Clinical Laboratory Medika Permata - Kota Jakarta Selatan

4.1/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Clinical Laboratory Medika Permata

Address :

Jalan Raya Tanjung Barat No.111 B, Kelurahan Tanjung Barat, Kecamatan Jagakarsa, RT.7/RW.4, Tj. Bar., Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12530, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +7887
Postal code : 12530
Categories :

Jalan Raya Tanjung Barat No.111 B, Kelurahan Tanjung Barat, Kecamatan Jagakarsa, RT.7/RW.4, Tj. Bar., Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12530, Indonesia
suhaimi zami on Google

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Gak recomend sama sekali.....tiap kali berobat masa di suruh balik lagi nnty alesan dokternya gak ada...ini klinik apa toko obat.....emang klo sakit bisa di tunda tunda...
Not a recommendation at all ... every time I get treatment, I will be asked to return again, the doctor's reason is not there ... is this a clinic or a drug store ... if you are sick you can postpone it ...
Melisa Putri on Google

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Klinik nya rekomendasi sekali, hampir terbilang lengkap karena terdapat poli gigi, umum, bidan, estetika dan laboratorium. Tempatnya bersih dan rapi jadi pelayanannya juga sangat nyaman. Dokter dan petugasnya sangat ramah dan sabar.
The clinic is a one-time recommendation, almost complete because there are dental, general, midwife, aesthetics and laboratory laboratories. The place is clean and neat so the service is also very comfortable. The doctor and the staff are very friendly and patient.
Netty Eva Mardiana on Google

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Kliniknya bersih ,petugas semuanya ramah dan pelayanan bagus:) pernah kontrol kehamilan ,bidannya saat konsul sabar bgt mendengarkan keluhan saya. Terimakasih permata medika sukses selalu ?
The clinic is clean, the staff are all friendly and the service is good :) I once had a pregnancy control, the midwife when the consul was very patient to listen to my complaints. Thank you, Permata Medika, success is always ?
Agus Nurhadi on Google

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Saya kecewa dengan pelayanannya terutama dalam melakukan pemeriksaan VS (vital sign) terutama pemeriksaan TD (tensi darah) yg tidak akurat, yg hanya mengandalkan palpasi tangan di nadi dan tensi meter...saya memiliki riwayat HT kurang lebih sejak tahun 2015 konsumsi amlodipine 10mg dan tidak rutin minum obat...pada tgl 10 juni 2019 saya berobat ke klinik permata diana (menggunakan BPJS), sperti biasa saya daftar dan dipanggil untuk cek TD (dengan alat tensi dan tangan ditempel di nadi tanpa stetoskop) dan seperti biasa hasil normal 120/90 (walaupun ada beberpa dikartu rekam medis rcatatan TD yg tinggi), saya tanya k perawat "bener mba," jawab mbanya iya normal...karna saya ragu saya bilang k dokter "dok saya mau tensi ulang dengan dokter untuk second opinion, kalau memang normal saya alhamdulillah" jawab dokternya " nanti tensi ulang dengan perawat lagi, karna tugasny tensi adalah perawat"..ditensi lagi sama hasilnya...lalu saya pulang dg rasa ragu...saya coba tensi lagi di rumah hasilnya wow 180/130..(saya juga merasakan pusing di punduk). Saran saya untuk klinik permata medika 1. Tolong lakukan TD dengan alat yg lgkap dan lakukan sesuai prosedur seperti perawat diajarkan d bangku kuliah (stetoskop, sphymomanometer,palpasi dengan tiga jari di nadi) 2. Lakukan kalibrasi rutin alat TD di tempat pengkalibrasi setahu saya kalau salah mohon dikoreksi BPFK (badan pengaman fasilitas kesehatan) Depkes RI. 3. Jika px minta second opinion mohon diganti petugas lain untuk pemeriksaannya jangan petugas yg sama. 4. Pegang teguh janji/ komitmen pelayanan terbaik yg terpangpang lebar di dalam ruang tunggu.
I was disappointed with the service, especially in conducting a VS (vital sign) examination, especially an inaccurate examination of blood pressure (BP), which only relied on palpation of hands in pulse and blood pressure meters ... I have a history of HT more or less since 2015 consumption of amlodipine 10mg and not taking medicine regularly ... on June 10, 2019 I went to the jewel clinic diana (using BPJS), as usual I register and was called to check TD (with tension and hand taped to the pulse without a stethoscope) and as usual normal results 120 / 90 (although there are several high-tech TD records), I asked the nurse "right mba," answered the mate, yes normal ... because I doubt I told the doctor "the dock I want to re-tension with the doctor for a second opinion, if it is normal I thank God "the doctor answered" later on again with the nurse again, because the duty is the nurse ".. again the same tension as the results ... then I returned with a sense of doubt ... I tried tension again in the house l wow 180/130 ... (I also feel dizzy in the bow). My advice for the jewel medica clinic 1. Please do the TD with the express device and do it according to the procedure as the nurse is taught in college (stethoscope, sphymomanometer, palpation with three fingers on the pulse) 2. Perform routine calibration of the TD device at the calibration site as far as I know if it is wrong to correct the BPFK (health facility safety agency) of the Ministry of Health. 3. If you ask for a second opinion, please replace another officer for the examination, not the same officer. 4. Hold the best service promises / commitments that are wide open in the waiting room.
Mira Dahlan on Google

