ID Express Kusumanegara - Kota Yogyakarta

2.3/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact ID Express Kusumanegara

Address :

Jl. Kusumanegara No.151, Muja Muju, Kec. Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55165, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +787
Postal code : 55165
Opening hours :
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Categories :

Jl. Kusumanegara No.151, Muja Muju, Kec. Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55165, Indonesia
Novia Indri on Google

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Paket dari Solo ke Jogja 1 minggu tidak sampai, tracking ada di umbulharjo tidak berubah sama sekali. Ditlf komplain yg jawab tlf tidak sopan, sama sekali tidak menunjukkan bahwa mereka menjual jasa. Buruk sekali pelayanannya ?????
The package from Solo to Jogja did not arrive in 1 week, the tracking in Umbulharjo did not change at all. Ditlf complaints who answer telephones are not polite, do not at all show that they sell services. Very bad service
Ali yusuf on Google

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Paket saya dari tanggal 5 sudah di th umbulharjo tapi sampe sekarang belum dikirim ke tujuan, padahal pengiriman masih dalam kota tapi lama banget nyampenya. Malah di status pengirimannya sekarang "permasalan dalam pengiriman". Kenapa jasa kirim modelan gini gak di perbaiki sampe sekarang, padahal udah lama banget banyak yang kompalain masalah yanh sama.
My package from the 5th has been in th umbulharjo but until now it has not been sent to its destination, even though the delivery is still in the city but it takes a long time to arrive. In fact the shipping status is now "problem in delivery". Why has this model delivery service not been repaired until now, even though it has been a long time since many have complained about the same problem.
Erlina Wulan on Google

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Kapok pake ID Express, di google aja ini isinya orang komplain semua. CSnya juga ga baik dlm menangani komplain. Aku kemarin baru sekali nyoba ID Express karna pas di shopee lupa ubah jasa ongkir lainnya, taunya kapok banget karna kurirnya sebelum pengiriman paket gak ada konfirmasi apapun ke aku. Dan akhirnya malah salah kirim ke alamat lainnya, giliran di konfirmasi ke kurirnya.. Dianya tidak bertanggung jawab, tidak minta maaf, tidak angkat telfon. Bahkan untuk menjelaskan pun juga tidak ada. Komplainnya terlalu banyak, kinerja tidak diperbaiki dan dievaluasi. Okeeebhayyy aja ya.
I'm tired of using ID Express, just google it, it's all about people complaining. The CS is also not good at handling complaints. I just tried ID Express yesterday because when I was at Shopee I forgot to change other postage services, I know I'm really tired because the courier before sending the package didn't have any confirmation to me. And finally they sent the wrong address to another address, it was their turn to be confirmed by the courier.. She was not responsible, didn't apologize, didn't pick up the phone. There is nothing even to explain. There are too many complaints, the performance is not improved and evaluated. Okeeebhayyy it's okay.
Make hudin on Google

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Ini Bisnis Kurir yang tugas utamanya mengantar barang bukan melempar/membuang barang. Baru kali ini menemui selama bertahun menerima paket, paketnya dilempar. Alasannya ditelpon tdk diangkat. Padahal sy duduk berjarak 15 meter dengan pagar yang terhalang mobil dan sekat yg atasnya terbuka akan mendengar dengan jelas kalau ada suara panggilan paket yang wajar. Kali ini baru dengar kata panggilan "Paket" sekali dengan suara tidak terlalu jelas.maka sy jalan menuju pagar utk memastikan apakah paket, tahu2 braak.. paket sudah dilempar dari pagar ke teras jarak 5 meter dengan lemparan ke atas tentunya agar melewati pagar dan jatuh di lantai. Saya akhirnya menuju paket yang jatuh dilantai, seperti memungut barang yang dibuang (pdhal memang iya). Sangat kejam, kurir ini memperlakukan paket pelanggan. Beginikah cara menghargai paket yang jauh-jauh dikirim dan dibungkus dengan rapi dikirim oleh pengirim dikirim ke penerima, akhirnya dilempar seperti dibuang. Meskipun sudah minta maaf tp terkesan tidak serius krn sambil sibuk buka HP dan tidak fokus ke saya tp ke HP, mk tdk saya gubris. Ini tidak benar memperlakukan milik orang lain secara kasar, dengan alasan apapun. ID Express, Bisnis Kurir yang tugas utamanya mengantar barang bukan melempar barang. Biasanya.. Panggillan "Paket" dengan suara wajar apalagi keras pasti terdengar,apapagi kalau diikuti ketuk pintu/pagar, pasti ada yg keluar. Kita sering mendengar panggian "Paket" utk tetangga, dikiranya utk kita. Tolong dibina...Mas X kaos lengan panjang warna cerah (putih) lorek gelap(hitam), utk menghargai barang orang lain. Semoga tidak terulang lagi.
This is a Courier Business whose main job is to deliver goods, not throw/throw things away. This is the first time I've seen for many years receiving the package, the package was thrown. The reason is that the call is not picked up. Even though I was sitting 15 meters away with a fence blocked by cars and an open bulkhead, I would hear clearly if there was a reasonable packet call. This time, I just heard the word "Packet" once and the voice wasn't very clear. So I walked over to the fence to check if the package was, you know, the package was thrown from the fence to the terrace a distance of 5 meters by throwing it upwards, of course, so that it passed through the fence and fell. on the floor. I ended up heading for the package that had fallen on the floor, like picking up discarded items (even though I was). Very cruel, this courier treats customer packages. This is how to appreciate a package that is far away and neatly wrapped sent by the sender is sent to the recipient, finally thrown away like thrown away. Even though I've apologized, I don't seem serious because I'm busy opening my cellphone and don't focus on me but on my cellphone, so I don't care. It is not right to treat other people's property roughly, for whatever reason. ID Express, Courier Business whose main job is to deliver goods, not throw goods. Usually.. Calls "Package" in a natural voice, especially loud, must be heard, in the morning if followed by a knock on the door / fence, someone will definitely come out. We often hear the call "Package" for neighbors, thought it was for us. Please build it... Mas X long sleeve shirt in bright color (white) with dark lorek (black), to respect other people's things. Hopefully it doesn't happen again.
Mandela Citra on Google

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Sooo loooonggh
chandra prasetyo on Google

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good job
Didik Irvana on Google

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Brama Indranata on Google

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The delivery of the goods is fast and the courier is very communicative.

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