Yamaha Wahyu Motor - Kabupaten Bogor

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Yamaha Wahyu Motor

Address :

Ciomas, Kec. Ciomas, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16118, Indonesia

Postal code : 16118
Opening hours :
Monday 8AM–4PM
Tuesday 8AM–4PM
Wednesday 8AM–4PM
Thursday 8AM–4PM
Friday 8–11AM
Saturday 8AM–4PM
Sunday 8AM–3PM
Categories :

Ciomas, Kec. Ciomas, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16118, Indonesia
Yuldhastiya Rachmanda on Google

Pelayanan bagus dan transparan
Good and transparent service
REM TANGAN on Google

Bengkel Yamaha satu satu nya di ciomas Bogor. Terletak dijalan Raya ciomas - kreteg. Buka dari jam tujuh ( 07.00 ) pagi, tutup jam empat (16.00) sore. Menerima servis Segala jenis motor (Bebek dan Matic). Dari mulai servis ringan ( ganti oli ) sampai terberat ( turun mesin ). Fasilitas ruang tunggu tersedia untuk mau servis kendaraan. Dan bisa lihat langsung kendaraan nya yang diservis. Dibengkel ini juga melayani khusus servis ringan sampai berat untuk ojek online. Dan mendapatkan discount sampai 10%. Jadi bagi anda yang menggunakan motor merk Yamaha, khusus nya yang di ciomas, gunakan kesempatan ini. Sayang kalau dilewatkan. Selamat servis motor.
One Yamaha repair shop in Bogor, Bogor. Located on the highway ciomas - kreteg. Open from seven o'clock in the morning, close at four o'clock in the afternoon. Receive service for all types of motorcycles (Duck and Matic). From starting light service (oil change) to the toughest (down the engine). Waiting room facilities are available to service vehicles. And you can see the serviced vehicle directly. This workshop also serves light to heavy servicing for online motorcycle taxis. And get a discount of up to 10%. So for those of you who use a Yamaha brand motorbike, specifically those that are used, use this opportunity. It's a shame to miss it. Happy motorcycle service.
Hafizh H on Google

tempat & hasil servisnya lumayan. tapi heran saja kenapa tiap kesini sering sepi, apa mungkin orang2 ciomas lebih suka servis ke bengkel biasa yang lebih murah.
the place & service results are not bad. but I wonder why every time it is here is often quiet, is it possible that the Ciomas people prefer to service to the cheaper regular workshops.
Manan sae on Google

Orangnya ramah, teknisinya jg ramah, makasih udh dikasih kerusakan apa, tinggal siapin budget aja, nanti balik lg kesini
The people are friendly, the technicians are also friendly, thank you for what damage, just prepare a budget, I'll be back here later
Hirfan Briantama on Google

kecewa sama pelayanannya karena ga maksimal service motornya, udah mah harganya lebih mahal dibandingkan tempat lain dah gitu ga diisi angin pula ban nya, tolong lebih di evaluasi lagi. hatur nuhun
disappointed with the service because the motorbike service is not maximal, already the price is more expensive than other places and the tires are not filled with air, please evaluate more. thank you
yani mulyani on Google

pelayanannya kurang dari yamaha yg lainnya, pernah servis disitu bsknya rusak lg. totalnya 900rb di itung itung
the service is less than other yamahas, once serviced there it might be broken again. the total is 900k in the count
Rangga Satria Mardhika on Google

Yaa punya pengalaman buruk d yamaha ini.. Klo cuma service ganti oli mending k bengkel biasa aja.. Lbh murah and lebh jelas..
Yes, I had a bad experience with this Yamaha.. If it's just an oil change service, it's better to just go to a regular repair shop.. It's cheaper and clearer..
dodi mulyadi on Google


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