BNI Tambun - Kabupaten Bekasi

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact BNI Tambun

Address :

Jl. Sultan Hasanudin, Tambun, Kec. Tambun Sel., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17510, Indonesia

Postal code : 17510
Categories :

Jl. Sultan Hasanudin, Tambun, Kec. Tambun Sel., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17510, Indonesia
Muhamad Hilmi Aziz on Google

Amit2 sama pelayanannya. Saya urus bsu dipersulit. Kejadian saya udah 4 kali bulak balik terakhi saya antri dari subuh dan dapat antrian no 3 utk tgl 25. Sekarang saya ke sana dikasih antrian baru no 25 dan disuruh balik lagi jam set11. Utk apa saya antri waktu itu dari subuh kalo tau2 dibagiin tiket antrian baru. Buruk sekali
Goodbye to the service. I take care of the difficult bsu. My incident has happened 4 times back and forth, the last time I queued from dawn and got queue number 3 for the 25th. Now I was given a new queue number 25 and told to come back at set11. Why was I queuing at that time from dawn if I knew I would be given a new queue ticket. Very bad
kurniawan dwi abadi on Google

sangatt sangat tidak jelas dengan sistem antrian yang seperti itu, tolong cepat diganti sistem antriannya dan ditambah cs nya. saya udah ksitu setengah 5 dapet antrian no 15 dsruh balik lagi ke bni jam 9 sama security, pas jam 9 ke bni saya dikasih antrian lagi baru dan tenyata jam 10 masih antrian ke 3 yang dilayanin cs nya. 1 0rang 1 jam? ngapain aja? tahlilan? kecewa bnget sih yang harusny menjadi pelayanan yang baik buat masyarakat ternyata pling buruk! terimkasih
very very unclear with such a queuing system, please quickly replace the queuing system and add the cs. I was already half past 5, I got queue number 15 and I went back to BNI at 9 with security, when I went to BNI at 9 I was given another new queue and at 10 it was still the 3rd queue, which was served by the cs. 1 0 people 1 hour? what are you doing? tahlilan? I'm really disappointed that what should be a good service for the community turns out to be the worst! thank you
Ajeng sekar Palupi on Google

Ngga lagi2 kesini, untuk yg lainnya jg kalo bisa ke jgn kesini cari cabang BNI lain yg lebih CEPAT pelayanannya dan tidak LAMBAT seperti disini. 3x bolak balik, ambil antrian jam 6 pagi dan dapat antrian nomor 20an tp selalu ga kebagian bener2 buang2 waktu. Itu coba dong dievaluasi untuk nambahin CS nya minimal 2, moso buka dr jam 8-3 sore cuma dpt 17 antrian sedangkan traffic rame bisa sampe 40 antrian. Dibenahin dong biar dapet ulasan yg baik, sy juga pernah kerja di pelayanan tp ini yg paling buruk pelayanannya.?
Don't come here anymore, for the others, if you can, don't come here, look for another BNI branch that is faster in service and not SLOWER like here. 3 times back and forth, take the queue at 6 am and get a queue of 20s but always don't get any, it's a waste of time. Let's try to evaluate it to add at least 2 CS, if it's open from 8-3 pm, you can only get 17 queues, while busy traffic can reach 40 queues. Please fix it so I can get good reviews, I've also worked in the service but this is the worst service.?
caydielieva stuffplanner on Google

Astaga amit2 mau ambil bsu aja dipersulit. Pertama dateng jam 8 suru balik besok karna anntrian uda nomer 70 nah hr ini dateng 6:40 antrian uda nomer 61. Brengsek bgt satpamnya pelayananya buruk. Tau ga cara nge treat org? Kok bekerja dalam bidang pelayanan tp cara melayani 0Besar tolong diusut gimana bisa dateng jam 6;46 uda antrian 61 tp org didepan gaada? cm 3 org alasannya uda dateng dr set 6 padahal gaada org
Gosh, God willing, it's difficult to take BSU. First come at 8 o'clock come back tomorrow because the queue is number 70, today it's 6:40 the queue is number 61. What a jerk the security guard is bad. Do you know how to treat people? How come you work in the service sector, but how to serve 0Large, please investigate. How can you come at 6:46, there's already a queue of 61, but the person in front is not there? cm 3 people the reason has come from set 6 even though there are no people
Mr. W on Google

