Kandang Gajah Gembira Loka - Kota Yogyakarta

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kandang Gajah Gembira Loka

Address :

Jl. Nogobondo No.2a, Rejowinangun, Kec. Kotagede, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55171, Indonesia

Postal code : 55171
Opening hours :
Monday 7AM–5PM
Tuesday 7AM–5PM
Wednesday 7AM–5PM
Thursday 7AM–5PM
Friday 7AM–5PM
Saturday 7AM–5PM
Sunday 7AM–5PM
Categories :

Jl. Nogobondo No.2a, Rejowinangun, Kec. Kotagede, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55171, Indonesia
Bastian Viery on Google

Gajahnya besar kayak temanku
The elephant is big like my friend
Wawan Elrahman on Google

Sejuk tempatnya!
Cool the place!
Berlian tiga on Google

Tempat liburan sekaligus edukasi untuk anak anak
A holiday as well as education for children
we winaresich on Google

Liburan yg mnyenangkan sambil lihat binatang2...?
A nice vacation while looking at animals ... ?
Mukhlis Bangkit on Google

Kandang luas dan tempat sesuai hewan tersebut
Spacious enclosure and place according to the animal
hanifahma amme on Google

sekian lama ga kesini, tambah bagus, tambah rapi
for a long time, it's not here, it's good, it's neat
Papa Qeela on Google

Lumayan, bisa berfoto dengan gajah hanya 15000 rupiah
Not bad, you can take pictures with an elephant for only 15,000 rupiah
Heian Vania on Google

Good to learn about animals

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