Cuci Express Jl. Kaliurang - Sleman Regency

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Contact Cuci Express Jl. Kaliurang

Address :

Kaliurang St No.60A, Purwosari, Sinduadi, Mlati, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55284, Indonesia

Postal code : 55284
Opening hours :
Monday 7AM–10PM
Tuesday 7AM–10PM
Wednesday 7AM–10PM
Thursday 7AM–10PM
Friday 7AM–10PM
Saturday 7AM–10PM
Sunday 7AM–10PM
Categories :

Kaliurang St No.60A, Purwosari, Sinduadi, Mlati, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta 55284, Indonesia
Syifana Rahma Addiyani on Google

Sistem dryer di laundromat ini sangat membantu dan memudahkan pas musim hujan. Tarif cukup terjangkau kalau kita pakai member (washing+drying up to 14kg cuma 32.400). Sayangnya di Cuci Express ini pelayanannya kurang ramah. Pegawainya judes bgt jelasinnya ke customer yg baru pertama kesini dan sempet ketawa ngeremehin. Duh gimana gitu rasanya ?
The dryer system in this laundromat is very helpful and makes it easier during the rainy season. Rates are quite affordable if we use members (washing + drying up to 14kg only 32,400). Unfortunately, at Wash Express, the service is not friendly. The staff is really rude when they explain it to a customer who is here for the first time and they laugh at it. Oh how does that feel
Afif Dwijayanto on Google

Pelayanan ramah, dipandu untuk yg masih belum bisa mengoperasikan mesin transaksi dan mesin cuci. Bisa menggunakan sistem member dan non member. Untuk member bisa dapet diskon 50%. Pertama top up minimal Rp50.000 hingga Rp 200.000 Bisa pakai detergen sendiri atau yg disediakan di kasir, 2 pcs Rp 2000. Untuk top up berikutnya minimal Rp 10.000. Mesin beroperasi selama 30 menit. Mesin cuci dan pengering terpisah.
Friendly service, guided to those who still cannot operate transaction machines and washing machines. Can use member and non-member systems. Members can get a 50% discount. First, top up a minimum of IDR 50,000 to IDR 200,000 You can use your own detergent or those provided at the checkout, 2 pcs Rp. 2000. For the next top up at least Rp 10,000. The machine operates for 30 minutes. Separate washing machine and dryer.
Hanief Trihantoro on Google

murah, 35 ribuan (khusus member, sudah termasuk deterjen & pewangi) bisa untuk mencuci 14 kg pakaian dan bisa beres kurang dari 75 menit. jenis pakaian bebas, selimut, bed cover, dan yg bahannya tebal lainnya juga bisa. kalau di cuci kiloan biasa, bahan tebal biasanya tidak ditimbang & kena harga khusus kan. kekurangannya mungkin di sini pakaian tidak disetrika. tapi hasil akhirnya panas & kering kok, tinggal lipat sebentar beres deh. sayangnya areanya terbuka, kena polusi asap rokok, panas kalau sebelum jam 12. tapi ada wifi gratis yg kenceng. kemudian meja yang tersedia bisa digunakan untuk tempat melipat baju. tapi sayang kurang petunjuk jadinya banyak keranjang yang diletakkan di atas meja. padahal keranjang itu biasanya ditaruh di lantai. jadi mejanya bisa kotor. trus bisa saja tiba-tiba muncul orang yg minta uang parkir, padahal sejak datang hingga hampir selesai orang itu tidak ada ?
cheap, 35 thousand (for members only, including detergent & fragrance) can be used to wash 14 kg of clothes and can be done in less than 75 minutes. types of free clothes, blankets, bed covers, and other thick materials can also. if you wash ordinary kilos, thick materials are usually not weighed & are subject to special prices right. the drawback may be that the clothes are not ironed here. but the end result is hot & dry, just fold it for a while. unfortunately the area is open, subject to cigarette smoke pollution, it's hot before 12. but there is free wifi that is fast. then the available table can be used as a place to fold clothes. but unfortunately lack of clues so many baskets are placed on the table. even though the basket is usually placed on the floor. so the table can get dirty. then someone might suddenly appear asking for parking money, even though since arriving until almost the end the person wasn't there ?
Monica L on Google

