BRI Kanca Tambun - Kabupaten Bekasi

3.1/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact BRI Kanca Tambun

Address :

Ruko Tambun City Blok RC&RE, Jl. Sultan Hasanudin No.2, Tambun, Kec. Tambun Sel., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17510, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +88
Postal code : 17510
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–4PM
Tuesday 8AM–4PM
Wednesday 8AM–4PM
Thursday 8AM–4PM
Friday 8AM–4PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Ruko Tambun City Blok RC&RE, Jl. Sultan Hasanudin No.2, Tambun, Kec. Tambun Sel., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17510, Indonesia
Seftian Wijaya Suriadharma on Google

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Pelayanannya sangat baik, securitynya sangat membantu, beda dengan bank BRI satunya, securitynya disini ramah. Terima kasih orang baik
The service is very good, the security is very helpful, different from the other BRI bank, the security here is friendly. Thank you good people
anugrah fitria on Google

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tersedia kueΒ², kopi teh utk nasabah yg menunggu jg disediakan kursi tunggu, panggilan antrian jelas dgn menggunakan toa ?
cakes available, tea coffee for waiting customers also provided waiting chairs, clear queue calls using toa ?
sri wahyunia on Google

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pelayanan emang agak lama maklum sih gara-gara pencairan BPUM,BSU,PIP,insentif guru jadi nasabah membludak yang penting masih bisa terlayani dengan baik. wajar saja klo mengantrinya agak lama untuk pekerja CS ramah serta bapak-bapak satpamnya juga ramah-ramah meskipun berjubel mengatur antrian nasabah yang banyak.
The service does take a while, I understand that because of the disbursement of BPUM, BSU, PIP, teacher incentives to become customers, the important thing is that they can still be served well. it's only natural that the queue is a bit long for the friendly CS workers and the security guards are also friendly even though they are crowded to manage a lot of customer queues.
Sunarto Sunar on Google

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Untuk antrian menunggu di luar di sediain kopi, teh serta makanan kecil...☺️ sedangkan di dalam ruangannya juga bersih serta dingin ACnya Untuk pelayannya bagus meskipun agak sedikit menunggu petugas CS ramah serta bapak-bapak Satpamnya juga ramah-ramah dan baik bapak Asep, bapak Susanto & bapak lucki pada hari ini...?
For the queue waiting outside, coffee, tea and snacks are provided...☺️ while in the room the air conditioner is also clean and cold The waiters are good, although they wait a bit for the friendly CS officers and the security guards are also friendly and kind, Mr. Asep, Mr. Susanto & Mr. lucki today...?
Endar Saputra on Google

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antri online datangnya pun pagi pagi mo minta no antrian g usah katanya karna udah online. begitu mo masuk malah diduluin ma yg ambil no antrian. miris pelayanannya
online queues come in the morning, you ask for a queue number, no need to say because you are already online. when you enter, ma's first takes the queue number. sad service
Andrea Lea on Google

