2.4/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews


Address :

Jl. Hebras II No.316-576, Jatimulya, Kec. Tambun Sel., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17510, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +89
Postal code : 17510
Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :

Jl. Hebras II No.316-576, Jatimulya, Kec. Tambun Sel., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17510, Indonesia
Joddy Wahyudi on Google

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Gila minta skd aja susah bgt, kita yang ngerasain sakit dibilang "masih bisa masuk kerja", tolong lah kerja sama nya memangnya skd mengurangi gaji kalian? Orang beneran sakit bgt gakuat berangkat kaya ga percaya dokternya hadeh, ujungnya gue gamasuk ga di bayar perusahaan perkara skd harus dari BPJS ??
It's crazy to ask for skd, it's really hard, we who feel sick are said to be "still able to come to work", please cooperate, is it really about reducing your salary? People are really sick, they can't go, like they don't trust the doctor, in the end, I don't get paid by the company, the case must be from BPJS
Ratih dewi Amalia on Google

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Baru dikasih surat rujukan setelah mondar mandir periksa 4x stiap balik beda dokter jd hrs diulang2 lg apa yg skt & ada dokter yg komen "emg msh skt bu? Blom ada perubahan?" Logikanya kan kalo udh periksa lbh dari 2x hrsnya udh tau berarti obat yg diberikan tidak berfungsi atw ada Indikasi penyakit yg lain bukan asal2an ksh obat apalagi udh ada hasil lab jg, sampai akhirnya ketemu dokter okta yg memutuskan kalo memang hrs dirujuk ke RS.. Emg agak ribet kalo minta rujukan atw surat dokter disini.. Mohon ditingkatkan lg pelayanan RAMAH nya karena rata2 jutek yesss..
I was just given a referral letter after going back and forth, checking 4 times, every time the doctor came back, so it had to be repeated again, what happened today & there was a doctor who commented, "Is it still around this time, ma'am? Has there been any change?" Logically, if you have checked more than 2x, you should already know that the medicine given is not working or there are other indications of disease, it's not random, because the medicine has no lab results, until finally you meet Doctor Okta who decides if you really need to be referred to the hospital... Emg it's a bit complicated if you ask for a referral or a doctor's letter here.. Please improve the FRIENDLY service again because the average is jutek yesss..
Darpo on Google

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Mau periksa anak, nunggu dari jam 7 kurang sehabis magrib.. eeeh ngga taunya ngga ada kepastian karena dokternya belum ada.. dikira ngantri karena banyak pasien.. ditanya sama pegawainya estimasi dokter sampainya kapan, dia bilang ngga tau.. terus pasien harus nunggu sampai kapan kalau ngga ada kepastian.. hadueehhh.. Mau ngomong kasar tapiii, yasudah lah
Want to check the child, wait from 7 o'clock less after sunset... eeeh I don't know there's no certainty because the doctor isn't there yet.. I think there's a queue because there are a lot of patients.. I was asked by the staff when the doctor estimated when he would arrive, he said he didn't know.. then the patient had to wait until when if there is no certainty.. hadueehhh.. I want to be rude but it's okay
Irfan Arif on Google

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Pelayanan untuk pasien BPJS sangat buruk, apalagi saat minta rujukan untuk pembuatan kacamata, malah dipersulit dan harus ke optik terlebih dahulu, untuk mendapatkan rujukan
Service for BPJS patients is very bad, especially when asking for a referral for making glasses, it's even more difficult and has to go to opticians first, to get a referral
Endang Laraswati on Google

