Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Bekasi - Kabupaten Bekasi

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Contact Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kabupaten Bekasi

Address :

Komplek Perkantoran Pemerintah, Sukamahi, Kec. Cikarang Pusat, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +8997
Postal code : 17530
Website : https://disdukcapil.bekasikab.go.id/
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–3PM
Tuesday 8AM–3PM
Wednesday 8AM–3PM
Thursday 8AM–3PM
Friday 8AM–3PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Komplek Perkantoran Pemerintah, Sukamahi, Kec. Cikarang Pusat, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530, Indonesia
Willy Gunawan on Google

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Pengalaman urus akte kelahiran disini : hari ke 1 dateng ke pemda terus sama petugasnya disuruh lewat online hari ke 2 dateng ke pemda lagi karena isi lewat online sistemnya bermasalah terus sama petugasmya disuruh lewat whatsapp hari ke 5 baru di bales whatsappnya disuruh dateng ke pemda besok untuk pengambilan akte lahirnya hari ke 6 datang lagi ke pemda jam 8:30 pagi untuk memberikan berkas tapi disuruh tunggu dulu nanti di panggil setelah nunggu sampai jam 11:30 tidak dipanggil" pdhal sepi dan petugaspun ga ada manggil siapa" akhirnya jam 11:45 tanya ke petugasnya dan petugasnya bilang mau istirahat dulu besok disuruh datang lagi sumpah ini petugas" ASN kinerjanya sangat buruk, padahal mereka digaji sama rakyat . dan saya liat ulasan tempat ini hampir sama semua skemanya seakan" dipersulit yang tujuanya ya kalian semua tahu lah. gakmungkin petugas dan petinggi" tidak liat ulasan tempat" pelayanan publik seperti ini, apa tidak mau berbenah ? padahal kita sebagai masyarakat cuma ingin melengkapi surat" kenegaraan demi menjadi masyarakat yang patuh kepada peraturan tapi kenapa dipersulit seperti ini. kasian loh orang yg dateng jauh" dan mereka yang kekurangan ekonomi kehilangan waktu , tenaga dan juga materi untuk ngurus kewajibanya sebagai warga negara KHUSUSNYA ORANG YANG MAU BUAT AKTE LAHIR, MEREKA PUNYA BAYI YANG BARU LAHIR UNTUK DIJAGA ,BOLAK BALIK PEMDA GAMIKIR KASIAN SAMA BAYI MEREKA.? PAKAI HATI Tolong kalian petugas" dan petinggi" yang melayani dipublik pakai hati dan pikiran kalian masing" . bagaimana negara mau maju jika proses dan kualitas birokrasi kita seprti ini
Experience managing birth certificates here: Day 1 came to the local government and the officers were told to go online The 2nd day came to the local government again because the contents were online, the system was problematic, and the officers were told to use WhatsApp On the 5th day, he just replied to his whatsapp and was told to come to the local government tomorrow to collect his birth certificate Day 6 came back to the local government at 8:30 am to give the file but was told to wait first, later called after waiting until 11:30 am not called "even though it's quiet and the officers don't call anyone" finally at 11:45 ask the officer and the officer said he wanted to rest first tomorrow and was told to come again I swear this is an ASN officer whose performance is very bad, even though they are paid by the people. And I saw the reviews of this place are almost the same all the schemes as if "complicated whose purpose is yes you all know. It's impossible for officers and high-ranking officials to "don't see reviews of places" for public services like this, don't you want to improve? even though we as a society just want to complete the state letter in order to become a society that obeys the rules but why is it complicated like this. I feel sorry for the people who came far away" and those who lack the economy lose time, energy and also material to take care of their obligations as citizens ESPECIALLY PEOPLE WHO WANT TO GET A BIRTH CERTIFICATE, THEY HAVE A NEW BIRTH TO BE KEEP CARING, TURN BACK TO THE GAMIKIR REGIONAL GOVERNMENT ABOUT POOR FOR THEIR BABY.? WEAR HEART Please, officers and high-ranking officers who serve in the public, use your hearts and minds." How will the country progress if the process and quality of our bureaucracy is like this
Haris Prasetya on Google

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Percuma ada situ sitepak dengan tujuan untuk perbaikan pelayanan,saya coba ajukan cetak ulang ktp karna rusak tapi dr hari pertama sampai 1 minggu tidak ada progress,hanya tunggu verifikasi.,chat admin ,adminnya timbul tenggelam kadang offline kadang online,.d chat jg gak bls, Mo urus dateng langsung ke disdukcapil jauhnya minta ampun n pasti g bakal dapat antrian ribet dsb. Gimmick doang,.gak ada bukti real ..mending nembak aja dah ,dah jelas.emng dibikin gitu kali biar oknum2 penerima uang suap tidak kehilangan ceperan. Udah jaman digital masih aja birokrasi ribet dan kuno.
It's useless there is a sitepak with the aim of improving service, I tried to apply for a reprint of the ID card because it was damaged but from the first day to 1 week there was no progress, just waiting for verification. pls, You need to come directly to the Disdukcapil far away and ask for forgiveness, you won't get complicated queues, etc. It's just a gimmick, there's no real evidence.. it's better to just shoot it, it's clear. In the digital era, the bureaucracy is still complicated and old-fashioned.
Anic Hary on Google

