Bank BRI UNIT Joglo Baru - Kota Jakarta Barat

3.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Bank BRI UNIT Joglo Baru

Address :

Jl. Joglo Raya No.49, RW.6, Joglo, Kec. Kembangan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11530, Indonesia

Postal code : 11530
Website :
Categories :

Jl. Joglo Raya No.49, RW.6, Joglo, Kec. Kembangan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11530, Indonesia
Wahyu Purnomo on Google

Kalau sore atau hari libur gratis parkir, kalau jam dan hari kerja parkir bayar
If you have free parking in the afternoon or holiday, pay parking hours and weekdays
Teti Pratiwi on Google

Pelayanan enggak ramah satpamnya parah banget mentang" anak sekolah mau nabung
Service is not friendly, security guards really bad because "school children want to save
Dilan Agustian on Google

Lemot anjay, yg kasih bintang 4 atau 5 itu org BRI nya sendiri. Masa antrean sedikit nunggu ampe 2 jam, bangs*t.
Lemj anjay, the one who gives 4 or 5 stars is the BRI himself. The queue is a little waiting for 2 hours, bangs * t.
Firda Afrilia on Google

Orang cabang nya gak ada yg ramah, pelayanan nya juga lama gabisa mengutamakan nasabah. Parahsih
Branch people are not friendly, the service also takes a long time to prioritize customers. Parahsih
Mata Elang on Google

Lokasi nya ok, security selalu siaga, ?
The location is ok, security is always on standby, ?
Sugeng WIBOWO on Google

Ruangnya kecil,dan stok uang sedikit kadang kesulitan saat mau tukar uang itu saja
The space is small, and the stock of money is a little difficult sometimes when you want to exchange that money
Irwan Rain on Google

Paraaahhh pelayanannya , antrian pencairan BLT UMKM panjang ,csnya cuma 1 org... Udah gitu pake persyaratan photo segala, org yg kerjaannya persulit orang lain pasti hidupnya jg akan dipersulit org lain, alasannya prosedur , tapi tidak berpri kemanusiaan , org antri panjnag panas"an bulan puasa lagi
For the service, the queue for disbursement of BLT UMKM is long, cs is only 1 person ... Already using all the photo requirements, people whose jobs make it difficult for other people will definitely make their lives difficult for other people, the reason is the procedure, but not humanitarian, the queue is long hot " an month of fasting again
Karin Lea Azzura 9f 16 on Google

Satpam nya ramah, tp cs nya ngga bgt. Pelayanannya luamanya luar biasa. Antrian udh panjang, CS tetap santai ngelayaninya. saya kira semua cab BRI seperti itu, tp pas pindah ke BRI ITC Permata hijau, beda bangettt. Di ITC permata hijau, dr satpam, CS, teller semua ramah pdhal dtng hanya u/ mencairkan BLT.
The security guard is friendly, but the cs is not really good. The service is extraordinary. The queue is already long, CS is still relaxed about it. I think all BRI cabs are like that, but when I moved to BRI ITC Permata Hijau, it was so different. At ITC, Jewel Hijau, dr security guard, CS, teller are all friendly only to withdraw BLT.

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