Bank Mandiri Tangerang Merdeka - Kota Tangerang

2.8/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Bank Mandiri Tangerang Merdeka

Address :

Plaza Sinar Merdeka Mas Blok A2 No. 7-8, Jl. Merdeka No. 53, Sukajadi, RT.003/RW.002, Sukajadi, Kec. Karawaci, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15113, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +99
Postal code : 15113
Website :
Categories :

Plaza Sinar Merdeka Mas Blok A2 No. 7-8, Jl. Merdeka No. 53, Sukajadi, RT.003/RW.002, Sukajadi, Kec. Karawaci, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15113, Indonesia
Reisara Maulida on Google

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Tolong dong Satpam jangan seenaknya. Saya mau daftar mbanking, biasanya di cabang lain boleh hanya pakai ktp dan debitcard, nah ini ga boleh masuk sama satpamnya karena ga bawa buku tabungan. Pdhl saya sudah konfirmasi ke Mandiri Care kalau boleh tanpa buku tabungan asal ada ktp dan kartu atmnya. Lah itu Satpam malah minta saya balik lagi besok, dikira saya ga ada kerjaan lain apa ya? Cabang terparah sih ini, biasa saya di Sampoerna dan Midplaza satpam ramah dan ga asal main suruh orang pulang gitu aja, ga boleh masuk.
Please, security guard, don't be careless. I want to register for banking, usually at other branches you can only use ID cards and debit cards, now you can't enter with the security guard because you don't bring a savings book. Pdhl I have confirmed with Mandiri Care if possible without a savings book as long as there is an ID card and atm card. So, the security guard even asked me to come back tomorrow, do you think I don't have anything else to do? This is the worst branch, usually at Sampoerna and Midplaza the security guards are friendly and don't just play around telling people to go home, they can't enter.
Reinald Silambi on Google

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Security tidak ramah, tidak layak ditugaskan di pelayanan bisnis seperti perbankan.
Security is not friendly, not fit to be assigned to business services such as banking.
Agil Sanora on Google

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Sehari hanya terima 40 orang di CS.harus antri jam 8 pagi kalau gak besok disuruh balik lagi. Maaf cabang yg sangat tidak profesional. & saya bingung kenapa keputusan di beberapa bank mandiri ada di satpam ya.
I only receive 40 people in CS a day. You have to queue at 8 in the morning otherwise you are told to come back again tomorrow. Sorry for a very unprofessional branch. & I am confused why the decisions at several independent banks are with the security guard.
adam dwinanto on Google

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Untuk pelayanan bank, tata ruangan, kebersihan, ruangan OKE semua. Tapi utk garis depan di security yg tidak OKE, hari ini sdh yg ke 3 disana. Baru masuk ditanya keperluan apa, langsung dijawab dgn *Hari ini antrian panjang sekali pak, lbh baik dtg lagi besok pagi atau kalau mau bersedia menunggu silahkan* Jawabannya yg sama persis kunjungan sebelumnya, seperti sdh di format utk siapapun dan keperluan apapun jam berapapun. Padahal begitu mau nunggu sebetulnya ga lamaΒ² banget, Β±15 menit sdh dipanggil nomor antrian. Jadi jawaban suruh dtg lagi besok pagi dan jawaban antrian sdh panjang dsb itu apa karena sdh tidak mau terima nasabah datang? Perlu dibuat SOP lagi tuh manner security nya. Trs terang bikin mood nasabah ga enak.
For bank services, room layout, cleanliness, rooms are all OK. But for the front line in security which is not OK, today is the 3rd one there. Just entered, was asked what the need was, immediately answered with * Today the queue is very long, sir, it's better tomorrow morning or if you want to be willing to wait please * The answer is exactly the same as the previous visit, as it has been formatted for anyone and any need at any time. Even though I wanted to wait it didn't really take long, Β± 15 minutes I was called the queue number. So the answer is told to come again tomorrow morning and the answer to the queue is already long, etc. What is that because you don't want to accept customers coming? SOP needs to be made again in its manner of security. So, it clearly makes the customer's mood bad.
Ferry Taslim on Google

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Masih sulit untuk maju jika urusan waktu saja belum bisa dipercaya, jam layanan mulai 08.00 ternyata baru pukul 09.00 padahal didepan orang-orang sudah antri menunggu, membuang waktu banyak orang
It is still difficult to move forward if the matter of time cannot be trusted, service hours starting at 08.00 turn out to be only at 09.00 even though people are already queuing in front of waiting, wasting a lot of people's time
Mahfuddin Rasyid on Google

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Bank Mandirinya cukup nyaman, bersih dan tertata rapi. Terletak tidak jauh dari pusat kota Tangerang dan masih bisa melayani KTP Kabupaten Tangerang. Terdapat 4 customer service dengan ruang tunggu berupa sofa dan kursi. 6 teller saat sepi pengunjung hanya beroperasi 4 saja. Terdapat papan penunjuk nilai tukar mata uang asing. TV untuk hiburan bagi yang antri hanya ada 1, itupun sptnya hanya 24”.
Bank Mandiri is quite comfortable, clean and neat. Located not far from downtown Tangerang and can still serve Tangerang Regency KTP. There are 4 customer service with waiting rooms in the form of sofas and chairs. 6 tellers when there are only 4 visitors quiet. There is a signboard for foreign exchange rates. TV for entertainment for those who queue is only 1, and even then only 24 ".
Selvi Riani on Google

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Sumpah pelayanan nya super lambat. Di layani sama karyawan baru yg masih training. Baju hitam putih cewe lelet. Lambat...hitung uang aja ga bisa! Berkali" hitung salah terus. Saya hampir 1 jam di depan teller.. masukin pin padahal udh bener tapi sampe 4 kali.. bisa kerja ga sih
I swear the service is super slow. Served by new employees who are still training. Girl's black and white shirt is slack. It's can't even count money! Repeatedly, the count is wrong. I was almost 1 hour in front of the teller.. I entered the pin even though it was correct but up to 4 times.. can it work or not
Inda Lesmana on Google

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Pelayanan Customer service buruk, udah antri lama2, disuruh buat surat kehilangan atm dulu ke Kantor polisi, padahal niat cuma mau ngambil atm yang bikinnya online tapi ga datang2, pas udah bikin surat kehilangan malah ga di proses2 .. Nunggu udah sejamm ajgg emg
Customer service is bad, I've been queuing for a long time, told to write a letter for losing my atm first to the police station, even though my only intention was to get the atm that made it online but it didn't come, when I wrote the letter, it didn't even get processed... It's been an hour and a half

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