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Ya allah... Bikin kk dan akte aja via online susahnya minta ampun, 1 bulan nyoba slalu muncul tulisan (maaf, sepertinya terjadi kesalahan pada nik / no kk anda). Katanya eror *Masa eror tiap hari*. Mau ga mau dateng kekecamatan bikin kk dulu,Ok selesai kk finish dikecamatan babelan, suruh nunggu nanti klo udah jadi diwa/via email.. Smpe 2 minggu ga ada email ataupun wa. Ngecek diwab "sitepak" Nama anak udh muncul. Tp knp ga ada wa/email???? Akhirnya dateng lg kekecamatan babelan minta dicek, akhirnya kk jd. Tinggal ngurus akte kelahiran. Bolak balik Dr ujung harapan ke kekecamatan babelan lumayan woy... Ini lg disuruh kepemda yg jauhnya minta ampun. Mana ada bayi yg ga bisa ditinggal lama. Buat apa ada situs online klo ujung2nya suruh dateng juga kepemda/kekecamatan.Tolong tingkatan donk pelayanan online dan kinerjanya. Apalg buat orang2 yg waktunya terbatas. Udah makan waktu makan ongkos pula.
Oh my God... Just making KK and certificates via online is hard to ask for forgiveness, 1 month of trying it always says something (sorry, it looks like something went wrong with your NIK / KK no). It says error *Error period every day*. Don't want to come to the sub-district and make kk first. Ok, it's finished, finished in the babelan sub-district, tell me to wait later when it becomes diwa/via email.. Up to 2 weeks there is no email or wa. Checking on the wab "sitepak" The child's name has appeared. But why is there no wa/email???? Finally, the babelan sub-district came to ask for a check, finally kk became. Just take care of the birth certificate. Going back and forth from the end of hope to the sub-district of Babelan is pretty good... This is again being ordered by the regional government that is far away to ask for forgiveness. Where is the baby that can't be left for long? What's the point of having an online site if you end up asking the local/sub-district government to come. Please, the level of online service and its performance. Especially for people whose time is limited. It's time to eat the fare anyway.
Imam Lapeo on Google

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jauh-jauh dari cibinong ke bekasi (2-3 jam perjalanan) sudah mengurus dari tingkat desa sampai kecamatan (tidak ada kendala dan lancar) tinggal.ke dukcapil sampai di kantor dukcapil masih di jam operasional tapi malah di arahkan untuk pakai cara online dan di berikan nomer whatsapp 081213595850 akhirnya mengikuti arahan petugasnya (yang saya tidak tau namanya siapa) akhirnya saya kembali ke cibinong dimana perjalanan bolak balik 6-7jam, sesampainya saya dirumah saya w.a nomer yang di berilan untuk mempertanyakan prosedur,syarat,dan melanismenya namun jawabannya suruh ajukan pakai aplikasi online, akhirnya saya coba link aplikasi online yang tersedia untuk dukcapil kab.bekasi namun sehubung ktp masih berbentuk resi belum di terbitkn dari pihak terkait pdahal sudah -+ 6 bulan, akhirnya di tolak, dan sampi detik ini pelayanan whatsapp tidak ada respon dan bantuannya untuk solusinya, 1. apakah pelayanan offline sudah tidak melayani ? 2. operator whatsappa layanan dukcapil apakah bekerja 3. alakah harus sampai 10 hari lebih menunggu dan tidak ada kejelasan. tolong di tondak petugas yang tidak produktif dan tidak membantu masyarakat.
all the way from Cibinong to Bekasi (2-3 hours drive) already taking care from village to sub-district level (no problems and smooth) stay. Go to Dukcapil until Dukcapil office is still in operating hours but instead directed to use the online method and at give the whatsapp number 081213595850 finally following the instructions of the officer (whom I don't know whose name) I finally returned to cibinong where the trip was back and forth 6-7 hours, when I arrived at my house the number was given to ask about the procedures, conditions, and melanism, but the answer was told to apply using an online application, finally I tried the online application link available for Dukcapil, Bekasi Regency, but since the ID card is still in the form of a receipt, it has not been issued by the related party even though it's been -+ 6 months, finally rejected, and until this second the whatsapp service has no response and assistance for the solution, 1. Is offline service no longer serving? 2. Does the Dukcapil Service Whatsapp operator work? 3. alakah have to wait more than 10 days and there is no clarity. Please take action against officers who are unproductive and don't help the community.
Yohanes Stefanus on Google

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PChristian d on Google

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Need more service desk for quick service
M Rifaldo on Google

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irwanda indrayana on Google

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Que ticket distributed at 8:00 am, 500 tickets issued on monday to thursday, 300 tickets on fridays. Service opens at 8:30 am, fast services provided you have all the necessary papers (see website!!), be sure to come earliest, que tickets usually all distributed by 10 am. No tickets no service ?

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