Bumame Farmasi Casablanca - South Jakarta City

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bumame Farmasi Casablanca

Address :

Jl. Raya Casablanca No.1, East Kuningan, Setiabudi, South Jakarta City, Jakarta 12870, Indonesia

Postal code : 12870
Website : http://bumamefarmasi.com/
Categories :

Jl. Raya Casablanca No.1, East Kuningan, Setiabudi, South Jakarta City, Jakarta 12870, Indonesia
Soekmono Oktaviano on Google

2 kali tes disini hasil antigen tidak keluar kurang dari 1 jam dan harus datang kembali untuk minta hasilnya. Cabang Bumame yang sangat mengecewakan.
2 times the test here the antigen results do not come out in less than 1 hour and have to come back to ask for the results. Very disappointing Bumame branch.
CTNK Corp on Google

Bisa dibilang mengecewakan sih. Ambil tes PCR 24 jam tapi saat ini sudah lebih dari 24 jam hasilnya belum juga keluar. Pihak CS bumame juga tidak bisa dihubungi, WA belum juga direply, telp tidak diangkat, dm ig juga belum direply. Untung gak lagi untuk hal urgent misalnya utk penerbangan ya, coba kalo utk kepentingan penerbangan gitu terus hasilnya ngaret kayak gini..apa gak jadi rugi misalkan ketinggalan pesawat?! Semoga gak ada lagi deh kasus2 spt ini
You could say disappointing. Take a 24-hour PCR test but now it's more than 24 hours the results haven't come out. CS Bumame also could not be contacted, WA had not been replied, the phone was not picked up, DM IG was also not reply. Fortunately, it's no longer for urgent for example for flights, try it for the interests of the flight, then the results continue to be ngaret like this ... What doesn't it be a loss for suppose to miss the plane?! Hopefully there is no more than this case
nadira kamil on Google

Pembayaran dan pengambilan sample terjadi di jam 19:26 untuk PCR 24jam. sampe sekarang saya tulis review ini, hasil PCR nya sama sekali belum keluar, CS nya yg katanya 24jam juga tidak merespon apapun. di WA sudah, di telpon? gak bisa. pada saat proses antri nya lama sekali, proses registrasi nya juga lama sekali padahal sudah masuk yg fast track. Kalau memang gak bs menyajikan 24jam, jangan tulis penyajian data akan dilakukan 24jam kedepan. jangan lagi deh ada yg mengalami nasib seperti saya ya.
Payment and sampling occurs at 19:26 for 24-hour PCR. Until now I'm writing this review, the PCR results haven't come out at all, the CS, which says 24 hours, doesn't respond at all. in WA already, on the phone? Can not. when the queue process is very long, the registration process is also very long even though it has entered the fast track. If you can't present 24 hours, don't write down the data presentation will be done 24 hours ahead. Don't let anyone have the same fate as me.
Hadian Septiana on Google

Pelayanan buruk, ngantri untuk ambil sample buat pcr aja hampir 2 jam nunggu di mobil, tidak adanya keteraturan pada saat antre. Menunggu hasil nya saja 30 jam belum beres2. Gimana nih pelayanan nya? Di whatsapp ngebalas terus tiba2 ngilang gak ada berita. Kapok!!
Bad service, waiting in line to take samples for pcr almost 2 hours waiting in the car, there is no regularity when queuing. Just waiting for the results 30 hours has not been done. How's the service? On whatsapp, replying and then suddenly disappears, there is no news. Kapok!!
Dwiyana Septafianti on Google

