Klinik Graha Medika Fatmawati - Kota Jakarta Selatan

4.2/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Klinik Graha Medika Fatmawati

Address :

No. 18 C, Jl. RS. Fatmawati Raya, RT.2/RW.2, Gandaria Sel., Kec. Cilandak, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12420, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +7
Postal code : 12420
Categories :

No. 18 C, Jl. RS. Fatmawati Raya, RT.2/RW.2, Gandaria Sel., Kec. Cilandak, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12420, Indonesia
Melly Winangun on Google

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Pertama kali berobat mata (Kalazion ) di klinik ini,tempat nya enak Dokter nya ramah baik masih muda enak di ajak konsultasi nya,Hargaa nya terjangkau bgt..Mba nya jg Ramah Recommend sihh bisa jd langganan klo ps d kasih Nikmat sakit lg sma Tuhan ..
The first time I went for eye treatment (Kalazion) at this clinic, the place is nice The doctor is friendly, kind, still young, nice to consult, the price is very affordable ... ..
Rany on Google

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Baru sekali kesini, dokter cakep dan komunikatif, harga terjangkau. Semoga terus memberikan pelayanan optimal ??
Just been here, the doctor is cute and communicative, the price is affordable. Hopefully continue to provide optimal service ??
Alvin Steviro on Google

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pelayanan cepat, ramah. Dr. Zain komunikatif dan edukatif sekali. Harga terjangkau sekali. Terima kasih banyak, semoga dokter dan staffnya sehat selalu dan kliniknya makin maju. ??????
fast, friendly service. Dr. Zain is very communicative and educative. Very affordable price. Thank you very much, I hope the doctor and staff will always be healthy and the clinic will continue to progress. ️
Agusmiyana Merdekawati on Google

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Berkunjung untuk melakukan test swab antigen untuk tujuan penggunaan syarat menaiki transportasi kereta api. Alhamdulillah pelayanan staf dan dokter sangat baik dan ramah. Juga cepat. Dan harganya terjangkau. Terima kasih.
Visiting to do an antigen swab test for the purpose of using the requirements for boarding rail transportation. Alhamdulillah, the service of the staff and doctors is very good and friendly. Also fast. And the price is affordable. Thank you.
Mesra Yulianah on Google

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Hasil nggak valid, mulai dr saya sm saudara saya cari klinik yg bisa keluar hasil pcr 1x24 jam krn mau kejer waktu untuk keberangkatan, krn klinik lain rata2 hasilnya 2x24 jam, saya telfon ke klinik katanya bisa keluar hasilny 1x24jam, ternyata hasilnya tetep molor.. saya sudah mundurin jam penerbangan, sampe akhirnya 3 jam sebelum terbang keluar hasil positif.. kebayang kan paniknya, mulai dari gocar yg sudah dipesan ke bandara ( gopay) kerugian tiket gagal brangkat, keluarga yg cemas, waktu, materil,imateril, di telfon berkali2 kliniknya no respon :) kami tanyakan baik2 karena jelas saya antigen negatif dan saudara saya juga tidak ada gejala apa2, malah dibuatkan hasil pcr positif! Tanpa penjelasan dr pihak klinik saat di telpon pun tidak di respon :) padahal wa yg mengirim hasil β€œONLINE” alhasil krna tidak percaya kmi sekeluarga tes PCR lagi di hari itu di klinik berbeda, setelah 2 hari tes keluar, ya benar saja hasil kami semua NEGATIF, saat saya sampai di kota saya pun saya langsung tes PCR di bayangkara, setelah 6 jam hasilny keluar juga NEGATIF.! Inget ya klo nggak fokus kerja org lain dirugikan, kalian belum saya merasakan yg kmi rasakan :) semoga kalian selalu sehat dan tidak bertemu org kesehatan seperti kalian :) SANGAT TIDAK RECOMENT untuk kalian ke klinik ini!!!! Itu semua foto adalh nomor yg di berikan dan semua no respon
The results are not valid, starting from me and my brother looking for a clinic that can produce PCr results 1x24 hours because I want to run into time for departure, because other clinics average 2x24 hours, I called the clinic and they said the results could come out 1x24 hours, the results are still delayed.. I've pushed back the flight hours, until finally 3 hours before flying out positive results... can you imagine the panic, starting from the gocar that was ordered to the airport (gopay) ticket losses failed to leave, worried family, time, material, immaterial, phoned many times the clinic has no response :) We asked nicely because it was clear that my antigen was negative and my brother also didn't have any symptoms, instead a positive PCR result was made! Even without an explanation from the clinic when on the phone, there was no response :) even though it was the wa who sent the results "ONLINE" as a result, because we didn't believe the family did the PCR test again that day at a different clinic, after 2 days the test came out, yes, our results were true. NEGATIVE, when I arrived in my city I immediately did a PCR test at Shadows, after 6 hours the results came out NEGATIVE! Remember, if you don't focus on your work, other people will be harmed, I haven't felt what we are feeling yet :) I hope you are always healthy and don't meet health people like you :) HIGHLY DO NOT RECOMMEND for you to go to this clinic!!!! That's all the photos are the numbers given and all no response
Muhamad Habibi on Google

