Gunung Palasari - Bandung Regency

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Gunung Palasari

Address :

Cipanjalu, Cilengkrang, Bandung Regency, West Java 40618, Indonesia

Postal code : 40618
Opening hours :
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Categories :

Cipanjalu, Cilengkrang, Bandung Regency, West Java 40618, Indonesia

Insyaallah trip selanjutnya gunung pengkeren bumi nu teu acan ka jajap puncakna?
Insyaallah the next trip is the coolest mountain on earth that has not yet reached its peak?
Deva Zelfa on Google

Pokoknya jangan mendaki malam2.. Udah gelap.. Jalur nya ke tutup karena rimbun...
Just don't climb at night ... It's dark .. The lane to close because it's lush ...
iwa lukmana on Google

PUNCAKNYA boleh tertutup, tapi ada view terbuka di perjalanan. Trek pendek lewat palintang (warung tenda biru). Trek panjang bisa lewat bukit moko, nantinya menyusuri punggungan patahan lembang dengan kontur naik-turun dan view variatif.
The peak may be closed, but there is an open view on the way. Short track through palintang (blue tent stall). Long tracks can go through the moko hill, later along the ridge of the lembang fault with up and down contours and varied views.
the Balocks on Google

Nyobain treknya lewat batu loceng,asik dapat view yang subhanalloh..mantap pisan bos?...
Try the track through the bell stone, it's cool to get a subhanallah view.. it's really good boss?...
citruz grandis on Google

Gunung yang tidak terlalu tinggi tapi jangan dianggap sepele, cukup menantang tanjakan nya. Vegetasi nya rapat jadi teduh sepanjang perjalanan. Jangan terkecoh Kalau pas mau turun dekat puncak, ada percabangan ambil ke kiri, trek ke kanan sungguh menyakinkan tapi itu menyesatkan dengan trek yang sungguh extremely
A mountain that is not too high but should not be taken lightly, it is quite challenging to climb. The vegetation is dense so it's shady along the way. Don't be fooled. If you want to go down near the top, there is a fork take it to the left, the track to the right is really convincing but it's misleading with a track that is really extremely
Abu Mujahid on Google

Gunung ini lebih tinggi dari Gunung Manglayang. Posisinya ada di antara Gunung Manglayang dan Gunung Bukit Tunggul. Jalur pendakian menuju puncak Gunung Palasari ada tiga. Dari tiga jalur ini, jalur yang paling pendek adalah jalur dari Palintang. Tepatnya, di seberang Warung Tenda Biru. Di sana, kita start dari ketinggian 1.500-an mdpl. Kami mulai pendakian pada pukul 06.24 WIB dan sampai di puncak sekitar pukul 07.26 WIB. Di puncak, Kami istirahat sekitar 45 menit. Setelah itu, turun kembali. Ada sekitar 45 menit waktu untuk turun. Di jalur ini, ada 3 pos. Dari Warung Tenda Biru ke pos 1, jalur pendakian tidak begitu terjal. Baru dari pos 2 ke pos 3 jalan mulai menanjak dan terjal. Mendekati puncak keterjalannya mulai berkurang. Oya, di beberapa titik di jalur pendakian, ada beberapa pohon tumbang dan itu di antara yang membuat pendakian kita menjadi lebih menantang. Saya sendiri sempat terpeleset ketika melewati salah satu pohon itu. Lalu, yang juga harus dicatat, Gunung Palasari ini berbeda dengan Gunung Manglayang yang menawarkan banyak view di beberapa titik di jalur pendakian. Gunung Palasari hampir tertutup oleh pepohonan. Jangan harap menemukan view di jalur dan juga di puncak. Waktu turun, Kami menemukan ular coklat belang-belang melintasi jalur Kami dengan cepat. Tidak besar, memang, tapi cukup mengagetkan buat Kami yang sedang berjalan santai turun dari puncak. Bagi yang betul-betul mencari pengalaman mendaki, Gunung Palasari patut dicoba. Bagi yang mencari view atau sensasi berada di atas lautan awan, lebih baik cari gunung yang lain.
This mountain is higher than Mount Manglayang. Its position is between Mount Manglayang and Mount Bukit Tunggul. There are three hiking trails to the top of Mount Palasari. Of these three routes, the shortest route is the one from Palintang. To be precise, opposite the Blue Tent Warung. There, we start from an altitude of 1,500 meters above sea level. We started climbing at 06.24 WIB and arrived at the peak around 07.26 WIB. At the top, we rest for about 45 minutes. After that, come back down. There's about 45 minutes of time to get off. In this path, there are 3 posts. From Warung Tenda Biru to post 1, the hiking trail is not so steep. Just from post 2 to post 3 the road began to climb and steep. Approaching the peak his running began to decrease. Oh yes, at some point on the hiking trail, there are some fallen trees and that's one of the things that makes our climb more challenging. I myself had slipped when passing one of the trees. Then, what should also be noted, Mount Palasari is different from Mount Manglayang which offers many views at several points on the hiking trail. Mount Palasari is almost covered by trees. Don't expect to find views on the trail and also at the top. As we descended, we found a mottled brown snake crossing our path quickly. Not big, indeed, but quite surprising for us who were walking leisurely down from the top. For those who are really looking for a climbing experience, Mount Palasari is worth a try. For those who are looking for a view or the sensation of being above a sea of ​​clouds, it is better to look for another mountain.
Siti Rezani on Google

Ricky N. Sas on Google

Short trek: 1854 m dpl. Uphill 50 minutes, go down 26 minutes, about 2,16 km pp

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