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Dokternya jutek bgt, yang cewek apalagi. Bpjs cuman bs smpe jam8 malem. Lagi sakit diperiksa pun ngga, lagi demam dr pagi, susah bgt minta surat sakit, dikata org mo jalan2 pas lagi pusing? Mentang2 dokter emg bs seenaknya? Disuru dtg tiap hari kesitu. Pelayanan nya juelek bianget, mentang2 lokasinya di kampung
The doctor is very dirty, especially girls. Bpjs only can be at 8 pm late. I don't even have any pain checks, I have a fever from the morning, it's really hard to ask for a letter of illness, I say people want to walk when I'm dizzy? Why can a doctor do whatever you want? Disuru dtg every day there. The service is really great, because it is located in the village
Ollie Lubis on Google

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attitude petugas klinik tidak ada, tidak ramah, membentak2 pasien, dan antrian pasien yang berantakan dimana saya lagi hamil tidak dilayani, malah antrian saya dilewatin 3 orang, sampe nungggu berjam2 padahal saya cuma mau perpanjang surat rujukan ke rumah sakit. Harusnya untuk membuat surat rujukan harusnya 5 menit kelar, tapi saya disuruh nunggu berjam2 padahal kondisi lg hamil besar 9 bulan tidak kuat duduk lama, malah antrian saya di lewatin sampe 3 orang. Saya komplain karena nama saya tidak dipanggil2, malah saya dibentak2 oleh petugas klinik. Dan alasan mereka tidak membuat surat rujukan karena sibuk melayani pasien, padahal di klinik tersebut banyak petugas yang tidak bekerja dan ngobrol2. Tidak ada prikemanusiaan dan sangat keterlaluan sekali perlakuan petugas klinik ini terhadap pasien hamil yg seharusnya diprioritaskan dan diperlakukan dengan baik. Saya pulang dari klinik ini mempengaruhi kesehatan janin saya, tekanan darah saya naik, perut kram, dan nyeri. Saya sangat kecewa dan akan pindah faskes ke klinik yang lain.
the attitude of the clinic staff was nonexistent, unfriendly, snapped at the patients, and the queues of patients who were in disarray where I was again pregnant were not served, even my queue was passed by 3 people, until waiting for hours even though I just wanted to extend the referral letter to the hospital. It should be to make the referral letter 5 minutes later, but I was told to wait for hours even though the 9 months pregnant condition was not strong enough to sit for a long time, instead my queue was passed to 3 people. I complained because my name wasn't called, instead I was shouted at by the clinician. And the reason they did not make referral letters was because they were busy serving patients, even though there were many officers who did not work and chat in the clinic. There is no humanity and it is very outrageous to treat these clinicians to pregnant patients who should be prioritized and treated well. I returned from this clinic affecting the health of my fetus, my blood pressure rose, stomach cramps, and pain. I am very disappointed and will move health facilities to another clinic.
miqb baall on Google