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Jam operasional 08.00 wib. Briefing pagi sampe jam 8.05 wib. Antrian dipanggil satu-satu sesuai urutan ABCD no 1 smpe 5 ntah berapa. Cs 4 meja yang terisi cuma 1. Antrian cs yang dipanggil duluan adalah antrian B. Cs buka pelayanan jam 8.15wib. Jam 8.50wib baru ada cs lagi untuk antrian layanan A1- sekian. Masing2 cs sepertinya melayani sesuai tombol A,B. Tidak peduli ada antrian A,yang dipanggil tetap B. Antrian A harus nunggu sampe cs berikutnya open layanan. SATPAM TIDAK RAMAH SAMA SEKALI,BELAJAR DULU SAMA SATPAM BCA BUAT STANDAR LAYANAN OPERASIONAL SEPERTI APA. ditanya baik2 soal antrian kenapa yang dipanggil hanya antrian B, padahal bertanya dengan kalimat, "permisi pak,maaf mau tanya,ini antrian A memang belum dipanggil ya?". JAWABANNYA GALAK CUMA DISURUH NUNGGU SAMPE DIPANGGIL. Helloooo di bank bri itu terkenal slogan senyum salam sapa. Senyum aja kagak!!! Semua kerjaan juga sama. Mau ftontliner maupun back office dimana aja mengalami tekanan kerja semua tapi dituntut buat tetep ramah dengan nasabah!! Jam buka telat, cs tidak pada tempatnya semua saat jam operasional buka. Nungguin cs beberes meja dulu baru dipanggil. Harusnya briefing jangan lama2. Atau briefing dimajukan jam 7pagi. Jadi jam 7.30 frontliner sudah siap dengan Segala keperluan buat layanan nasabah. G nungguin cs ambil butab dlu,ambil atm dlu. Bank gede tapi SLO nya kurang. OJL nya ini jarang ngecek apa gimana yaa. Apa karena di kota gede jadi pada santai2 aja cuek bebek. Udah dapet ulasan jelek dari nasabah banyak sekali,bukannya diperbaiki kualitas layanannya malah sama aja ????. Coba ya sekelas cabang tu cari fl dari cs teller satpam yang ramah!. Di unit mah sadar diri emg pada galak semua. Tapi di cabang galak dan kayak gini layanannya? Wahh pasti jarang di cek nih kantor cabang
Operating hours 08.00 WIB. Morning briefing until 8.05 am. Queues are called one by one in the order of ABCD no. 1 to 5, I don't know how much. Cs 4 tables filled only 1. The cs queue that is called first is queue B. Cs opens service at 8.15wib. At 8.50wib there will be another cs for the A1 service queue - that's all. Each cs seems to serve according to keys A, B. It doesn't matter if there is a queue A, which is still called B. Queue A has to wait until the next cs open service. SATPAM IS NOT FRIENDLY AT ALL, LEARN FIRST WITH BCA SATPAM TO WHAT AN OPERATIONAL SERVICE STANDARD IS. When asked nicely about the queue, why was only queue B being called, even though he asked with the sentence, "Excuse me sir, sorry to ask, this queue A hasn't been called yet, right?". THE ANSWER IS GREAT JUST TOLD TO WAIT UNTIL CALLED. Helloooo, the bri bank is famous for the slogan, smile, say hello. Don't smile!!! All work is the same. Whether you're a printer or a back office anywhere, you're all under work pressure, but you're required to stay friendly with customers!! Opening hours are late, cs is not in its place, all when operating hours are open. Wait for cs to clear the table first before being called. The briefing should not be long. Or the briefing is pushed forward to 7am. So at 7.30 the frontliner is ready with all the needs for customer service. G wait for cs to take blind first, take atm first. The bank is big but the SLO is lacking. This OJL rarely checks what's going on. Is it because it's in a big city, so just relax and ignore the ducks. I've gotten bad reviews from lots of customers, instead of improving the quality of service, it's just the same . Try that branch class, look for a fl from the friendly security guard cs teller!. In the unit, I'm aware that everyone is fierce. But in the fierce branch and like this the service? Wow, I definitely rarely check this branch office
Daniel Alfis on Google

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Pelayanan nya Parah, lama. Pdhal saya sudah daftar online eh disuruh ngisi formulir lagi. Terus buat apa itu online? Dan padahal cuma sekedar buat ambil kartu sama buku tabungan. Tapi lamanya gak ketolong. Beda jauh sama bank biru sebelah. Sampe2 itu meja CS ada 4 yang keisi cuma 1. Certificate Excellent yang dipampang di dinding itu penilaian nya atas dasar apa ya? Diri sendiri ?
The service is terrible, long. Even though I registered online, I was told to fill out the form again. So what do you do online? And even though it's just to take a card and a savings book. But for a long time it doesn't help. Much different from the blue bank next door. Until then, there were 4 CS tables filled with only 1. The Certificate of Excellence displayed on the wall was based on what basis was it assessed? Self ?
Muhamad Ikhtiazie on Google

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Menurut saya lumayan sih pelayanan nya. Tapi antre terus seharusnya di bagi yang mendapatkan bantuan ukm dan nasabah bank
I think the service is pretty good. But the queue should continue for those who get SME assistance and bank customers

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