Bogor District Education Office - Bogor Regency

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Contact Bogor District Education Office

Address :

Jl. Nyaman No.1, Tengah, Cibinong, Bogor Regency, West Java 16914, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +879
Postal code : 16914
Website :
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–4PM
Tuesday 8AM–4PM
Wednesday 8AM–4PM
Thursday 8AM–4PM
Friday 8AM–4PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Nyaman No.1, Tengah, Cibinong, Bogor Regency, West Java 16914, Indonesia
L WJ on Google

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Diknas kabupaten bogor mempunyai nomer tlp kantor. Saya telepon sudah puluhan kali setiap hari untuk mennyakan informasi tapi tidak pernah diangkat. Apa selalu sibuk dr buka hingga tutup setiap hari nya? Atau ada nomer Cs yang bisa di hubungi?
The Bogor District Education Office has an office telephone number. I called dozens of times every day to ask for information but never picked up. Are you always busy from opening to closing every day? Or is there a Cs number that can be contacted?
nafsiyah aza on Google

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Mohon infonya admin, apakah dinas pendidikan kota Bogor juga mengurusi PKBM yg ada di kab Bogor khususnya tingkat SMA? Terima kasih jawabannya
Admin, please let me know, does the Bogor city education office also take care of PKBM in Bogor district, especially at the high school level? Thanks for the answer
Iwan Budiman on Google

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Apakah di benarkan siswa Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 Cigombong Kab Bogor diminta iuran sebesar Rp. 150.000 per siswa per bulan mulai November sampai Desember untuk pembelian komputer. Iuran untuk siswa kelas 4,5,6. Nominal besaran uang iuran pembelian komputer sudah di putuskan oleh komite sekolah dg surat undangan rapat ortu murid di TTD kepala sekolah
Is it justified that the students of State Elementary School 1 Cigombong, Bogor Regency are asked to pay a fee of Rp. 150,000 per student per month from November to December for computer purchases. Contributions for students in grades 4,5,6. The nominal amount of the computer purchase fee has been decided by the school committee with an invitation letter for the student parent meeting at the school principal's TTD
Lita Ahmad on Google

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Awal januari lalu sy mau legalisir sk untuk pemberkasan sy harus pulang lg tanpa ada hasil..pegawai yg sy temui tdk ramah, malah bicara dgn nada agak tinggi tanpa memberi penjelasan yg baik..apakah sesulit itu untuk legalisir???
In early January, I wanted to legalize the decree for PPPK filing.. but I had to go home again with no results.. the staff I met were not friendly, instead they spoke in a rather high tone without giving a good explanation.. is it that difficult to legalize???
Samhudi on Google

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Apakah wajar mau ngambil raport SD kelas 1 harus ada uang administrasi yang wajib dibayar sebesar 25000 rupiah. Sebelumnya sudah bayar uang sampul raport sebesar 70.000 rupiah..?
Is it reasonable to want to take a grade 1 SD report card, there must be an administrative fee that must be paid for 25000 rupiah. Have you paid 70,000 rupiah for the cover of the report card before?
Jhon Rival on Google

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Kepada Yth, Disdik Kab. Bogor. saya orang tua murid SDN PERUMNAS BP Parung Panjang, mau menanyakan/melapor apakah buku pelajaran/buku paket/LKS/buku tema harus selalu dibeli oleh orang tua murid? dan kita diwajibkan untuk membeli semua itu, dan selalu disarankan untuk dibeli di komite sekolah/di tempat yang ditentukan dengan harga yang cukup mahal kalau dibandiungkan dengan harga di toko/online dan ini sudah terjadi bertahun-tahun. Anak saya yang pertama sudah tamat 3 tahun lalu, dan anak saya yang kedua sekarang kls 4 SD disekolah tersebut, selama itu pula saya merasakan harus beli buku paket setiap tahunnya. sepertinya pihak sekolah setiap tahunnya punya bisnis jual beli buku paket. Pertanyaan saya adalah apakah sekolah negeri tidak menyediakan buku paket/LKS gratis? sekolah negeri kok seperti sekolah swasta. bukankah ada dana BOS untuk dibelanjakan untuk keperluan sekolah. setahu saya dan banyak sekolah negeri disekitar parung panjang selalu menyediakan buku paket/LKS gratis yang dipinjamkan untuk murid-muridnya. disekolah SDN PERUMNAS BP ini aneh, sekolah negeri kok muridnya selau diwajibkan beli buku paket? dan kalau kita tidak beli anak kita mau belajar pakai buku apa? karena gurunya selalu memberikan tugas berdasarkan pelajaran dalam buku tersebut, apalagi saat sekolah online saat ini, guru hanya memerintahkan belajar dibuku halaman sekian..tema sekian.., nah kalau kita tidak punya sudah tentu anak kita tidak bisa belajar. dan soal buku tesebut sangat memberatkan apalagi dalam kondisi pandemi saat ini.. kita orang tua harus mengelarkan uang 400rb - 500rb untuk mebeli buku tersebut. Demikan keluhan saya semoga dapat ditindaklanjuti oleh pihak berwenang dalam hal ini dinas pendidikan kab. bogor. bukan hanya sekedar dibaca. sekian dan terima kasih.
Dear, Disdik Kab. Bogor. I'm a parent of SDN PERUMNAS BP Parung Panjang, want to ask/report whether textbooks/packaged books/LKS/theme books should always be purchased by parents? and we are required to buy all of that, and it is always recommended to buy it at the school committee / at a specified place at a price that is quite expensive when compared to prices in stores / online and this has been the case for years. My first child graduated 3 years ago, and my second child is now in the 4th grade at the school, during that time I feel I have to buy textbooks every year. it seems that the school every year has a business of buying and selling package books. My question is do public schools not provide free textbooks/LKS? State schools are like private schools. Isn't there BOS funds to spend on school needs? As far as I know and many public schools around Parung Panjang always provide free textbooks/LKS that are lent to their students. At SDN PERUMNAS BP, it's strange, how come the students are always required to buy package books? And if we don't buy our children, what books will we learn to use? because the teacher always gives assignments based on the lessons in the book, especially when online schools are currently online, the teacher only orders them to study in so many pages. and the matter of the book is very burdensome, especially in the current pandemic conditions.. we parents have to spend 400 thousand - 500 thousand to buy the book. I hope that my complaint can be followed up by the authorities in this case the district education office. Bogor. not just read. That is all and thank you.
theresa on Google

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Legalisir ijazah dan skhun SD dan SMP untuk yang ber-KTP Kab. Bogor. Syaratnya membawa dokumen asli dan maks fc 10 rangkap
Legalization of diplomas and skhun SD and SMP for those with KTP Kab. Bogor. The conditions are to bring original documents and max 10 copies of fc
JHALU on Google

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