Adithree Villa - Bogor Regency

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Adithree Villa

Address :

Jl. Adhijaksa, Leuwimalang, Cisarua, Bogor Regency, West Java 16750, Indonesia

Postal code : 16750
Categories :

Jl. Adhijaksa, Leuwimalang, Cisarua, Bogor Regency, West Java 16750, Indonesia
windy andiyani on Google

Tempatnya nyaman, bersih cocok untuk pergi bersama teman temen sampai 15 orang. Kamar ada 3 dan 1 kasur diluar, kamar mandi ada 3. 2 laintai lengkap dengan furniture kayu yang estetik dan kolom bereng private harga setandar
The place is comfortable, clean suitable for going with friends up to 15 people. There are 3 rooms and 1 mattress outside, the bathroom has 3. 2 others complete with aesthetic wooden furniture and private bereng columns at a standard price
Aa juan on Google

Villa ya suasana alam, akses hanya bisa di tempuh mobil, untuk bus tidak bisa. Kondisi Yaman.
The villa has a natural atmosphere, access can only be reached by car, for buses you can't. Yemen conditions.
Fatih Sehat on Google

Kalau dengan harga 1,8 juta per malam, ini udah PERFECTO sih. Villa luas dengan konsep rumah kayu. Ada 2 lantai dengan 3 kamar besar. Kasur disediakan 4 queen bed, jadi bisa muat untuk keluarga besar. Ruangannya banyak dan lengkap. Ada ruang tengah, ruang keluarga, ruang makan, dapur, balkon dan kolam renang. Kolam renangnya cukup luas dan bersih. Tidak terlalu dalam (sekitar 120 cm), jadi aman untuk anak-anak. Sirkulasi udara bagus banget. Suasana dan pemandangannya juga indah banget. Sangat pas untuk keluarga yang mau rileks dan bersantai. Bagi yang mau pesan sekalian catering untuk makan juga bisa. Kemarin kami pesan paket 70 ribu rupiah per pax untuk 3 kali makan! Murah ya ? Kekurangannya cuma satu sih, toiletnya di lantai dua kebetulan lagi mampet. Sisanya so far so good. Keren!
For a price of 1.8 million per night, this is already PERFECTO. Spacious villa with wooden house concept. There are 2 floors with 3 large rooms. The mattress is provided with 4 queen beds, so it can fit for a large family. The rooms are many and complete. There is a living room, family room, dining room, kitchen, balcony and swimming pool. The swimming pool is quite spacious and clean. Not too deep (about 120 cm), so safe for children. Very good air circulation. The atmosphere and scenery is also very beautiful. Very fitting for families who want to relax and unwind. For those who want to order all catering to eat, you can too. Yesterday we ordered a package of 70 thousand rupiah per pax for 3 meals! Cheap huh The only drawback is that the toilet on the second floor happens to be clogged. The rest is so far so good. Cool!
Ari Alamsyah on Google

Check ini tgl 07 - 09 Jan22, kurang recommended untuk acara keluarga banyak pohon bambu tinggi menjulang menghalangi pemandangan sekitar Villa. Listrik anjlok terus. Villa lama yg kurang maksimal perawatan nya.
Check this on 07 - 09 Jan22, not recommended for family events, lots of towering bamboo trees block the view around the villa. The electricity keeps dropping. Old villa that is not optimally maintained.
Wenang Paramartha on Google

Vila ini menyenangkan sebagai tempat kumpul keluarga. Bangunan didominasi kayu dengan 3 kamar tidur. 2 diantaranya dengan kamar mandi dalam. Tersedia dapur dengan peralatan masak lengkap, serta kulkas besar. Dilengkapi kolam renang dengan air yang versih dan sejuk. Dibawah terdapat sungai yang dapat dicapai dengan berjalan menuruni tangga selama sekitar 5 -10 menit. Suasana asri pegunungan didapat disini. Didepan villa terdapat watung yang menjual sayuran dan bahan-bahan untuk masak.
This villa is fun as a family gathering place. The building is predominantly wooden with 3 bedrooms. 2 of them with private bathroom. There is a kitchen with complete cooking utensils, as well as a large refrigerator. Equipped with a swimming pool with versih and cool water. Below is a river which can be reached by walking down the stairs for about 5 -10 minutes. Beautiful mountain atmosphere is obtained here. In front of the villa there is a watung that sells vegetables and ingredients for cooking.
yeni daniarti on Google

Fasilitas : 3 kamar ditambah 1 tempat tidur di lantai atas plus 1 bedcover di ruang TV. 3 kamar mandi.Cukup untuk 15 org. Perlengkapan dapur pun lengkap. Dekat dg rumah penduduk jdi mo belanja jg mudah. ???
Facilities: 3 rooms plus 1 bed upstairs plus 1 bedcover in the TV room. 3 bathrooms. Enough for 15 people. Kitchen equipment is complete. It's close to people's houses, so it's easy to shop too. ️
Syodi Maulana Pramandita on Google

Alkindy Rusmana on Google


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