Yoshi! Coffee - Kota Jakarta Selatan

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Yoshi! Coffee

Address :

Jl. Birah Raya No.9, RT.5/RW.6, Rw. Bar., Kec. Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12180, Indonesia

Phone : 📞 +7879
Postal code : 12180
Website : http://yoshicoffee.com/
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–10PM
Tuesday 8AM–10PM
Wednesday 8AM–10PM
Thursday 8AM–10PM
Friday 8AM–10PM
Saturday 8AM–10PM
Sunday 8AM–10PM
Categories :

Jl. Birah Raya No.9, RT.5/RW.6, Rw. Bar., Kec. Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12180, Indonesia
Shella Anastasia on Google

Coffeeshop baru di daerah Jaksel yang warnanya mirip Minion, kuning-biru, gemaas! Tempatnya gak terlalu besar tapi cukup nyaman dengan smoking - non smoking area yang terpisah. Nuansa si kuning biru nya sendiri kuat banget sih jadi entah kenapa masuk kesini jadi good mood aja gitu karena nuansanya cerah. Menunya pun cukup beragam dengan harga yang cukup terjangkau. Rasa minuman dan makanannya juga enak-enak. Masih penasaran sama strawberry cheesenya sih jadi mungkin akan balik lagi di lain waktu.
New Coffeeshop in the South Jakarta area that has a Minion-like, yellow-blue, gemaas color! The place is not too big but quite comfortable with separate smoking - non smoking areas. The nuance of the yellow and blue itself is really strong, so somehow it just came in here so it's just a good mood because of the bright nuance. The menu is also quite diverse with quite affordable prices. The taste of the drinks and the food are also delicious. Still curious about the strawberry cheese so maybe I'll come back another time.
Saepul Hidayat on Google

Yoshi Coffee, salah satu coffeeshop yang ada di daerah Senopati tepatnya ada di Jl. Birah Raya No. 9, Senopati, Jakarta Selatan. Coffeeshop yang interiornya didominasi oleh warna kuning biru ini punya tempat yang cukup luas. Ada area indoor dengan beberapa tempat duduk dan juga ada outdoor yang bisa dijadikan untuk smoking area. Yang unik di Yoshi Coffee ini, sebelum masuk ke dalam, di bagian luarnya ada satu mesin untuk pesan dan bayar sendiri seperti yang ada di beberapa restaurant fastfood. Tapi kita masih bisa juga order dan bayar di dalam. Menu yang ada di Yoshi Coffee ini tidak banyak. Hanya beberapa menu coffee espresso based, menu coffee signaturenya,menu non coffee dan menu cemilan waffle. Harga dari menu-menu tersebut mulai dari RP. 12.000 sampai dengan Rp, 30.000. Masih termasuk harga yang tidak terlalu mahal untuk coffeeshop yang ada di daerah Senopati. Saya pesan Hot Cappuccino yang harganya Rp. 28.000. Disajikan menggunakan cangkir warna kuning yang sesuai dengan warna interiornya dengan latte art yang cantik. Dari latte art-nya bisa terlihat foam susunya sangat lembut. Dan memang saat diminum foamnya sangat lembut diikuti rasa coffee-nya yang lumayan kuat tapi menurut saya rasanya enak. Untuk menemani Hot Cappuccino yang saya pesan, saya pesan juga menu Yoshi bites yaitu Waffle. Ukuran waffle-nya tidak terlalu besar. Disajikan dengan dibalut kertas bertuliskan Yoshi.Waffle-nya sangat wangi bahkan sudah tercium saat waffle-nya sedang dibuat. Waffle ini waffle yang plain tanpa rasa apapun tapi masih enak untuk teman minum coffee. Waktu saya datang ke sana sedang tidak ada pengunjung sama sekali. Jadi waffle dan coffee-nya datang dengan cepat tanpa harus menunggu lama. Pelayanannya baik dan ramah. Instagram : @saepulhdyt
Yoshi Coffee, one of the coffee shops in the Senopati area is precisely on Jl. Birah Raya No. 9, Senopati, South Jakarta. Coffeeshop whose interior is dominated by yellow and blue has quite a large place. There is an indoor area with several seats and there is also an outdoor area which can be used as a smoking area. What is unique in this Yoshi Coffee, before entering inside, on the outside there is a machine to order and pay for yourself like in some fast food restaurants. But we can still order and pay inside. The menu at Yoshi Coffee is not much. Only a few espresso based coffee menus, coffee signature menus, non coffee menus and snack waffle menus. Prices from these menus start from Rp. 12,000 to Rp. 30,000. Still including the price that is not too expensive for coffeeshop in the Senopati area. I ordered a Hot Cappuccino which costs Rp. 28,000. Served using a yellow cup that matches the color of the interior with a beautiful latte art. From the latte art, you can see the foam milk is very soft. And indeed when you drink foam it is very soft followed by the taste of the coffee which is quite strong but in my opinion it tastes good. To accompany the Hot Cappuccino that I ordered, I also ordered a Yoshi Bites menu, Waffle. The size of the waffle is not too big. Served in a paper that reads Yoshi. The waffles are very fragrant even smelled when the waffle was being made. This waffle is a plain waffle without any taste but still good for coffee friends. When I came there there were no visitors at all. So the waffle and coffee come quickly without having to wait long. The service is good and friendly. Instagram: @saepulhdyt
Costa on Google

