Kantor SIM Kab Bekasi - Kabupaten Bekasi

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Contact Kantor SIM Kab Bekasi

Address :

Kantor pembuatan SIM, Sukamahi, Kec. Cikarang Pusat, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530, Indonesia

Postal code : 17530
Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Kantor pembuatan SIM, Sukamahi, Kec. Cikarang Pusat, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530, Indonesia
Niken Widies on Google

Alur perpanjangan SIM A Tgl 6 Januari 2022 Satpas PEMDA Kab.BEKASI Siapkan foto copy KTP 2 lembar 1.Daftar kesehatan 25k Langsung aja ke loket kesehatan, ad dipojok depan dekat foto copy 2.Asuransi 50k Loketnya jadi 1 tempat sama klinik kesehatan 3.Loket BRI 80k Stlah dri asuransi lgsung ke BRI,ad di dalam gedung utama,ad di sblah kiri,lgsung masuk! jangan duduk dibangku yg disediakan didepan gedung karna itu biasa'y utk yg pake calo 4. Loket pendaftaran Stlah bayar di BRI,trus ke pndftaran isi formulir 5.Isi formulir Stlah isi formulir, tnggu aj nti dipanggil 6.Ruang registrasi foto Stlah dpnggil, qt diarahkan ke ruang registrasi untuk foto 7.Pengambilan foto Stlah berkas qt diinput di ruang registrasi, qt dsruh antri untuk foto 8. Ruang produksi SIM Setelah difoto, qt diarahkan ke ruang produksi SIM,dsni qt nggu SIM qt dibuat 9.SELESAI Demikian alur perpanjangan SIM A yang sesuai prosedur total 155k, Dteng jam 08.20 slsai jam 09.20 jd cma 1jamn lah
SIM A renewal flow January 6, 2022 BEKASI district government security guard Prepare a photocopy of 2 pieces of KTP 1.Health list 25k Just go to the health counter, in the front corner near the photocopy 2.Insurance 50k The counter is 1 place with a health clinic 3. BRI counter 80k After getting insurance, go directly to BRI, it's inside the main building, it's on the left, go straight in! Don't sit on the bench provided in front of the building because that's normal for those who use brokers 4. Registration counter After paying at BRI, then go to registration fill out the form 5.Fill out the form After filling out the form, just wait for it to be called 6. Photo registration room After the call, you are directed to the registration room for photos 7.Photo taking After the qt file is entered in the registration room, you have to queue for photos 8. SIM production room After being photographed, you are directed to the SIM production room, here you are waiting for your SIM to be made 9.DONE This is the flow of SIM A extension according to the total procedure of 155k, Comes at 08.20 and ends at 09.20 so it's only 1 hour
Erwan Kardiyanto on Google

Masih banyak praktek calo dan yg paling disayangkan calo nya adalah opnum petugas itu sendiri,saya memperpanjang sim dgn sesuai prosedur,dan merasakan sendiri pilih kasih yg di lakukan petugas saya melihat yg lewat pintu belakang/pakai calo gk samai 20mnt sim sudah jadi sedangkan saya yg dgn prosedur biasa sengaja di lama"in dari mulai perekaman dan pengambilan sim setelag jadi sampai 2x saya tegor petugas nya padahal sim saya sudah jadi tapi sengaja belum di serahkan harus sampai di tegur baru di kasih. Sedangkan pas perekaman fto sama juga saya sudah antri tau" petugas memanggil orq yg baru datang jadi tergeser lah antrian saya. Saya mulai dari jam 9 kelar jam 10:30. Sedangkan yg lewat calo/pintu belakang cuma 20mnt kadang merasa sedih gmb mau ilang korupsi di Indonesia tapi kalau opnum nya saya sudah bermain kemarin tmn kena 250 belajar dari tmn akhirnya saya pilih jalur prosedural dan alhasil memang beda pelayanan nya, Untung saya gk buru" jadi gpp waste my time. Intinya kalau mau perpanjang langsung ke kiri aja dari gerbang ambil foam nya di situ jgn mau di arahkan ke belakang dari parkiran nanti kaya tmn saya kena 250rb padahal ngurus sesuai prosedur cuma 150rb. Kan lumayan....
There are still a lot of brokers practice and the most unfortunate thing is that the brokers are the officers themselves, I extended the sim according to the procedure, and felt for myself the favoritism that was done by the officers. With the usual procedure, it took a long time, starting from recording and taking the sim after it was up to 2 times I warned the officer even though my sim was ready but deliberately hadn't been handed over, I had to get reprimanded and then give it. Meanwhile, when I recorded the same photo, I was already queuing, you know," the officer called the orq who had just arrived, so my queue was shifted. I started at 9 am finished at 10:30. Meanwhile, those who go through brokers/backdoors for only 20 minutes sometimes feel sad that I want to get rid of corruption in Indonesia, but if the person is playing yesterday, my friend got 250 learning from my friend, I finally chose the procedural route and as a result, the service was different, Luckily I'm not in a hurry so I don't waste my time. The point is, if you want to extend straight to the left from the gate, take the foam there, don't want to be directed back from the parking lot, later like my friend, I get 250 thousand even though taking care according to the procedure is only 150 thousand. It's okay....
Dhi Dollin on Google

