy tau harus beli apa aja? Berapa mg? Berapa kali di konsumsi dalam sehari? Trus ngapain sy dateng kesini ?. Antrian usg nomer 14 tapi yg masuk ke ruangan usgnya udh 16 orang blm di panggil2 juga ?. Salah juga g nanya awalnya ternyata yg usg dokternya lg jadwal dokter cowok, pas konsul juga dokternya kyk buru2 entah karna udh kemaleman apa gimana, kurang puas sama pelayanannya, g dapet jawaban yg pas juga. G dijelasin juga bayinya yg mana? Ukurannya berapa? Cuma di kasih tau pas 2D g keliatan akhirnya pake transvaginal. Tapi tetep mau coba dulu buat dateng konsultasinya bulan depan kalo emg g cocok sy mau cari alternatif lain saja.
I thought the ultrasound would also give vitamins or folic acid, so the doctor prescribed the booster medicine, and he told me to buy it outside, when I wanted to pay, I asked the cashier, "Why don't you give me vitamins or folic acid", the answer is "Oh, that's mom." can I buy it outside, ma'am. If I know what to buy? How many mg? How many times do you consume it in a day? Then why did I come here . The ultrasound queue is number 14, but 16 people who have entered the ultrasound room haven't been called yet . It's also wrong not to ask at first, it turns out that the doctor's ultrasound is a male doctor, when the consul is also the doctor seems to be in a hurry, whether it's late or what, not satisfied with the service, didn't get the right answer either. Can you explain which baby is it? What size? I was just told that when 2D it didn't look like it ended up using a transvaginal. But I still want to try it first to come for a consultation next month, if it doesn't suit me, I'll just look for other alternatives.
Safira Raudhatul on Google

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Worst service to midwife ya
Sablon Rawapanjang on Google

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