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3 hari yg lalu saya mengantar ibu saya untuk kontrol tensi secara rutin dan konsultasi dengan dokter mengenai penyakit hipretensi beliau, 1 tahun yg lalu saat awal beliau di diagnosa mengalami hipertensi menurut beliau dulu tensinya pernah mencapai160/100, saya tidak mengerti itu di kategorikan tinggi sekali atau tidak, tapi menurut beliau dulu yg di rasakan sakit kepala yg sangat berat. setelah melakukan kontrol rutin di klinik ini, minum obat teratur, menjaga pola makan, dan sering berolahraga raga ringan seperti yg di sarankan dokter alhamdulillah sekarang menjadi normal dan jarang sekali mengeluh sakit. saya sebagi kerabat pasien hanya mengamatinya klinik tersebut terbilang cukup nyaman, karena ruangannya cukup luas dan bersih. Di tambah lagi klinik ini terbilang terorganisir dengan baik karena di mulai dari pendaftaran semua menggunakan sistem yg struktural. Sebagai pelaksana pelayanan jasa, petugasnya juga ramah dan sabar. semoga klinik ini bisa semakin berkembang dan terima kasih sudah merawat ibu saya denga8n baik. 2 jempol untuk klinik ini. (translate by google translate) 3 days ago I took my mother to tension control routinely and consulted with a doctor about her hypotension, 1 year ago when she was diagnosed with hypertension at first, according to her, she had once reached 160/100, I did not understand that it was categorized as very high. or not, but according to him he used to have a very heavy headache. after carrying out routine control in this clinic, taking medication regularly, maintaining a healthy diet, and often exercising light exercise as suggested by the doctor, thank God now it is normal and rarely complains of pain. I as a relative of the patient just watched him the clinic is quite comfortable, because the room is quite spacious and clean. In addition, this clinic is fairly well organized because it starts from the registration of all using a structural system. As a service provider, the officers are also friendly and patient. I hope this clinic can grow and thank you for taking good care of my mother. 2 thumbs up for this clinic.
3 days ago I took my mother to tension control routinely and consulted with a doctor about her hypotension, 1 year ago when she was diagnosed with hypertension at first, according to her, she had once reached 160/100, I did not understand it was categorized as very high or not, but according to him he used to have a very heavy headache. after carrying out routine control in this clinic, taking medication regularly, maintaining a healthy diet, and often exercising light exercise as suggested by the doctor, thank God now it is normal and rarely complains of pain. I as a relative of the patient just watched him the clinic is quite comfortable, because the room is quite spacious and clean. In addition, this clinic is fairly well organized because it starts from the registration of all using a structural system. As a service provider, the officers are also friendly and patient. I hope this clinic can grow and thank you for taking good care of my mother. 2 thumbs up for this clinic. (translate by google translate) 3 days ago I took my mother to tension control routinely and consulted with a doctor about her hypotension, 1 year ago when she was diagnosed with hypertension at first, according to her, she had once reached 160/100, I didn't understand that was categorized as very high. or not, but according to him he used to have a very heavy headache. after carrying out routine control in this clinic, taking medication regularly, maintaining a healthy diet, and often exercising light exercise as suggested by the doctor, thank God now it is normal and rarely complains of pain. I as a relative of the patient just watched him the clinic is quite comfortable, because the room is quite spacious and clean. In addition, this clinic is fairly well organized because it starts from the registration of all using a structural system. As a service provider, the officers are also friendly and patient. I hope this clinic can grow and thank you for taking good care of my mother. 2 thumbs up for this clinic.
MYI Gaming on Google

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Datang k klinik ini karna emng punya bpjs paskes 1 nya disini Tapi untuk pelayanan nya seperti klinik abal" Istri sya batuk"udh 5 hari kondisi lg hamil besar 9 bulan Pas giliran masuk k dokter cma di tanya biasa aja ga d periksa apapun g d tensi ga apa , cuma bilang mau d kasih obat batuk aja Oke dari situ saya dan istri nunggu d ksih obat batuk krang lbih setengah jam Pas giliran d panggil , perawat nya bilang obat btuk yg kandungan buat ibu hamil sedamg habis jd saya hrus beli sendiri, pdhal sya posisi nya pasien bpjs dan harus bli obt sndri ,, okee oke dri situ ikutin mau nya sya minta resep obat nya dong k perawat nya Yg bikin kaget dia rekomendasiin obat yg umum di warung merk nya WOODS' PEPPERMINT ANTITUSSIVE ,, lah kaget dong masa d kasih resep obat gituan mana hrus beli sndri lagi , dan g smpe d situ setelah sya beli obat nya KONTRAINDIKASI dari obat itu tidak boleh di gunakan untuk wanita hami dan menyusui, whaaaattttt Ini klinik ngelawak apa gimna si???? Kecewa bgt !!!
Came to this clinic because I really have the BPJS 1 paskes here But for the service, it's like a fake clinic" My wife is coughing "it's been 5 days and the condition is 9 months pregnant When it's my turn to go to the doctor, I just ask the usual questions, I don't check anything, I don't have tension, I just say I want to give cough medicine Okay, from there, my wife and I waited for cough medicine for more than half an hour When it's my turn to be called, the nurse says the medicine for pregnant women is running out, so I have to buy it myself, even though I'm a BPJS patient and I have to buy my own medicine, okay, okay, I'll follow what I want, I'll ask for the prescription, OK? her nurse What surprised him was that he recommended drugs that are common in the shop, the brand is WOODS' PEPPERMINT ANTITUSSIVE,, I was surprised when I was given a prescription for that kind of medicine, where should I buy myself again, and it didn't stop there after I bought the medicine CONTRAINDICATIONS of the drug should not be taken use for pregnant and lactating women, whaaaatttt What kind of comedy clinic is this? Very disappointed !!!

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