Warung Pojokan - Tangerang City

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Contact Warung Pojokan

Address :

Jl. Asrama Damatex No.33-2, RT.004/RW.001, Cikokol, Tangerang, Tangerang City, Banten 15143, Indonesia

Postal code : 15143
Categories :

Jl. Asrama Damatex No.33-2, RT.004/RW.001, Cikokol, Tangerang, Tangerang City, Banten 15143, Indonesia
Sari Yanti on Google

Lokasi y startegis dn nyaman
The location is strategic and convenient
Yansen Doang on Google

Warung yang letaknya lebih ke pojok, ada di depan gerbang PT Indofood Fritolay Makmur, tepat di sebelah setelah Warung Mak Senyum. Disini sedia berbagai jenis seduhan minuman panas maupun segar. Ada kopi, teh, susu, nutrisari, dll. Ada juga ragam gorengan, roti, dan cemilan. Dan pastinya ada rokok. Jadi tempat untuk para pekerja yang merokok menikmati waktu istirahat disini. Pelayanan dari ibu dan bapak pemilik warung sangat baik. Tidak ada beda-beda harga seperti di warung sebelahnya.
The Warung, which is located more to the corner, is in front of the gate of PT Indofood Fritolay Makmur, right next to the Warung Mak Senyum. Here are various types of steaming hot and fresh drinks. There are coffee, tea, milk, nutrisari, etc. There is also a variety of fried foods, bread and snacks. And of course there are cigarettes. So a place for workers who smoke to enjoy a break here. The service of the mother and the owner of the shop is very good. There is no price difference as in the shop next door.

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