Klinik Pratama MutiaraMedika - Bekasi City

4.1/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Klinik Pratama MutiaraMedika

Address :

Jl. Raya Hankam No.2, RT.003/RW.004, Jatimurni, Pondok Melati, Bekasi City, West Java 17431, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +897
Postal code : 17431
Opening hours :
Monday 7AM–10:30PM
Tuesday 7AM–10:30PM
Wednesday 7AM–10:30PM
Thursday 7AM–10:30PM
Friday 7AM–10:30PM
Saturday 7AM–10:30PM
Sunday 7AM–10:30PM
Categories :

Jl. Raya Hankam No.2, RT.003/RW.004, Jatimurni, Pondok Melati, Bekasi City, West Java 17431, Indonesia
Moomy on Google

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Saya ga suka pelayanannya Secara keseluruhan dokter nya ga profesional Klo ga mendesak ga butuh saya kesana,nunggu orang sekarat baru ditolong? Walau sebelumnya bukan berobat disana? Saya ga bodoh,betapa ga iklasnya pelayanan disana, walau saya bukan langganan disana dan kalo klinik langganan saya ga tutup saya ga Sudi di sini,but i know you mean dok anda merasa bukan tanggung jawab Anda untuk merawat pasien yg skit karena dokter dr klinik lain kan? Tp sy bayar loh ya bahkan klo pke BPJS pun saya bayar per bulan,tolong perbaiki layanannya. I DONT LIKE YOUR ATTITUDE
I don't like the service Overall the doctor is not professional If it's not urgent, you don't need me there, waiting for a dying person to be helped? Even though you weren't treated there before? I'm not stupid, how sincere the service there is, even though I'm not a regular there and if my subscription clinic doesn't close I don't want to be here, but I know you mean doc you feel it's not your responsibility to treat sick patients because doctors from other clinics right? But I pay, yes, even if I use BPJS, I pay per month, please improve the service. I DONT LIKE YOUR ATTITUDE
Intan Fadilah on Google

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Dokter Fadli detail nanyanya, tempatnya bersih dan bagus jd untuk antri nyaman.
Doctor Fadli asked for details, the place is clean and nice so it's comfortable to queue.
Ayu Indriyani on Google

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Beberapa kali ke klinik ini karena saya pilih sebagai klinik pratama BPJS Kesehatan. Kecewa sekali karena dokternya susah sekali untuk merujuk. Pengalaman 1: ibu saya berkali2 riwayat gula darah tinggi, seharusnya dirujuk ke RS untuk dpt perawatan dokter spesialis. tetapi tidak pernah dirujuk. Akhirnya saya bawa sendiri ke RS Pengalaman 2: adik saya pasca COVID-19 mengalami pembengkakkan kelenjar tiroid, 2 kali datang tidak ada perubahan tetap ga dirujuk, ganti dokter dulu baru bisa dirujuk. diagnosis di RS ternyata benar pembengkakkan kelenjar tiroid Pasien sekarang bisa banget cari second opinion. Iya kalau punya uang utk ke klinik lain kalau enggak, ya hanya Anda andalan pasien tsb. Update ilmu lah Dokter seniornya juga tidak menyenangkan. Menang nama aja. BYE
I have been to this clinic several times because I chose it as the BPJS Health primary clinic. Very disappointed because the doctor is very difficult to refer. Experience 1: my mother has a history of high blood sugar many times, she should have been referred to the hospital for specialist treatment. but never referenced. Finally I brought myself to the hospital Experience 2: my sister after COVID-19 had swollen thyroid gland, 2 times she came there was no change and still she wasn't referred, changed doctors first and then she could be referred. The diagnosis at the hospital turned out to be a swollen thyroid gland Patients can now really seek a second opinion. Yes, if you have money to go to another clinic, if not, then you are the patient's mainstay. Update knowledge His senior doctor was also unpleasant. Win the name. BYE
Tri Winarsih on Google

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dr Fadli.... alhamdulillah menjadi dokter terbaik untuk keluarga saya. Sejak pertama kali menginjakan kaki di daerah kranggan pada 2010, dr Fadli menjadi dokter pertama kami sampai saat ini dan in shaa Allah akan menolong seterus nya. Sehat selalu ya dok
dr Fadli.... alhamdulillah for being the best doctor for my family. Since first setting foot in the Kranggan area in 2010, Dr. Fadli has become our first doctor to date and in shaa Allah will help in the future. Always be healthy doc
Sri ayu on Google