Setelah sekian lama ga main ke Senopati, akhirnya main lagi ke daerah ini yiiipppiii ???? Ada kafe kece nan menggemaskan namanya Yoshi dan lokasinya ada di Jalan Birah Raya, tepatnya sih di dekat lapangan blok s dan dekat dengan area kuliner blok s. Anak gaul jaksel pasti pahaam lah kawasan ini!! ? Dari segi tempat, buat kita lucu dan bikin nyaman terlebih lagi tempat ini di dominasi warna kuning hmmm jadi semacam ada daya penyemangatt tersendiri gitu siihh. Disini ada smoking area dan non smoking area. Untuk smoking arenya di tata gemas dengan ada hijau-hijau tanaman. Kebetulan pas kesini agak borongaann jadi pesanan pun beragam, kita pesaan Hot Cafe Latte (29k), Hot Cappuccino (28k), Iced Kopi Klepon (28k), Iced Yoshi! Palma Latte (20k), Iced Biscoff (25k), Iced Mango Bingo (25k) dan Hot Cafe Mocha (30k). Banyaak kan pesanan kita?? Jadi kita bahas satu per satu atauu secara keseluruhan niihh?? ? Apaa?? Satu per satu?? Baiklaaahhh, let's check this out gengss!! ???? 1. Hot Cafe Latte (29k) dan Hot Cappuccino (28k) Dua jenis kopi paling basic yang serupa tapi tak sama. Kalau disini, untuk kopi basic mereka menggunakan house blend yang rasanya terbilang strong dan agak pahit. Untuk Hot Cappuccino, ini enaak bangeett sih dan jenis Cappuccino favorite kita ya begini ? Nah untuk Hot Cafe Latte, sejujuurnya ini enaak tapi menurut kita karna jenis biji kopinya itu strong jadi kurang cocok untuk Latte yang terkenalnya si kopi lembut. Buat kita sih ga ada masalah, karna kita penikmat kopi strong garis keraas haha ? Super Recommended ? 2. Iced Kopi Klepon (28k) Menurut kita, dari segi rasa ini terbilang enaak, agak creamy dan rasa kopinya sangaat tipis. Sensasi rasa kleponnya kurang berasa tapi aromanyaa enak gengss ? 3. Iced Yoshi! Palma Latte (20k) Ini es kopi susu gula aren ala mereka dan menurut kita ini rasanya creamy bangeett. Cocok nih buat cewe-cewe manjaa yang pengen ngopi susu dan ini ringan lhooo ? 4. Iced Mango Bingo (25k) Ini perpaduan dari puree mangga yang di blend dengan lime syrup. Dari teksturnya kental dan pas di sruput agak berat gitu ? Rasanya enaak, ga terlalu manis dan menyegarkaan hmmmm ? Recommended ? 5. Iced Biscoff (25k) Minuman yang lagi hits banget yaitu perpaduan kopi dengan biscoff. Rasanya kurang keluar menurut kita dan terbilang creamy ? 6. Hot Cafe Mocha (30k) Minuman yang cukup menarik perhatian mata karna latte art-nya bagus dn warnanya pekat. Rasa kopinya tipis tapi senasi mocha-nya berasa siihh ? 7. Waffle (12k) Waffle-nya ko murah? Tentunya doong, karna ini disajilan 1 slice gitu. Suka banget dengan waffle yang teksturnya kering diluar dan lembut didalam. Cocok banget buat cemilan sembari ngopi gengss ? Recommended ? Gimana gengss baca review kita, udah mulai pusiing?? ? Secara keseluruhan, kita suka banget ngopi disini, tempatnya kece, bersih, kopinya enaak dan pelayanannya ramah bangeett. Fyi, disini juga disediakan mesin untuk order dan bayar otomatis gituu gengss. Jadi kita pilih menu yang mau kita pesan dan bayarnya langsung scan barcode dari aplikasi cashless dan debit juga bisa karna sudah di sediakan edc. Keren kan gengss?? Jadi ala-ala di resto fast food itu ? Sekian review dari kita dan semoga bisa membantu kalian dalam memilih menunya. Oh iya hampir kelupaan, kita juga sempat cicipin manual brew mereka menggunakan biji kopi Rwanda dan Java Volcano. Kita lebih suka yang menggunakan biji kopi Rwanda gengss, karna sensasi rasanya asam, fruity, ringan dan aromanya seperti teh ? Terimakasih foodies kece dan salam perut buncit ???
After not playing for a long time in Senopati, finally playing again in this area yiiipppiii ???? There is a cute little cafe called Yoshi and the location is on Jalan Birah Raya, to be exact near the Blok S Square and close to the Block S culinary area. South Jakarta slang definitely understand this area !! ? In terms of the place, for us to be funny and make it even more comfortable, this place is dominated by the yellow color hmmm so it kind of has its own energizing power. Here there are smoking areas and non smoking areas. For smoking arenya set Tataas with green plants. It just so happens that when we come here it is rather borongaann, so the orders vary, we order Hot Cafe Latte (29k), Hot Cappuccino (28k), Iced Kopi Klepon (28k), Iced Yoshi! Palma Latte (20k), Iced Biscoff (25k), Iced Mango Bingo (25k) and Hot Cafe Mocha (30k). Are there many of our orders? So we discuss one by one or as a whole ?? ? What ?? One by one?? Alright, let's check this out! ???? 1. Hot Cafe Latte (29k) and Hot Cappuccino (28k) The two most basic types of coffee are similar but not the same. If here, for basic coffee they use house blend which tastes fairly strong and rather bitter. For Hot Cappuccino, this is really good and our favorite type of Cappuccino is like this ? Now for Hot Cafe Latte, this is actually tasty but in our opinion because the type of coffee beans are strong so it is less suitable for the famous coffee soft Latte. For us there is no problem, because we are strong connoisseurs of strong coffee haha ​​? Super Recommended ? 2. Iced Coffee Klepon (28k) In our opinion, in terms of taste is somewhat tame, somewhat creamy and the taste of coffee is very thin. The sensation of the klepon is lacking, but the aroma is delicious. ? 3. Iced Yoshi! Palma Latte (20k) This is their iced coffee milk palm sugar and we think it tastes creamy bangeett. This is suitable for spoiled girls who want to have milk and this is light h 4. Iced Mango Bingo (25k) This is a blend of mango puree mixed with lime syrup. From the thick texture and fits in the screw, it is rather heavy. ? It feels tired, not too sweet and refreshing hmmmm ? Recommended ? 5. Iced Biscoff (25k) Another hit that is a blend of coffee with biscoff. It feels less out in our opinion and somewhat creamy ? 6. Hot Cafe Mocha (30k) Drinks that attract enough attention because the latte art is good and the color is thick. The taste of the coffee is thin but the mocha senasa tastes really ? 7. Waffle (12k) How come the waffle is cheap? Of course doong, because this is shown by 1 slice like that. Really like waffles with a dry texture outside and soft inside. Very suitable for snacks while copying gengss ? Recommended ? How do you read our review, already started listening? ? Overall, we really like coffee here, the place is clean, clean, the coffee is worn and the service is very friendly. Fyi, here is also provided a machine to order and pay automatically. So we choose the menu we want to order and pay directly scan the barcode from the cashless and debit application, because we can provide edc. Isn't it cool? So ala in fast food restaurants ? That's all from our review and hopefully can help you choose the menu. Oh yes, almost forgetfulness, we also had a chance to taste their manual brew using Rwandan coffee beans and Java Volcano. We prefer those who use Rwandan coffee beans, because the sensation is sour, fruity, light and has a aroma like tea ? Thank you for the foodies, kece and the belly fat. ???
eva safitry on Google

