Klinik Medista - Kota Bogor

4.7/5 β˜… based on 6 reviews

Contact Klinik Medista

Address :

Jl. Ciremei Ujung No.3, RT.01/RW.06, Bantarjati, Kec. Bogor Utara, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16153, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +8897
Postal code : 16153
Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :

Jl. Ciremei Ujung No.3, RT.01/RW.06, Bantarjati, Kec. Bogor Utara, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16153, Indonesia
Ari Ardian Ardian on Google

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Jmptan nya jauh tp gacoor
The distance is far but bad
Susi Anika Math Channel on Google

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dr.nya ramah
the dr is friendly
Isa Rs on Google

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Dokter umum 24 jam Tidak menyediakan oksigen dan infus Klinik rawat jalan Harga ramah kantong
24-hour general practitioner Does not provide oxygen and infusion Outpatient Clinic Friendly bag prices
Romano Diansyah on Google

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Beberapa kali kesini dokternya dapet ramah, tapi kemarin dapet dokter yang sangat bikin saya malas untuk balik ke klinik ini. Saat masuk ruangan posisi dokter menyender santai duduk dikursi, terlihat acuh sama kedatangan pasien. Bener aja, cerita belum selesai sudah didiagnosis hanya penyakit lambung. Saya bilang saya butuh ke Sppd (bukan niat melangkahi inhealth klinik umum), karena alasan yang saya jelaskan ke dokter tadi. Dokter tsb langsung defensif dan memberikan mimik tidak baik. Saya jelaskan ulang dengan lengkap, benar saja dokter terkait tidak mendengarkan penjelasan saya dengan baik. Tanpa bilang apapun saya langsung ditanya memang kalau sakit yg saya sebutkan mau dirujuk ke spesialis apa? Saya yang lebih tidak ngerti spesialis dan dikepala cuma kepikiran pernah baca SPOG dan SPPD menyebutkan β€œKurang tau, mungkin SPOG atau SPPD” dan dokter tsb semakin meledek/menghina karena saya menyebutkan SPOG padahal saya pria. Akhirnya diberikan rujukan ke SPPD, semoga saat saya kesana saya tidak bertemu dokter tersebut lagi. Jika dokter tsb baca, ada beberapa hal yg mau saya sampaikan: 1. Listen to your patients! Dengarkan dengan baik cerita pasien tentang sakitnya. Dengarkan hingga tuntas juga ya. Jangan sok2an diagnosa tanpa mendengarkan dengan baik! Posisi duduk santai/angkuuh mungkin masih bisa saya toleransi, tetapi anda tidak mendengar cerita penuh hingga misdiagnosed itu fckd up. 2. Jika pasien salah nyebut spesialis seperti saya. Tidak perlu untuk mengejek. Cukup diedukasi dengan baik. 3. Di dokter spesialis, yang pasti lebih berilmu dari sisi pengalamannya justru saya diperlakukan jauh lebih baik. Saat saya cerita awal, langsung mengerti maksud dan tujuan datang. Setelah itu karena ada concern ke sakit lain, ditanya beberapa pertanyaan untuk mendukung diagnosis awal dokter sppd tsb. Dari beberapa uji lab yang sppd lakukan terbukti saya bukan sakit Maag! Dokter2 seperti anda yang membuat saya beberapa kali dirawat inap karena penyakit terlalu parah akibat telat penanganan. Ohiya dokter sppd nya ramai loh pasiennya, tapi masih sempat untuk menanyakan beragam pertanyaan pendukung diagnosis bahkan memeriksa lidah dsb… Ini klinik sepi tapi kok kaya ga niat dan diburu2 gitu. Orang sakit dan bingung aja udah males kemana2, eh sekalinya ke dokter malah ketemu tipe begitu. Bukan sembuh malah nambah sakit. Seandainya saya ditolakpun dapet rujukan karena ternyata klinik kalian mampu memberikan uji lab dan diagnosis dengan baik ya saya ga masalah. Ini belum apa2 udah diagnosa cuma maag, gimana mau percaya lebih lanjut ditanganin dokter begitu. LISTEN TO YOUR PATIENTS AND BE A NICE HUMAN BEING! Kalian punya ilmunya, tetapi pasien yang punya badannya. Kerjasama, bantu pasien dengan ilmu kalian untuk mendiagnosis. Tanpa mendengarkan pasien dengan baik sepertinya sulit untuk mendiagnosa dengan baik. You don’t deserve to be a doctor if you can’t listen to your patients and behave yourself.
Several times the doctor has been friendly, but yesterday I got a doctor who really made me lazy to go back to this clinic. When entering the room, the doctor leaned back and relaxed in a chair, looking indifferent to the arrival of the patient. It's true, the story isn't finished yet, it's only been diagnosed with gastric disease. I said I needed to go to the Sppd (not the intention of stepping over the inhealth of a general clinic), for the reasons I explained to the doctor earlier. The doctor immediately became defensive and gave a bad look. I re-explained it in full, it was true that the relevant doctor did not listen to my explanation properly. Without saying anything, I was immediately asked if the illness I mentioned would be referred to which specialist? I, who don't understand specialists more and in my head just thought that I had read SPOG and SPPD said "I don't know, maybe SPOG or SPPD" and the doctor made fun of / insulted because I mentioned SPOG even though I'm a man. Finally, I was given a referral to the SPPD, hopefully when I go there I don't see the doctor again. If the doctor reads, there are several things I want to say: 1. Listen to your patients! Listen carefully to the patient's story about his illness. Listen to the end too. Don't pretend to diagnose without listening carefully! I can still tolerate a relaxed/snooty sitting position, but you don't hear the full story until the misdiagnosed is fckd up. 2. If the patient wrongly mentions a specialist like me. No need to mock. Quite well educated. 3. At a specialist doctor, who is definitely more knowledgeable in terms of experience, I was treated much better. When I first told the story, I immediately understood the meaning and purpose of coming. After that, because there were concerns about other illnesses, he was asked several questions to support the initial diagnosis of the sppd doctor. From several lab tests that sppd did, it was proven that I was not sick with stomach ulcers! Doctors like you who made me hospitalized several times because the disease was too severe due to late treatment. Oh yes, the sppd doctor has a lot of patients, but they still have time to ask various questions to support the diagnosis, even check the tongue etc… This is a quiet clinic but how come it's not like that and is being rushed. People who are sick and confused are lazy everywhere, but once they go to the doctor, they find that type. It's not healing, it's getting worse. Even if I get rejected, I get a referral because it turns out that your clinic is able to provide lab tests and diagnoses properly, I don't have a problem. It's nothing, it's just been diagnosed with an ulcer, how do you want to believe it will be treated by a doctor like that. LISTEN TO YOUR PATIENTS AND BE A NICE HUMAN BEING! You have the knowledge, but the patient has the body. Cooperation, help patients with your knowledge to diagnose. Without listening to the patient well it seems difficult to make a good diagnosis. You don't deserve to be a doctor if you can't listen to your patients and behave yourself.

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