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Seumur hidup berobat bru kali ini saya bertemu dokter yg kata katanya bikin saya sakit hati ,apa karna saya berobat pake bpjs ,cukup tau aja ternyata ilmu yg tinggi dan usia yg matang gk bisa bikin seseorang bisa lebih bijak.
My whole life for treatment, this time I met a doctor who said that it made me hurt, is it because I used BPJS for treatment, just know that high knowledge and mature age can't make someone wiser.
Dite Anisa on Google

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pengalaman pertama datang berobat pake BPJS, dengan keluhan ada benjolan di leher, saya pun menjelaskan dengan detail bahwa benjolannya tidak sakit hanya menggagu di area sekitar mulut tenggorokan dan telinga dan benjolan ini sudah bertahan selama 3 bulan ga ilang ilang, Dokternya malah bilang aku bohong kalau ada Lie Detector pasti ketahuan aku ga sakit, WHAT???!!! jd gue kudu kejang2 dulu baru di rujuk, i mean dokter baca ga sih di police BPJS untuk HAK PESERTA BPJS "mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan" kenapa malah mengintimidasi pasien mentang2 pasien datang dengan kondisi segar bugar, emang salah seorang manusia biasa menghawatirkan benjolan yg muncul di organ dalam tubuh, kita awam dok butuh penjelasan by data, situ kan dokter bukan dukun. kata dokternya saya sudah berpengalaman lama jd dokter jadi sangat tau mana org sakit mana nggak, lalu saya bilang, saya memang ga sakit dok, tapi benjolan ini apa, beliau malah bilang "BPJS bukan buat orang yg mau tau dia kenapa, kalo pasien darurat pasti saya rujuk, toh lebih senang harusnya kalau saya bilang anda baik baik aja" saya ga ngerti, mungkin matanya bisa tembus ke leher ku kali ya, padahal dia sendiri bilang di USG pun ga akan kelihatan kelenjarnya, nah kalo USG aja gabisa tembus, hebat banget dokter bisa lihat benjolan nya dan bilang ini baik baik aja tanpa pemeriksaan lebih lanjut hanya via penglihatan kasat mata. mohon maaf BPJS itu konsepnya bagus, hanya kadang2 ada oknum2 yg seperti Dr. di sini yg membuat stigma org ttg BPJS itu jelek.
first experience coming for treatment using BPJS, with complaints of a lump in the neck, I also explained in detail that the lump was not painful, only annoying in the area around the mouth, throat and ears and this lump had lasted for 3 months and didn't go away, the doctor even said I was lying if there is a Lie Detector, I'm sure I'm not sick, WHAT???!!! So I have to have a seizure before I'm referred, I mean, do doctors read the BPJS police for BPJS PARTICIPANT RIGHTS to "get health services" why do I intimidate patients even though they come in fresh and fit condition, Indeed, an ordinary human being is worried about lumps that appear in the internal organs of the body, we are laymen, doc, need an explanation by data, that's a doctor, not a shaman. the doctor said I have long experience as a doctor so I really know which people are sick or not, Then I said, I'm not really sick, Doc, but what is this lump? he even said "BPJS is not for people who want to know why he is, if it's an emergency patient I will definitely refer him, I'd be happier anyway if I told you you're fine." I don't know, maybe his eyes can penetrate my neck this time, okay? even though he himself said that even on ultrasound he would not see the glands, So if the ultrasound can't penetrate, it's great that the doctor can see the lump and says it's fine without further examination, only via naked eye. I'm sorry BPJS is a good concept, only sometimes there are people like Dr. here is what makes people stigma about BPJS ugly.
Imel Novianti on Google

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Pertama x berkunjung bawa istri periksa kehamilan begitu memuaskan.dari kerapian,kebersihan.dan keramahan Cs dan kasirnya swmuanya deh..sangat memuaskan.pegawainya semua ramah ramah..terlebih dengan Dr fadli(terimakasih pak dokter.sehat selalu y pak)beliau sangat apik dan ramah trrhadap pasien.pokoknya gk salah pilih deh milih paskes disini..
The first time I visited, I took my wife for a pregnancy check, it was very satisfying. From neatness, cleanliness, and the friendliness of Cs and the cashier, everything was very satisfying. and friendly to patients. anyway, it's not wrong to choose paskes here..
Vianda Thalia on Google

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Dr. Yayat Sumaya is a very kind and helpfull person! :)

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