Dr. Niken Indrastuti SpKK - Sleman Regency

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Dr. Niken Indrastuti SpKK

Address :

Ploso Kuning II, Minomartani, Ngaglik, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55581, Indonesia

Postal code : 55581
Categories :

Ploso Kuning II, Minomartani, Ngaglik, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55581, Indonesia
Joni Linggo on Google

Ramah respon cepat.
Friendly fast response.
Achmad Ridwan on Google

Baik. Bagus. Aman dan menyenangkan. Buka praktek hanya sore hari. Senin. Selasa. Kamis.dan Jumat saja.
Well. Very nice. Safe and fun. Open practice only in the afternoon. Monday. Tuesday. Thursday and Friday only.
andre adrian on Google

Alhamdulillah sekeluarga selalu cocok dengan bu dr Niken. Baik dan ramah ??
Alhamdulillah, my family always got along well with Ms.Niken. Kind and friendly ??
Mandrageni Keris on Google

Ibu sy cocok dan sembuh.tp periksanya yg diklinik dr etna.mau coba datang langsung ke rumahnya
My mother was fit and healed. The check up that was being drilled by Dr. Ethna. She tried to come directly to her house
Triyan Ari on Google

Memuaskan. Awalnya saya cari beberapa informasi tentang jadwal praktek dokter spesialis kulit di magelang & jogja ternyata banyak yang masih tutup (karena libur natal & tahun baru) sampai akhirnya ketemu nomor HP dr. Niken dan alhamdulillah nyambung. Komunikasi lewat telfon juga di terima dengan baik, sy menanyakan beberapa hal termasuk pendaftaran dan beliau menjawab "langsung datang saja mbk, yang datang duluan bakal dilayani dulu". Alhasil jam 16.00 sy langsung berangkat dari magelang karena beliau buka praktek jam 17.00, sampai sana sekitar jam 17.08. Ternyata praktek sdh mulai, sdh ada yg di periksa. Saya menunggu giliran ke 8. Selama sy periksa ke dokter spesialis, beliau termasuk dokter yang ontime dalam melayani pasien. Salut dok. Giliran saya masuk, beliau dengan senyum dan ramah menanyakan sakit apa yg saya rasakan. Beliau cek satu persatu-satu, sedetail-detailnya, dan beliau jelaskan penyakit yang saya alami. Pertanyaan saya pun di jawab dengan jelas oleh dr. Niken. Sungguh benar2 melayani pasiennya dengan ramah. Kesan pertama yang menyenangkan. Semoga sehat selalu dok. ??
Satisfying. Initially I was looking for some information about the practice schedule of skin specialists in Magelang & Jogja, apparently many were still closed (due to Christmas & New Year holidays) until finally I found the cellphone number of Dr. Niken and thank God connected. Communication via telephone was also received well, I asked a number of things including registration and he answered "just come immediately mbk, who came first will be served first". As a result, at 16.00 I immediately departed from Magelang because he opened practice at 17.00, arriving there at around 17.08. It turns out that the practice has started, there is already a check. I am waiting for the 8th turn. During my visit to a specialist, he is a doctor who is ontime in serving patients. Salute the dock. My turn came in, he smiled and kindly asked what pain I felt. He checked one by one, in great detail, and he explained the illness I was experiencing. My question was answered clearly by Dr. Niken. Really really serve his patients kindly. A pleasant first impression. Good luck always dock. ??
bektiw sari on Google

Alhamdulillah cocok berobat ke dr. Niken. Sy berobat ke beliau dr tahun 2008 hingga saat ini jika dermatitis kambuh. Beliau informatif, menyampaikan penjelasan dan saran dg jelas, dan sangat ramah ?. FYI saat ini hny menerima konsul online dan praktik di Sardjito sj.
Alhamdulillah suitable treatment to dr. Niken. I went to him for treatment from 2008 until now if the dermatitis recurred. He is informative, conveys explanations and suggestions clearly, and is very friendly ?. FYI currently only accepts online consuls and practices at Sardjito sj.
Anonimous2777 Has on Google

Ngga dibalas, tapi tulisannya praktek online... Ya ampun dok... Saya sebenernya butuh banget ketemu kemaren selasa... Karena ada alergi yang sampai infeksi di kelopak mata luar dan alis... ?????????
No reply, but the writing is online practice ... Geez doc ... I actually really need to see you yesterday Tuesday ... Because there are allergies that lead to infections on the outer eyelids and eyebrows ... ?????????
Riani Witaningrum on Google

Info terbaru: praktek dr.Niken dilayani di Apotek SW (Jl. Bumijo, Gowongan, Yogyakarta) setiap hari Rabu dan Sabtu pukul 16.00-18.00..
Latest info: Dr. Niken's practice is served at Apotek SW (Jl. Bumijo, Gowongan, Yogyakarta) every Wednesday and Saturday at 16.00-18.00..

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