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banyak keluh kesah yg pengen gue tumpahin disini dari jaman hamil sampe anak lahir ,tapiii saking uda numpuk kekesalan yg gue alamin dr segi pelayanan ,para pegawai yg gapunya attiude bahkan menurut gue masi banyak pegawai yg harus di edukasi terutama bidan nya . masa 2x mau imunisasi POLIO selalu gak pernah ada bilangnya sih Polio itu beli secara pribadi dr kliniknya taudah tu gimana maksudnya ,udah gitu bekas suntik DPT di tutupnya bukan pakai solasi medis dong tapi pake solasi kertas warna kuning yakali kulit anak disamaain kertas . 1 lagi ,kayaknya bidan nya masi baru2 deh tiap kesana kaya masi anak kecil karna blum banyak pengalaman (yagapp si walaupun baru tp setidaknya harus paham gitu )gue sebagai ibu baru yg masi awam belum banyak pengetahuan seharusnya ni bidan mengedukasi si orang tua ya ,bener2 baru kejadian nih 31 OKT 2021.harusnya abis imunisasi dikasih tau harus dikompres biar ga bengkak di bagian bekas suntik ,eh anakku nangis seharian karna bekas suntikan nya bengkak dan gue ditanyain sama orang rumah (emangnya bidan nya gak ngasih tau harus dikompres ) gue bilang nggak ,karna emang gak dikasih tau sama ni bidan .alhasil 1 rumah marah2 ,marahnya sama siapa ? ya sama bidan nya dan disitu jujur gue marah bangettttt dan dalam hati GAK AKAN KESINI LAGI ,langsung deh gue secepatnya ngurus pindah faskes . gue paham biasanya abis suntik imunisasi si anak akan demam dan gue uda prepare obat penurun panas ,tp maksudnya tolong lah dijelasin "bla bla bla " supaya si anak gak nangis berlarut2 ini anak gua sampe demam 2 harian loh akhirnya gue bawa ke RS Spesialis anak karna kayak uda gapercaya ke klinik ini .parah emang
There are a lot of complaints that I want to share here from the time I was pregnant until the child was born, but because of the frustration that I have experienced in terms of service, the employees have no attiude even in my opinion there are still many employees who need to be educated, especially the midwives. 2 times I want to immunize for POLIO, there is always no one saying that Polio was bought personally from the clinic, you know what that means, that's how the DPT injection was on the lid instead of using medical tape, but using yellow paper insulation, maybe a child's skin is like paper. One more thing, I think the midwife is still new every time I go there like I'm still a child because I don't have much experience (yes, even though I'm new but at least I have to understand that) I as a new mother who still doesn't have much knowledge, the midwife should educate the parents, right? This just happened 31 October 2021. After immunization, I should have been told that I had to compress it so it doesn't swell at the injection site. My son has been crying all day because the injection site is swollen and I was asked by people at home (the midwife didn't tell me how to compress it) I said no. , because the midwife didn't let the midwife know. As a result, 1 house was angry, who was angry with? yes the midwife And there, honestly, I was really angry and in my heart I WOULD NOT BE HERE AGAIN, I immediately took care of moving health facilities. I understand that usually after injecting immunizations the child will have a fever and I have prepared fever-reducing medicine, but that means please explain "blah blah blah" so that the child doesn't cry for a long time, my child has a fever for 2 days, finally I took him to a pediatric specialist hospital because It's like I can't believe this clinic. It's really bad
Suci Fitri on Google