Sangat kecewa. Saya menggunakan layanan PCR 24 jam. Sample diambil Pk. 14.41, namun hasil baru diterima setelah +/- 29 jam (Pk 20.10). Alasannya karena proses di lab Bumame harus diulang (info by WA Bumame Farmasi Kuningan) ?? Kalau seperti ini, saya jadi ragu hasil PCR saya valid atau tidak. Selain itu sangat susah berkomunikasi dengan Bumame. Saya WA beberapa kali ke nomor 081283962028, yang konon merupakan nomor Customer Service 24 jam seluruh cabang Bumame tapi baru ada jawaban setelah 13 jam dan hasil sudah saya terima beberapa jam sebelumnya ? Saran saya kalau Anda membutuhkan layanan PCR 24 jam… please find another place. Kalau layanan antigen di Bumame masih ok, hasil relatif cepat (menurut pengalaman saya)
Very disappointed. I am using PCR service 24 hours. Samples taken Pk. 14:41, but the new results received after +/- 29 hours (20:10 GMT). The reason is because the process must be repeated in the lab Bumame (information by WA Bumame Pharmaceuticals Brass) ?? If you like this, so I doubt I PCR result is valid or not. Besides it is very difficult to communicate with Bumame. I WA several times to the number 081283962028, which is said to be a 24-hour Customer Service number whole new branch of Bumame but no reply after 13 hours and the results I have received a few hours earlier ? My advice if you are in need of 24-hour PCR service ... please find another place. If the service antigen in Bumame still ok, the results relatively quickly (in my experience)
Anggraini Pratiwi Rusnie on Google

Saya dan dua teman saya test swab PCR dengan klaim maksimal hasil diterima adalah 24 jam. Setelah menunggu antrean selama dua jam pada Rabu, 02 Februari 2022, akhirnya kami bertiga bisa swab PCR. Pukul 15.55 hari ini seharusnya hasil test kami sudah keluar. Setelah menunggu keterlambatan selama satu jam, kami mendatangi lokasi Bumame Casablanca lagi untuk komplain. Hingga pukul 20.00 kami di sana dan melihat banyaknya komplain dari orang lain juga, solusi yang ditawarkan dari pihak Bumame adalah menunggu sampai 29 jam setelah test. Padahal, ada bapak-bapak yang ikut komplain juga karena sudah 31 jam hasil tidak keluar. Semua petugas tidak melayani dengan baik. Setiap kami bertanya, selalu ditinggal pergi padahal kami belum selesai bicara. Sampai akhirnya kami diarahkan untuk berbicara ke salah satu petugas bernama Mas Gilang. Beliau meminta maaf dengan baik dan membantu agar chat kami dibalas oleh CS. Ketika chat kami sudah dibalas CS, serta deal untuk refund, pengembalian dana akan dilakukan dalam 14 hari ke depan (hari Sabtu dan Minggu tidak dihitung) dengan ketentuan harus mengirimkan foto KTP, barcode pemesanan, struk transaksi, dan mutasi rekening, itu pula mereka tidak menjanjikam bahwa proses refund pasti berhasil. Kami akhirnya pulang, namun 15 menit yang lalu, salah satu teman saya ada yang dikirimkan hasilnya (terhitung sudah 31 jam), namun dua orang lagi (termasuk saya) tidak dikirimkan hasilnya. Kami bingung, padahal sudah deal untuk refund. Bumame benar-benar sangat tidak profesional.
Me and two of my friends did a PCR swab test with a maximum claim of 24 hours. After waiting in line for two hours on Wednesday, February 02, 2022, finally the three of us were able to take PCR swabs. At 15.55 today our test results should have been out. After waiting for an hour of delay, we went to the Bumame Casablanca location again to complain. Until 20.00 we were there and saw many complaints from other people too, the solution offered by Bumame was to wait until 29 hours after the test. In fact, there are gentlemen who also complain because it has been 31 hours the results have not come out. All officers do not serve well. Every time we asked, we were always left behind even though we hadn't finished talking. Until finally we were directed to speak to one of the officers named Mas Gilang. He apologized well and helped CS to reply to our chat. When our chat has been replied to by CS, as well as a deal for a refund, the refund will be made within the next 14 days (Saturdays and Sundays do not count) provided that they must send a photo of their ID card, order barcode, transaction receipt, and account mutation, they also don't promises that the refund process will be successful. We finally went home, but 15 minutes ago, one of my friends sent the results (it's been 31 hours), but two other people (including myself) didn't send the results. We were confused, even though we had a deal for a refund. Bumame is really very unprofessional.
Tomi Anggoro on Google

Noverita Rawiyanti on Google

walk in antriannya terlalu lama, padahal sudah regis sebelum sampai dilokasi.. Proses kerja perlu diperbaiki
The walk-in queue is too long, even though you have registered before arriving at the location.. The work process needs to be improved

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