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Lokasi dibawah stasiun MRT Haji Nawi. Pelayanan cepat dan ga antri. Ruang tunggu nyaman.
The location is under the Haji Nawi MRT station. Fast service and no queues. The waiting room is comfortable.
ayunda on Google

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Pertama kali datang ke sini karena RSUD terdekat overload pasien covid. Pelayanan sangat cepat! Tidak ngantri! Setelah daftar langsung diperiksa. Dokter Zain sangat ramah dan oke banget penjelasannya, sebagai pasien yang bawel suka nanya-nanya saya merasa terpuaskan ahaha. Dari harga tergolong murah, diagnosa radang akut under 150k. Obat diresepkan sesuai kebutuhan, alias tidak ngadi-ngadi (toel RS Si*oam yang pernah ngasih resep vitamin mata seharga 300k lol). Besok-besok bakal balik sini lagi for sure! Mantap-mantap! Thank you dokter Zain! Moga sukses terus klinik Pratama Graha Medika ???
First time coming here because the nearest hospital is overloaded with covid patients. Very fast service! No queue! After the list is immediately checked. Doctor Zain is very friendly and the explanation is very good, as a patient who is fussy and likes to ask questions, I feel satisfied ahaha. From the relatively cheap price, the diagnosis of acute inflammation is under 150k. Medicines are prescribed according to need, aka they don't beat (toel the Si*oam Hospital who once gave a prescription for eye vitamins for 300k lol). Tomorrow will come back here again for sure! Steady! Thank you doctor Zain! I wish you continued success at Pratama Graha Medika clinic
Sinta Ekadesriana on Google

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Seumur hidup baru kali ini saya ke dokter ga ditensi alias ga dicek tekanan darahnya. Apalagi jaman covid naik TJ, MRT, KRL, masuk mall, supermarket, dll minimum cek suhu badan. Lah ini ke dokter tapi ga dicek apa2. Lebih aneh lagi, dokter tidak memberikan resep obat dengan alasan obat sudah diberikan langsung dari klinik dan TIDAK PUNYA Blanco resep untuk ditebus di apotek luar. Saya ke klinik ini karena punya keluhan flu dan batuk. Maksud hati saya cuma mau minta resep obat, Krn obat yg mau saya beli hrs dgn resep dokter. Eeeh..malah ga bisa.... Kalo saya baca comment yg lain2 Dr. Zain ramah, maaf saya tdk sependapat (mudah2an cuma saya yg merasakan ketidaknyamanannya). Lucunya lagi saat itu printer klinik rusak, jd nota pembayaran, hasil antigen, tdk bisa diprint. Semoga pasien lain tidak mengalami hal yg sama dgn saya. Tolong diperbaiki lah kinerja kliniknya.
This is the first time in my life that I have gone to the doctor without having high blood pressure or having my blood pressure checked. Moreover, during the covid era, take TJ, MRT, KRL, enter malls, supermarkets, etc., minimum body temperature checks. I went to the doctor but didn't check anything. Even more strange, the doctor did not prescribe medicine on the grounds that the medicine had been given directly from the clinic and Blanco did not have a prescription to be redeemed at an outside pharmacy. I went to this clinic because I had cold and cough complaints. I mean, I just want to ask for a prescription, because the medicine I want to buy must be with a doctor's prescription. Eeeh.. even can't.... If I read the other comments, Dr. Zain is friendly, sorry I don't agree (hopefully I'm the only one who feels the inconvenience). The funny thing is that at that time the clinic printer was damaged, so the payment note, the antigen results, could not be printed. I hope other patients don't experience the same thing as me. Please improve the clinical performance.

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