Balkondes Giripurno - Kabupaten Magelang

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Contact Balkondes Giripurno

Address :

Unnamed Road, Gintung, Giripurno, Kec. Borobudur, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah 56553, Indonesia

Postal code : 56553
Website :
Categories :

Unnamed Road, Gintung, Giripurno, Kec. Borobudur, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah 56553, Indonesia
febriyanto R on Google

Balkondes yang letaknya di perbukitan menoreh ini memang menjanjikan nuansa pegunungan dan pemandangan gunung merapi dan merbabu dari kejauhan. Bangunan khas joglo menjadi ciri khas tersendiri, entah kapan akan selesai untuk pembangunannya karena masih terlihat seperti bangunan yang belum sepenuhnya jadi. Walaupun demikian,warga sudah bisa menggunakan tempat ini untuk berbagai acara seperti acara keagamaan ataupun untuk senam ibu-ibu warga giripurno. Semoga kalau memang belum terselesaikan agar bisa ditindaklanjuti dan tersempurnakan sebagai mana mestinya,karena mengingat potensi yang sangat besar dan bisa dijadikan untuk pengembangan dan bisa bermanfaat untuk warga sekitarnya.
Balkondes, which is located in the incised hills, does promise the nuances of the mountains and views of Mount Merapi and Merbabu from a distance. The typical joglo building has become its own characteristic, who knows when it will be finished for construction because it still looks like a building that has not been fully finished. However, residents can already use this place for various events such as religious events or for gymnastics for women residents of Giripurno. Hopefully, if it has not been resolved, it can be followed up and perfected as appropriate, because considering the enormous potential and can be used for development and can be useful for the surrounding community.
Aisyah Revalina on Google

Perjalanannya ekstrim tapi menyenangkan bisa melihat bukit bukit yg indah..tapi harus dengan kendaraan yg benar benar sehat karna jalannya naik dan turunya lumayan menantang?
The journey is extreme but it's fun to be able to see beautiful hills..but you have to use a really healthy vehicle because the way up and down is quite challenging?
Java Chic on Google

Hebat sekali manfaatnya sebuah Balkondes dapat dibangun di sebuah desa bernama Giripurno di Bukit Menoreh. Stlh menempuh perjalanan cukup terjal, curam, sebuah vista dpt dinikmati sembari istirahat di balkondes ini. Setiap balkondes mempunyai keunikan masing2. Pelataran luas yg menghampar ke alam menawarkan panorama menarik. Sepertinya ada fasilitas 2 bangunan utk penginapan di belakang dan musholla kecil. Tapi seperti jarang digunakan. Aula di pendopo tentunya dimanfaatkan penduduk sekitar utk acara2 khusus. Ada angkringan di depan cukup utk mengisi perut stlh perjalanan mendaki Bukit Menoreh. Balai desa yg menarik dan setipe bangunnanya terletak di belakang Balkondes. Mungkin sdh waktunya dilirik, diperhatikan kembali oleh instansi2 terkait. Sebuah potensi dgn adanya dusun peternak kambing dan kambing perah yg dpt dinikmati lsg manfaat susunya. Kami msh hrs ke atas lg utk mencari susu ettawa, dan diterima dgn keramahan penduduk setempat sambil menunggu susu kambjng diperah, murni dan baik utk kesehatan
It is very useful that a Balkondes can be built in a village called Giripurno on Menoreh Hill. After traveling quite steep, steep, a vista can be enjoyed while resting on this balcony. Each balcony has its own uniqueness. The vast courtyard that stretches out into nature offers an interesting panorama. It seems that there are facilities for 2 buildings for lodging in the back and a small prayer room. But like rarely used. The hall in the pavilion is of course used by local residents for special events. There is an angkringan in front enough to fill the stomach after the trip up Menoreh Hill. An interesting village hall and a type of building are located behind the Balkondes. Maybe it's time to look at it, pay attention to the relevant agencies again. A potential with the village of goat and dairy goat breeders who can directly enjoy the benefits of their milk. We still have to go upstairs again to look for ettawa milk, and it is received with the friendliness of the locals while waiting for the goat's milk to be milked, pure and good for health
Iswi Danar on Google

Balkondes Giripurno , jalannya curam, bagi yang naik sepeda motor atau mobil extra hati~hati , pemandangan bagus, bagi yang senang GOWES murupakan olahraga penuh tantangan ?‍♀️?
Balkondes Giripurno, the road is steep, for those who ride motorbikes or cars be extra careful, the views are good, for those who like GOWES it is a sport full of challenges ️?
Lukman Fauzi Mudasir, SSn on Google

Azizah Hasna' Arifin on Google

dupo jawi on Google

dirmawan hatta on Google

Not ready yet. But if you look for a spot to feel how was the heart of Menoreh hilly area this is the place you will choose. Real rural experience with nothing fancy but the sound of nature.

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