Aleena Boarding House - Kabupaten Sleman

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Aleena Boarding House

Address :

53A, Jl. Samironobaru, Samirono, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55222, Indonesia

Postal code : 55222
Categories :

53A, Jl. Samironobaru, Samirono, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55222, Indonesia
Sulaiman Manik on Google

Winda on Google

Kost nyaman dan aman.
Boarding is comfortable and safe.
Elisabeth Sitanggang on Google

Dingin dan ramai
Cold and crowded
Mega Kharisma Nugraheny on Google

Bangunannya mirip asrama di kampus saya ? tapi untuk harganya sangat mahasiswa sekali
The building is similar to a dormitory on my campus ? but for the price it is very student
Eny Sulistyaningsih on Google

Rumah di Jogja selama hmpir 3th... Nyaman, tempatnya sepi... Ukuran kamar luas, 3x4m dg harga terjangkau... Disarankan bawa motor untuk mempermudah mobilitas Anda
House in Jogja for almost 3 years ... Comfortable, quiet place ... Spacious room size, 3x4m at affordable prices ... It is recommended to bring a motorbike to make your mobility easier
Fariliana Eri on Google

Kos Putri. Ada jam malam 22.00 WIB dan tidak bebas, laki-laki hanya diizinkan masuk di ruang tamu dengan batas berkunjung sampai jam 21.30 WIB. Keluarga laki-laki dilarang menginap, masuk kamar dengan izin teman kos lain. Pemilik kos tinggal di luar kota, ke kos hanya sebulan sekali, tetapi terdapat pengelola kos. 5 menit ke UNYdan Sanata Dharma. 10 menit ke UGM. Luas kamar rata-rata 3x4. Keseluruhan ada 24 kamar. dapat kamar dengan kamar mandi luar tetapi mayoritas kamar mandi luar. Rata-rata kamar isian dengan barang : lemari pakaian, ranjang, Kasur busa, meja, kursi, gorden, dan lampu. ekamar dapat berdua dengan biaya tambahan. Terdapat tempat mencuci baju dan jemuran luas. Terdapat halaman cukup luas di kos yang dapat digunakan untuk parkir, muat 5 sampai 6 mobil, halaman paving. Lokasi mudah diakses, jalan dapat dilalui 2 mobil. Tempat ibadah terdekat Masjid 300 - 500 meter dan Gereja (GKJW) 200 meter dari kos. Terdapat mie ayam ketika siang di depan kos, yang kalau malam jualan angkringan. Kumpulan tempat makan lainnnya berjarak sekitar 500 - 1 Km dari kos. Laundry terdekat 400-500 meter dari kos. Penggunaan dapur, wifi, air, dan kebersihan sudah termasuk dalam pembayaran kos. Kos bulanan, harga terakhir masuk awal januari adalah 500.000, terdapat biaya listrik tambahan.
Princess Boarding School. There is a curfew 22.00 WIB and it is not free, men are only allowed to enter the living room with a visit limit until 21.30 WIB. Male families are prohibited from staying overnight, entering rooms with the permission of another boarding house friend. The boarding house owner lives outside the city, only goes to the boarding house once a month, but there are boarding managers 5 minutes to UNYdan Sanata Dharma. 10 minutes to UGM. The average room area is 3x4. There are 24 rooms in total. can be rooms with outside bathrooms but the majority are outdoor bathrooms. The average room is filled with items: wardrobe, bed, foam mattress, table, chairs, curtains and lamps. an extra room can be double for an additional fee. There is a place to wash clothes and a large clothesline. There is a large yard in the boarding house that can be used for parking, fit 5 to 6 cars, a paving yard. The location is easily accessible, the road can be passed by 2 cars. The nearest place of worship is the mosque 300 - 500 meters and the church (GKJW) 200 meters from the boarding house. There are chicken noodles at noon in front of the boarding house, which at night sells angkringan. Another collection of places to eat is about 500 - 1 Km from the boarding house. The nearest laundry is 400-500 meters from the boarding house. The use of kitchen, wifi, water, and cleanliness is included in the boarding fee. Monthly cost, the last entry price in early January is 500,000, there are additional electricity costs.
Nadia Aliyatul Izzah on Google

Kamar mandinya banyak tapi yg bisa digunakan sedikit, WC mampet, pompa air kadang2 mati jadi semua keran air lantai 2 tidak jalan, koneksi Wi-Fi lemot, kalau ada problem di kos, pemilik kos tidak peka dan tidak cepat tanggap karena tinggal di luar kota jogja.
The bathroom is plenty but you can use a little, the toilet is clogged, the water pump sometimes turns off so all the water taps on the 2nd floor are not working, the Wi-Fi connection is slow, if there are problems in the boarding house, the boarding house owner is not sensitive and doesn't respond quickly because he lives outside the city jogja.
Harumersudi Rahmadani on Google

Not recommended. Poor wifi connection and some people still burn their junk in front of the boarding house. So the ash was getting inside our rooms.

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