Pelayanan kurang maksimal ,apalagi dengan ciri khas bank BNI yang mengantri super lama dengan 2 CS yang hanya berfungsi only one.lalu satpam yang tidak konsisten/miskom,yang satu menyatakan antriannya bisa kekejar membuat customer menunggu namun satpam yang kedua/berikutnya bilang tidak akan kekejar antriannya... Sangat sabarr sekaliii (Mohon di benahi ya supaya bisa totalitas bukan hanya formalitas) terimakasih?
The service is not optimal, especially with the characteristic of BNI bank which is a super long queue with 2 CS which only functions one. Then the inconsistent security guard/miskom, one stated that the queue could be chased making customers wait but the second/next security guard said they would not be chased the queue... Very patient (Please fix it so that it can be a totality, not just a formality) thank you ?
Hadi Prayitno on Google

Saptamnya pake baju coklat. Ga ada pelayanan nya yaelah lu di gaji tempat teduh ac mukanya jutek banget. Lebih enak di lapangan kali ya panas yang penting dapet jajanan dari pengendara. Memang benar lebih ramah dari satpam bca
The captain is wearing a brown shirt. There is no service, yes, you are paid in the shade, the air conditioner has a really dirty face. It's better in the field when it's hot, the important thing is to get snacks from the driver. It's true that it's friendlier than a BCA security guard
Delan Wulan on Google

Antriannya cukup panjang, pelayanannya bagus sekali, ramah dan penanganannya cepat
The queue is quite long, the service is very good, friendly and the handling is fast
Inka Lestari on Google

Kejadian tgl 02 Desember 2021. Ini udh ke 3x nya say ke bank ini untuk ganti kartu. 2x saya dikasih nomer 77 dan 76 dengan alesan harus datang lebih pagi. Hari ini saya datang pagi bank pun belom buka dan ga ada org cuma ada satpam itu dia bilang udh ga bis ambil nomer antrian lagi karna udh diangka 70an, klo mau dateng subuh buat ambil nomer. Saya disuruh pulang lagi. Ga masuk diakal dateng udh pagi ataupun siang selalu dikasih nomer antrian 70 keatas. Karna saya makin yakin ada yg ga beres saya ga mau pulang tetep saya tungguin. Jam 8 saya anter anak saya sekolah dulu, yg terpaksa anak saya saya aja ke bank dlu untuk nomer antrian dan sarapan di sana sambil nunggu no antrian yg dikasihnya nanti jam 8. Dan benar jam 8 saya dikasih no antrian nomer 71. Saya tungguin smpe jam 10, tiba2 ada ibu2 dateng bawa anak kecil ditnay keperluannya apa dan lgsg dikasih form, yg laen dateng ditanya keperluannya apa klo tujuannya ke cs selalu bilang nomer antrian sudah diangka 77. Saya emosi saya marah si satpam itu bilang karna ibu itu bawa anak kecil. Sakit hati sekali saya dari awal dia liat saya bawa anak saya yg pertama kesitu dan saya pun bilang anak saya yg kecil sudah saya titipkan ke tetangga saya 3hari berturut2 karna mau ngurus atm. Masih ga percaya dia klo saya ada anak kecil yg saya tinggal smpe saya harus vc ke tetngga saya, sampe nangis2 baru dia lgsg minta kartu dan buku atm saya. Saya nangis saking emosi dan sakit hati.
It happened on December 2, 2021. This is the 3rd time I have told this bank to change cards. Twice I was given numbers 77 and 76 with the reason that I had to come early. Today I came in the morning, the bank has not opened yet and there is no one, there is only a security guard. He said that he can't take the queue number anymore because it's already in the 70s, if you want to come at dawn to take a number. I was told to go home again. It doesn't make sense to come in the morning or afternoon, they are always given a queue number of 70 and above. Because I'm more and more sure that something is wrong, I don't want to go home, I'm still waiting. At 8 o'clock I took my child to school first, what my son had to do was go to the bank first for the queue number and have breakfast there while waiting for the queue number he gave me later at 8. And right at 8 I was given the queue number number 71. I waited until the clock 10, suddenly there are mothers who come with small children, they are asked what they need and are immediately given a form, others who come and ask what they need when going to cs always say that the queue number is 77. It hurt me from the start when he saw me bringing my first child there and I said I had left my little one with my neighbor for 3 days in a row because I wanted to take care of the ATM. I still can't believe it when I have a small child that I live until I have to vc to my neighbor, until he cries and then he immediately asks for my ATM card and book. I cried with emotion and heartache.

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