Kebab Hero - Cipondoh Poris - Tangerang City

4.6/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Kebab Hero - Cipondoh Poris

Address :

Jl. Poris Indah No.54, RT.002/RW.008, Cipondoh Indah, Cipondoh, Tangerang City, Banten 15148, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +899997
Postal code : 15148
Categories :

Jl. Poris Indah No.54, RT.002/RW.008, Cipondoh Indah, Cipondoh, Tangerang City, Banten 15148, Indonesia
Sellyna Theresia on Google

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enak sih, daging nya juga motong nya tebel tebel, tapi sangat amat disayangkan pas beli ga bisa pembayaran pake cash.. dlu pertama kesini ga bisa beli karna lg ga ada saldo ovo atau gopay jadi harus balik sekali lg deh cuma karna penasaran aja..
its delicious, the meat is also cut tebel tebel, but it's very unfortunate when buying can't use cash payment .. first you can't come here because you don't have any ovo or gopay balance so you have to go back once again just because you're just curious ...
John Adriel on Google

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Sebelum pulang mampir dulu beli kebab di sini, lumayanlah. tapi bagian daging di dalam kebabnya agak gk rata, diatasnya bnyak dagingnya tapi pas kebawah udh mulai dikit cuman ada keju sama makaroninya, bagian atas ngk ada kena kejunya bagian bawahnya rame ama toppingnya aja. mungkin harus bisa lebih diratakan karena deket rumah jadi mungkin bakalan sering sering beli. dari pas masih dpt stempel klo bli ke 5 dpt kentang ke 10 dpt kebab.... ya itu aja sih.
Before returning, stop by first to buy kebabs here, not bad. but the meat inside the kebab is rather uneven, on top of it there is a lot of meat but right down there is a little cheese and macaron, and the top doesn't hit the cheese, the bottom is crowded with just the topping. maybe it should be able to be more leveled because it is near the house so maybe it will often buy often. from the right when you can still stamp it, if you get 5, you can get potatoes to 10, you can get kebabs ... that's all.
Diah Sari Oktaviani on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

Nice packaging ?? Semoga lebih ditingkatkan lagi rasanya.. overall enak dan gak terlalu banyak bawang... Letucenya terasa pait sedikit tapi ketutup sama mayonaise dan sausnya.. lebig merata lagi isiannya biar berasa dari gigitan awal hingga terakhir
Nice packaging ?? Hopefully the taste will be improved even more ... overall good and not too much onion ... The letuces taste a little pait but the lid is the same as mayonnaise and sauce ... more evenly the filling will taste from the first to the last bite
Tari Y (Raflatahugs) on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

Enak banget Kebab nya.. lain waktu pasti pesan lagi disini.. pertahankan kualitas dan rasa ya
The kebabs are really delicious.. next time will definitely order again here.. keep the quality and taste ya
Prescilla Lie on Google

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

Kebab Enak Murah bgt cuman start 13ribuan aja. Daging tebal bgt berasa beefnya & ada ayamnya juga. Worth it bgt buat dicoba! Buat yg mau psen banyak ada promo juga ?
Cheap Delicious Kebab is just the start of 13 thousand. The meat is very thick and has chicken too. Worth it for trying! For those who want to order, there are many promos too ?
GoodDay on Google

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Kebab Large Full Topping [tortilla, telur, beef, sosis, macaroni, keju, selada, bawang bombai, mayonnaise, saus tomat, saus sambal] . Rp. 20.000,- . Full as the name!? Kali ini kita cobain kebab dari @dekebab.tangerang yg lokasinya di Poris (ada beberapa cabang juga di Tangerang dan Jakarta). Terdapat 2 ukuran kebab dan beberapa varian topping yg bisa kalian mix n’ match sesuai selera. Untuk kalian yg mau coba fusion toppingnya, bisa pesen yg full topping nih kaya kita ? tortilla nya garing dan chewy, isi nya melimpah plus ngenyangin banget, dan yg paling penting semua toppingnya fresh! FULL isiannya worth the price! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Kebab Original Veggie [tortilla, selada, bawang bombai, macaroni, mayonnaise, saus tomat, saus sambal] . Rp. 11.000,- . Nah, buat kalian yg vege tetep bisa nih nikmatin kebab disini. Ada varian Veggie yg isinya vege-friendly? rasanya juga ngk kalah enak loh, kalian akan dapetin garingnya tortilla, lembut-gurihnya macaroni, dilengkapi segarnya selada dan bawang bombai? sedapppp! Meskipun ngk ada dagingnya, tapi varian ini juga ngenyangin loh. Semua toppingnya di packed sama fullnya dengan varian original beef mereka. . FYI, De’Kebab menyediakan 2 ukuran untuk kebabnya, yakni original dan large. Toppingnya juga beragam dan bisa kalian pilih sendiri. Selain datang langsung kalian juga udah bisa pesan kebab ini melalui apps transportasi online? So, kalian tinggal check aja yg terdekat dengan rumah kalian!
Kebab Large Full Topping [tortillas, eggs, beef, sausage, macaroni, cheese, lettuce, onion, mayonnaise, tomato sauce, chili sauce] . Rp. 20,000 . Full as the name! ? This time we tried the kebabs from @ dekebab.tangerang which are located in Poris (there are also several branches in Tangerang and Jakarta). There are 2 sizes of kebabs and several topping variants that you can mix and match to taste. For those of you who want to try the fusion topping, you can order the full topping, it's like ours ? the tortillas are crisp and chewy, the contents are abundant plus really good, and most importantly all the toppings are fresh! FULL stuffing worth the price! -------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Original Veggie kebab [tortillas, lettuce, onions, macaroni, mayonnaise, tomato sauce, chili sauce] . Rp. 11,000 . Well, for those of you who are still able to enjoy kebabs here. There is a Veggie variant whose contents are vege-friendly? it also tastes less delicious, you will get a crispy tortilla, soft-tasty macaroni, complete with fresh lettuce and onion β€” sedapppp! Although there is no meat, but this variant is also confused. All toppings are packed as full as their original beef variants. . FYI, De'Kebab provides 2 sizes for the kebabs, namely original and large. The toppings are also varied and you can choose for yourself. Besides coming directly you can also order this kebab through online transportation apps? So, you just have to check the closest one to your house!
Mega Silvia A on Google

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enak nih pertamakali beli di shopee food pas diskon kulitnya crunchy dagingnya tebal dan enak soal harga standart. worth it lah buat pengguna baru dan mau coba
It's delicious, the first time I bought it at Shopee Food, when it was discounted, the skin was crunchy, the meat was thick and delicious, at a standard price. it's worth it for new users and want to try

β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜… β˜…

The kebab & the service is excellent. Can't wait to try again.

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