KCP SAMSAT Cibarusah - Bekasi Regency

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Contact KCP SAMSAT Cibarusah

Address :

Jl. Raya Cikarang - Cibarusah No.10, Cibarusahkota, Cibarusah, Bekasi Regency, West Java 17340, Indonesia

Postal code : 17340
Website : https://samsat.info/
Opening hours :
Monday 8:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–2PM
Thursday 8:30AM–2PM
Friday 8:30AM–2PM
Saturday 8:30AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Raya Cikarang - Cibarusah No.10, Cibarusahkota, Cibarusah, Bekasi Regency, West Java 17340, Indonesia
Morwin rebuild on Google

Rabu 8 mei 2019 saya datang untuk bayar pajak kakak saya pakai surat kuasa. Dan kata petugas pendaftaran gak bisa pakai surat kuasa disini katanya. Malah ditanya yang punya stnk nya mana?? Begoo ngapain juga pake surat kuasa kalo orangnya ada mah.
Wednesday May 8 2019 I came to pay for my brother's tax, I used a power of attorney. And said the registration officer, you can't use the power of attorney here, he said. In fact, which one is asked? How come you also use a power of attorney if the person is mah.
ferdiand effendy on Google

Proses lama, terkesan ngaret dan di persulit. Yang paling parah total pembayaran tidak sesuai sama total yang ada di aplikasi SAMBARA. Padahal ini aplikasi resmi dari kepolisian. Belum lagi persyartan kaya mau masuk kuliah, semua dicantumin. Isi formulir, FC KTP, FC SKCK, FC BPKB, dan harus dibawa yang aslinya pula
The process is long, impressed ngaret and complicated. The most severe is the total payment does not match the total in the SAMBARA application. Though this is the official application from the police. Not to mention the requirement that the rich want to go to college, all listed. Fill in the form, FC KTP, FC SKCK, FC BPKB, and the original must also be taken
Bima Nusantara on Google

Perkara beda alamat sama ktp ga mau meroses
The case is different, the address is the same as the ID card, I don't want to process it
agus satriyadi (satoryasuga) on Google

5 juli 2021.Saat ppkm darurat dari tanggal 5 -09 juli tutup(buka sampai ada pemberitahuan selanjutnya).Bayar pajak ke samsat induk cikarang. Pelayanannya bagus. Bayar pajak tahunan tidak lama 10-15 menit sudah selesai. #berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi dan tergantung antrian.
5 july 2021. During emergency PPKM from 5 -09 July closed (open until further notice). Pay tax to the Cikarang samsat main. The service is good. Paying the annual tax is not long after 10-15 minutes is complete. #based on personal experience and depending on the queue.
Iwana Phino on Google

Datang tanggal 25,sampai di Samsat jam 09.15,lokasi parkir roda 2 ada di bagian belakang gedung,kalau roda 4 kurang tau.Siapin syaratnya KTP ,STNK , BPKP asli dan foto copy-nya,Pembayaran bisa diwakilkan oleh keluarga yang satu alamat di KTP, dan harus ditunjukan KTP-nya kepada petugas.Di depan pintu sudah ada petugas yang akan memeriksa syarat nya dan akan di kasih nomor antrian.Setelah itu nunggu nomor antrian dipanggil dan masuk kedalam. Petugas ramah ,pelayanannya juga cepat(tergantung situasi dan kondisi).Lokasi strategis
Come on the 25th, arrive at Samsat at 09.15, the parking location for 2 wheels is at the back of the building, if you don't know 4 wheels. Prepare the requirements for KTP, STNK, original BPKP and a photocopy of it, Payment can be represented by a family with the same address on the KTP , and the ID card must be shown to the officer. At the front door there is an officer who will check the requirements and will be given a queue number. After that wait for the queue number to be called and enter. Friendly staff, fast service (depending on the situation and conditions). Strategic location
Fajar Ramdhani on Google

Pelayanannya sih cepet tapi sayang petugasnya datang dan bukanya tidak tepat waktu padahal antrian sudah lebih dari 50 orang
The service was fast but unfortunately the officers came and it wasn't opened on time even though the queue had more than 50 people
Dhi Dollin on Google

Proses cepat cukup 10 menitan kelar dan STNK bisa langsung di cetak di tempat,namun ya tergantung antriannya juga ? (kebetulan saya tadi antrianya ga terlalu banyak). Tapi tenang di sini ga terlalu ramai,mungkin karena belum banyak yang tahu juga. UPDATE 06-08-18 Sekarang ngantri pagi-pagi sampai siang sangat ramai,mungkin karena semua orang sudah pada tau disini ada loket pembayaran pajak. ???
The process is fast enough for 10 minutes to finish and the STNK can be printed immediately on the spot, but it depends on the queue too ? (I happened to have not too many queues). But it's quiet here, it's not too crowded, maybe because not many people know either. UPDATE 06-08-18 Now queuing in the morning until noon is very busy, maybe because everyone already knows there is a tax payment counter here. ???
Adi Solihin on Google

Pelayanan cepat tergantung antrian, kalo lagi sepi 10-15 menit selesai kalo antrianya rame bisa sampe 1-2 jam, kalo bayar pajak tahunan disini aja biayanya sama setelah saya cek di SAMBARA, tapi kalo mau BBN/BALIK NAMA saran saya mending langsung ke SAMSAT PUSAT kalo punya waktu luang, soalnya kalo disini mau BBN itu sama aja kaya biro jasa ada adm ini itunya, sesuai pengalaman saya?
Fast service depending on the queue, if it's quiet 10-15 minutes, it's over if the queue is busy it can take up to 1-2 hours, if you pay annual tax here, the cost is the same after I checked at SAMBARA, but if you want BBN/BACK NAME, my advice is to go directly to SAMSAT CENTER if you have free time, because if you want BBN here, it's the same as a service bureau, there's an admin, that's according to my experience?

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