Gerai SIM - Bekasi Regency

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Gerai SIM

Address :

Sentra Grosir Cikarang, Jl. RE. Martadinata No.1, RT.1/RW.4, Cikarang Kota, Cikarang Utara, Bekasi Regency, West Java 17530, Indonesia

Postal code : 17530
Opening hours :
Monday 10AM–12PM
Tuesday 10AM–12PM
Wednesday 10AM–12PM
Thursday 10AM–12PM
Friday 10AM–12PM
Saturday 10AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Sentra Grosir Cikarang, Jl. RE. Martadinata No.1, RT.1/RW.4, Cikarang Kota, Cikarang Utara, Bekasi Regency, West Java 17530, Indonesia
man Toery on Google

Buka jam berapa ya pak?udah jam 10 ko masih sepi?
What time do you open, sir? It's already 10 am, why is it still quiet?
Ramadhani Pages on Google

Kecewa banget sama google, tulisannya buka tapi kenyataannya sampe 10:50 gerai simnya masih tutup. Gerai simnya juga gakada informasi apapun huft
Very disappointed with Google, the writing was open but in fact until 10:50 the sim outlet was still closed. The sim outlet also doesn't have any information huft
MARGONO on Google

Sedih banget. Udah 4 hari ngantri tetep gak dapet jatah kuota. Padahal udah datang dari jam 8. Please pak polisi... ? Tambahin jatah kuotanya... Selama ini hanya 50 orang pertama yang dapet. Hari ini saya datang untuk yang ke-5 kalinya di SGC. Semoga hari ini saya beruntung bisa perpanjang sim. Maaf jadi sedikit cuhat...?
Really sad. Already 4 days you still can't get your quota. Even though I came from 8 o'clock. Please police officer ... ? Add the quota ... So far, only the first 50 people get. Today I came for the 5th time at SGC. Hopefully today I am lucky to be able to extend the sim. Sorry to be a little cuhat ... ?
Ahmadi Fairuzi on Google

Ingat.... tempat ini Hanya untuk perpanjangan sim saja. Yang mana sim harus h- 14 hari jatuh tempo mati. Usahakan datang jam 9:30 karena pelayanan di gerai ini baru buka jam 10:00. Peraturan terbaru sim yang sudah kelewat masa aktifnya. Harus buat baru. Dan tempat buatnya teegantung domisili masing-masing.
Remember ... this place is only for sim extension. Which sim must h-14 days die dead. Try to arrive at 9:30 because the service at this outlet only opens at 10:00. The latest sim rules that have passed their active period. Must make new. And the place for him depends on their respective domicile.
Irham Muhammad on Google

Poin poin yg harus diketahui saat mendatangi gerai sim SGC: 1. Gerai hanya utk perpanjangan SIM. Dgn catatan sudah masuk 14 hari menuju masa berlaku SIM habis. 2. SIM yg sudah lewat masa berlaku, tidak bisa perpanjang. Walaupun cuma 1 hari. Harus buat baru di Satpas dekat Pemda Kab Bekasi. 3. Saya datang hari sabtu, jam 10 sudah cukup ramai. Gerai blm buka. Baru buka sekitar pkl 10.15 4. Jgn lupa duduk paling depan sebelah kanan, karena posisi itu dianggap antrian pertama. 5. Siapkan SIM lama, fotocopy ktp 2 lembar, uang 150rb (sim c). Sudah termasuk tes buta warna & asuransi. 6. Harus mengetahui golongan darah & tinggi badan. 7. Jgn gunakan pakaian warna biru, karena background foto berwarna biru. Yang menggunakan baju biru, akan disuruh ganti atau gunakan jaket. 8. Yg unik, kita disuruh non aktifkan paket data di ponsel masing2 agar tidak mengganggu sinyal di tempat tsb. Ada satu kejadian, sistem petugas menjadi terganggu bbrp menit gara2 ada salah satu pengunjung yg blm mematikan paket data. Petugas2 ramah dan humoris. Sangat membantu proses perpanjangan sim. *pengunjung yg membawa bayi akan didahulukan
Points that must be known when visiting the SGC sim booth: 1. Outlet only for SIM extension. With notes entered 14 days before the SIM validity period expires. 2. SIM that has expired, can not renew. Even if it's only 1 day. You have to do it at the Satpas near Bekasi District Government. 3. I come Saturday, 10 o'clock is pretty crowded. The store isn't open yet. Just open around 10.15 4. Don't forget to sit in the front row on the right, because that position is considered the first queue. 5. Prepare the old SIM, photocopy of ID card 2 sheets, money 150 thousand (sim c). Color blindness & insurance included. 6. Must know your blood type & height. 7. Don't use blue clothes, because the photo background is blue. Those who wear blue clothes will be told to change or use a jacket. 8. What is unique, we are told to deactivate the data packet on each cellphone so as not to interfere with the signal in the place they will be. There was one incident, the officer system was interrupted for several minutes because there was one of the visitors who had not killed the data packet. Friendly and humorous officers. Very helpful process for sim extension. * Visitors who bring babies will take precedence
toha shmbng on Google

Sangat memuaskan dan prosesnya cepat ????
Very satisfying and the process is fast ????
hery kunardi on Google

Sangat membantu, tetapi Ada kuota blanko SIM di setiap harinya, Hanya melayani perpanjang SIM Dan minimal 2 minggu sebelum habis, lebih dari itu tidak di prioritaskan
Very helpful, but there is a SIM quota blank every day, only serves to extend the SIM and at least 2 weeks before it runs out, more than that is not prioritized
Hud Hani Dhiya on Google

Kemarin saya perpanjang SIM disini dengan membawa Suket Jawa Tengah. Alhamdulillah lancar. Saya dapat nomor antrian 30. Yang daftar perpanjang SIM dikuota 50 (cmiiw). Datang jam 10, selesai jam 12 kurang dikit.
Yesterday I extended my SIM here by bringing Central Java Suket. Thank God it goes as planned. I got the queue number 30. The one that renewed the SIM in the quota was 50 (cmiiw). Come at 10, finish at 12 a little less.

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