Niat melakukan perpanjangan dengan prosedur reguler eh malah masuk lewat pungli,Sama sekali tidak ada keinginan masuk ke jalur itu.Dan oknum pun tidak menawarkan jasanya alih alih memaksa kita untuk memakai jasa nya.Tahu tahu diminta 250.000IDR untuk perpanjangan,Sedangkan jika melalui jalur reguler itu sudah sama kesehatan asuransi dan pajak Totalnya 150.000IDR. Sudah terlanjur antri sih jadi ya mau nggak mau harus dibayar. ?????
The intention to do an extension with the regular procedure eh instead entered through extortion, there is absolutely no desire to enter that route. And the person does not offer his services instead forcing us to use his services. Tofu is asked for 250,000 IDR for an extension, while if through the regular route it's already the same as health insurance and taxes. The total is 150.000IDR. Already waiting in line, so whether you want it or not, you have to pay. ️
Didik Erwanto on Google

Alur perpanjangan SIM C Tgl 27 Desember 2021 Satpas PEMDA Kab.BEKASI Siapkan foto copy KTP 4 lembar 1.Daftar kesehatan 25rbu Langsung aja keloket kesehatan,ad dipojok depan dekat foto copy 2.Asuransi 50rbu Loketnya jadi 1 tempat sama klinik kesehatan 3.Loket BRI 75rbu Stlah dri asuransi lgsung ke BRI,ad di dalam gedung utama,ad di sblah kiri,lgsung masuk 4. Loket pendaftaran Stlah bayar di BRI,trus ke pndftaran isi formulir 5.Isi formulir Stlah isi formulir,tnggu aj nti dipanggil 6.Ruang registrasi foto Stlah dpnggil,qt diarahkan ke ruang registrasi untuk foto 7.Pengambilan foto Stlah berkas qt diinput di ruang registrasi, qt dsruh antri untuk foto 8. Ruang produksi SIM Setelah difoto,qt diarahkan ke ruang produksi SIM,dsni qt nggu SIM qt dibuat 9.SELESAI Demikian alur perpanjangan SIM C yang sesuai prosedur, Dteng jam 08.00 slsai jam 09.05 jd cma 1jamn lah CATATAN : Alur diatas adalah alur yang sesuai prosedur dan saya pakai cara itu,biaya total perpanjangan SIM C 150rbu Kalau mau cara cepet,biasanya ada yang nawarin 250rbu Cara mereka nawarin jasa adalah, pda saat sblum loket buka,qt semua nggu di kursi yg dsediain didepan gedung trus nti diarahkan daftar di gedung belakang,nhah...disanalah mereka mnwrkan jasanya,alurnya pun cpet trgntung brp bnyak org yg mw pake jalur cepat,cma bayar 250rbu trus antri foto trus nggu SIM jadi udah deh slse, Klo sesuai rule...stlah loket buka,ketika dsruh dftar kebelkang, jgn ragu buat lgsung ke loket kesehatan ya,qt cuma lamanya diruang registrasi krna nggu org2 yg pd pke jalur cpet. Demikian alur yang sya tau dan sesuai kejadian dihari itu,silakan mw pke alur yang mana, Ttep jaga prokes ya,semoga pandemi cpet hilang
SIM C renewal flow 27th December 2021 BEKASI district government security guard Prepare a photocopy of 4 pieces of KTP 1.List of health 25k Just go to the health counter, in the front corner near the photocopy 2.Insurance 50k The counter is 1 place with a health clinic 3. BRI counter 75 thousand After getting insurance, go directly to BRI, it's inside the main building, it's on the left, go straight in 4. Registration counter After paying at BRI, then go to registration fill out the form 5.Fill out the form After filling out the form, just wait for it to be called 6. Photo registration room After the call, you are directed to the registration room for photos 7.Photo taking After the qt file is entered in the registration room, you have to queue for photos 8. SIM production room After being photographed, you are directed to the SIM production room, here you are waiting for your SIM to be made 9.DONE Thus the flow of SIM C extension according to the procedure, Comes at 08.00 and ends at 09.05 so it's only 1 hour NOTES : The flow above is the flow according to the procedure and I use that method, the total cost of SIM C renewal is 150 thousand If you want a fast way, usually someone offers 250 thousand The way they offer services is, before the counter opens, everyone waits in the seats provided in front of the building and then they are directed to register in the back building, well... that's where they give their services, the flow is fast depending on how many people want to use the fast lane , just pay 250 thousand and then queue for photos and then wait for the SIM so it's done, If according to the rules... after the counter is open, when you are asked to register later, don't hesitate to go directly to the health counter, yes, it's only a long time in the registration room because it bothers people who are on the fast lane. That's the flow that I know and according to what happened that day, please use which path, Keep up the process, I hope the pandemic goes away soon
Ade Reza Pahlevi on Google

harnol situmorang on Google

darmawangsa on Google

Case Mul on Google

Driving license office.

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