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Jadwal dan pelayanan poli gigi perlu di tingkatkan.. Hari kamis daftar poli gigi layanan online jkn ada stngh3 ternyata datang keklinik zonk kata pendaftaran ada nya cuma pagi doang dan harus ofline jd walaupun sudah daftar online harus daftar offline okeh dalam hati .. udah gitu suruh dtng jam 8 buat isi data siang jam stngh 12 buat pelayanannya..dalam hati wah nih mah gelaja2 kurang profesional dlm pelayanan. klo yg rumah nya jauh harus bolak.balik jd kurang efesien,kenapa daftar gak langsung pelayanan. Hemat waktu dan tenaga buat pasien. Okeh lanjut hari jumat nya dtng jam 8 daftar bener dong suruh dtng lg jam 11 siang lanjut pulang pas di tengah jalan kepikiran oh iya nih hari jumat harus sholat jumat maklum gw laki-laki wajib dong.. sebelumnya mau ngasih tahu klo ini daftar poli gigi buat anak laki-laki saya usia 6 tahun dan pasti saya ajarin buat latihan sholat jumat apalg pas bulan ramadhan kaya gini.. okeh kita dahulukan sholat jumat selesai sholat stngh13 kita pergi ke klinik ini nyampe klinik jam 13 lanjut tempat pendaftaran.. Saya; bu mau ke poli gigi Pendaftaran: udah daftar..? Saya: udah td pagi jam 8 di suruh keklinik jam 11 cuma kan saya dan anak sy wajib sholat jumat jd baru bisa datang.. Pendaftaran: dokter nya udah pulang td di tunggu in sampe jam 12 Saya: oh gpp klo gitu besok pagi sy daftar lg bisa kan karna ini hari jumat jd telat karna sholat jumat karna wajib buat laki-laki... "Dan jawaban yg buat sedikit kecewa" Pendaftaran : Dokter nya ada nya hari senin Udah dong dlm hati yaudah okeh lanjut balik badan dan pulang.. Ohiyah ini pelayan daftarnya pake bpjs kelas 1 ya dan dr tahun 2015 terdaftarnya berti hampir 7 pake faskes ini sebenernya jauh dr rumah hampir 30menit cuma udah cocok aja jd mls pindah faskes... Yaudah nih pengalaman aja buat yg mau poli gigi di sini... jd klo buat yg laki-laki jgn periksa pas hari jumat ya takutnya nanti terpaksa tertinggal sholatnya. Jd periksa hari senin-kamis klo buat wanita bebas mau hari senin-jumat... Buat klinik ini yuk tingkatkan lg dalam pelayananya, klo bisa ada jadwal dokter gigi nya dan pendaftar langsung pelayannya misal kaya ditempat lain pagi dr jam 08-11. Sore dr jam 16-19. Dan di batasi misal dlm 1 shiff hanya melayani 10 orang. Jd gak perlu bolak-balik kasihan yg rumah jauh dr klinik.
The schedule and services of the dental clinic need to be improved.. Thursday, register for the dental clinic online, if there is stngh3 it turns out to come to the clinic, the word registration is only in the morning and must be offline, so even though you have registered online, you have to register offline okay in your heart.. That's it, I was told to come at 8 to fill in the data at noon at 12 am for the service.. in my heart, I feel like I'm not professional in service. If the house is far away, you have to go back and forth so it's less efficient, why don't you register directly for service. Save time and energy for patients. Ok, on Friday, it's 8 o'clock, register right, tell me to come again at 11 o'clock in the afternoon and go home when you're in the middle of the road thinking, oh yeah, it's Friday, you have to pray Friday, you know, I'm a male, I'm obligated. For my son who is 6 years old and I will definitely teach you how to practice Friday prayers, especially during the month of Ramadan like this.. OK, let's do Friday prayers. After praying Stngh13, we go to this clinic and arrive at the clinic at 13. Then the registration area.. I; Mom, you want to go to the dental office Registration: already registered..? Me: this morning at 8, I was told to go to the clinic at 11, only me and my son had to pray Friday so I could just come.. Registration: the doctor has come home, he's not waiting until 12 o'clock Me: oh it's okay if that's the case tomorrow morning I can register again because it's Friday so I'm late because Friday prayers are mandatory for men... "And the answer that made me a little disappointed" Registration: The doctor is there on Monday It's already in my heart, okay, let's go back and go home.. Oh, this server registers using BPJS class 1, yes, and since 2015 the registration means that almost 7 use this health facility, actually it's almost 30 minutes away from home, it's just that it's just right, so it's time to move the health facility... Well, it's just an experience for those who want a dental clinic here... so if it's a male, don't check on Friday, I'm afraid you'll have to miss your prayers. So check Monday-Thursday if women are free, Monday-Friday... For this clinic, let's improve its services, if possible, there is a dentist schedule and direct registrants for service, for example, like in other places morning from 08-11 am. Afternoon from 16-19. And it is limited, for example, in 1 shift it only serves 10 people. So no need to go back and forth sorry for those who are far from the clinic.
Mela Kusmiawati on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

Good service
Mariyah Saputra on Google

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