Tempat nya cozy intagramble bgt,, Bersih dan lumyan besar,, Menu yg kmrin ak coba Waffle ice ceam ,coffe brown sugar , coffe klepon , dan ice tea lechee.. Overall enak dan harga nya standar.
The place is cozy, it's very instagramable,, Clean and quite big The menu that I tried yesterday Waffle ice ceam, coffee brown sugar, coffee klepon, and ice tea lechee.. Overall delicious and the price is standard.
Kick Jimmy on Google

Pertama kali kesini karena mau nunggu temen pulang dari kantor. Suasana nya cukup homy. Mbak mbak waitress rangkapan cashier nya juga helpful. Tersedia ruangan indoor dan outdoor (smoking). Ga perlu takut kepanasan karena didalam ada AC, dan diluar ada kipas angin. Untuk kopinya cukup menarik. Harganya lemayan untuk ukuran cafe.
First time here because I wanted to wait for a friend to come home from work. The atmosphere is quite homey. Ma'am, the waitress who doubles as cashier is also helpful. Indoor and outdoor (smoking) rooms are available. No need to be afraid of overheating because inside there is air conditioning, and outside there is a fan. The coffee is quite interesting. The price is weak for the size of the cafe.
Tony Andrianto on Google

coffee addict
Eugene Wijaya on Google

Nice coffee. Friendly baristas.
Peter Budidharma on Google

good coffee, waffle nya ok like it

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