Self service laundry. Pertama bikin member, minimal top up 50rb (potongan 10rb untuk biaya kartu). Top up selanjutnya bisa pecahan 10rb, 20rb, 50rb, dan 100rb. Harga laundry tergantung kapasitas mesin cuci dan pengering yg digunakan. Bisa minta tolong petugas untuk cara penggunaan. Jumlah keranjang dan meja untuk melipat pakaian terbatas.
Self-service laundry. First make a member, a minimum of 50k top up (10k discount for card fees). The next top up can be in fractions of 10 thousand, 20 thousand, 50 thousand, and 100 thousand. Laundry prices depend on the capacity of the washing machine and dryer used. You can ask the staff for help on how to use it. The number of baskets and tables for folding clothes is limited.
ndu shindu on Google

pertama kali laundry kyk gini, klo blm jadi member bikin kartu dulu setor 50k dapet saldo 40k, sekali ngeringin 15k, cocok klo mau banyak sekalian sampe 14kg biar worth it, staff nya juga ramah mau bantuin nyetting mesin cuci nya, lokasinya samping kopi soe persis
first time doing laundry like this, if you haven't become a member, make a card first, deposit 50k, get a balance of 40k, once you want 15k, it's suitable if you want a lot of up to 14kg so it's worth it, the staff is also friendly and wants to help set up the washing machine, the location is right next to the coffee.
Vincentius Arca Testamenti on Google

Self-service laundry dengan sistem pembayaran kartu. Lokasi strategis, petugasnya ramah dan sangat membantu. Bisa beli detergen, softener, dan tas besar untuk cucian jika tidak membawa sendiri. Ada 1 mesin cuci 9 kg dan sisanya 14 kg. Hanya ada satu ukuran pengering. Hanya bisa cuci dengan air dingin. Durasi cuci sekitar 37-40 menit. Durasi pengering (settingan standard) 25 menit. Durasi pengeringan bisa ditambah dengan biaya ekstra. Worth the price! Kalau Anda khawatir baju kesayangan hilang di laundry konvensional atau baunya tidak sesuai harapan, lebih baik kunjungi laundry self-service seperti ini. Bisa pakai detergen + softener favorit Anda. Harga member (dengan membuat kartu dan bayar dengan kartu) jauh lebih murah dibandingkan bayar cash ke petugas. Mesin cuci 14 kg jadi hanya Rp 17.500 dan pengering sekitar Rp 20rb. Sistem kerja kartu persis kartu elektronik bank tapi hanya bisa digunakan di CUCI. Kartu CleanPro (laundry sejenis yang sepertinya satu grup dengan CUCI) tidak bisa digunakan di sini.
Self-service laundry with card payment system. Strategic location, friendly staff and very helpful. You can buy detergent, softener, and a large bag for laundry if you don't bring your own. There is 1 washing machine 9 kg and the rest 14 kg. There is only one size dryer. Can only wash with cold water. Washing time is about 37-40 minutes. Drying time (standard setting) 25 minutes. Drying time can be added at an extra cost. Worth the price! If you're worried that your favorite clothes will be lost in conventional laundry or that they don't smell as expected, it's better to visit a self-service laundry like this one. You can use your favorite detergent + softener. Member prices (by making a card and paying by card) are much cheaper than paying cash to the clerk. The washing machine is 14 kg so it's only Rp. 17,500 and the dryer is around Rp. 20k. The card system works exactly like a bank electronic card but can only be used at CUCI. CleanPro cards (a kind of laundry that seems to be in the same group as CUCI) cannot be used here.
Agus Setiawan on Google

Self service !
umar on Google

Love this place. It's cheaper than my previous laundromat. Rp17.500 per 14 kg to wash and Rp15.000 per 30 mins to dry.

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