Vocational School District 2 (N 2) - Kabupaten Wonosobo

4.5/5 β˜… based on 8 reviews

Contact Vocational School District 2 (N 2)

Address :

Jl. Lkr. Sel. No.KM, Margotejo, Wonolelo, Kec. Wonosobo, Kabupaten Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah 56313, Indonesia

Phone : πŸ“ž +888
Postal code : 56313
Website : http://smkn2-wnb.sch.id/
Opening hours :
Monday 7AM–3:30PM
Tuesday 7AM–3:30PM
Wednesday 7AM–3:30PM
Thursday 7AM–3:30PM
Friday 7AM–2PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

Jl. Lkr. Sel. No.KM, Margotejo, Wonolelo, Kec. Wonosobo, Kabupaten Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah 56313, Indonesia
Bayu Anggara on Google

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Sekolah dengan banyak jurusan yang sudah terakreditasi A dan B, serta guru- guru pengajar yang berkualitas sehingga mampu menciptakan lulusan yang bagus juga. Serta didukung fasilitas yang baik dan selalu ditingkatkan setiap tahunnya ?
Schools with many majors that have been accredited A and B, as well as qualified teaching teachers so as to be able to create good graduates as well. And supported by good facilities and always improved every year ?
Puji Laksono on Google

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Tempat pendidikan kejuruan
Vocational education place
[Mung Wong Bodho] on Google

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Di suatu hari yg indah dan damai, para murid memasuki gerbang sekolah lalu menuju ke ruangan kelas dg berjalan di jalur hijau. Sesampainya di kelas para murid menunggu guru datang sembari bercanda ria, setelah guru masuk ketua kelas memimpin kelas untuk memberi salam kepada guru dan berdoa. Itu sebelum Corona dan segala prajuritnya menjajah.
On a beautiful and peaceful day, the students entered the school gate and then headed to the classroom by walking on the green line. Arriving in class the students waited for the teacher to come while joking, after the teacher entered the class leader led the class to greet the teacher and pray. That was before Corona and all his soldiers colonized.

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Sekolah yang mempunyai luas lebih dari 2 hektar dengan 6 jurusan paket program keahlian hingga pada saat ini mempunyai 45 Rombongan belajar.
The school, which has an area of ​​more than 2 hectares with 6 majors in the expertise program package, currently has 45 study groups.
DOLPH Official on Google

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Update review ya setelah review pertama 3 tahun yg lalu. Hi, Aku alumni 2018, masuk smkanda 2015. Jurusan animasi ? Kalo boleh review jujur tentang sekolah ini ya, tanpa bermaksud menjelekkan atau menjatuhkan, sebenarnya aku punya banyak cerita dan pengalaman di sekolah yg luar biasa ini. Semoga bisa dijadikan sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk teman2 yg mau mendaftar atau mendaftarkan saudara ke sekolah ini. Smkanda sendiri sudah berdiri hampir 23 tahun dihitung dari review ini ditulis. Punya lahan yg luas banget dan punya banyak fasilitas yg lumayan lengkap. Mulai dari kantor guru, ruang kelas, kantin, musholla, perpustakaan, lab komputer, minimarket, bengkel mesin, gedung/ aula workshop, ada. Aku terkahir ke sini udah bagus banget. Udah ditambahin atap penyebrangan antar gedung, taman, kolam... Dan udah ada asrama juga. Untuk parkir sekarang udah bebas ga kayak dulu yg harus pasang sticker tanda punya SIM ? Untuk lab komputer, komputernya juga banyak. Ada headphone nya. Terakhir pake masih windows 7 ? Tersedia WiFi tapi only di sekitar kantor guru & ruang TU. Ohiya, SOP (sumbangan operasional pembangunan) jaman aku masih di sini sekitar 130k. Kalo sekarang ga tau ya. Tapi ada beasiswa juga kalo ga salah. Smkanda sendiri punya 6 jurusan. Teknik kendaraan ringan, akuntansi, teknik gambar bangunan, teknik audio video, instalasi tenaga listrik, dan ANIMASI. tapi TKR yg jadi jurusan andalan di sini. Bisa menampung 4 kelas. Kalo sekarang sih gatau ya berapa kelas. Masuk jam 7 pagi & pulang jam 5 sore (tergantung jadwal setiap kelas) dengan 5 hari kerja, Senin - Jumat. Kegiatan tsb ada upacara hari Senin, upacara hari nasional, & Asmaul Husna (rutin setiap Jumat). kegiatan Pramuka di hari Jumat mulai pukul 13.00 & ekstrakulikuler lain setiap Sabtu. Untuk ekstrakulikuler terupdate & masih aktif menurut info ada ekstrakulikuler tari, karawitan. Kalo Pramuka katanya udah engga aktif semenjak Corona ? Bahas soal guru ?‍? guru-guru di smkanda ini karakternya beda-beda. Guru yang paling ramah sampai paling judes ada. Tapi juga sangat disayangkan, guru BK kurang kompeten dalam menangani murid yang punya masalah. Tolong lebih profesional lagi dan jangan menjustifikasi. Trus ada lagi. Satpam di sini galak & judes bgt, bikin ga nyaman. Suka bentak-bentak bikin orang panik. Ohiya. Smkanda juga sering banget ada acara besar setiap tahunnya. Hari Kartini, acara perpisahan, agustusan, & classmeeting pasti pasang panggung. Keseringan pensi yg ditampilkan sih dangdut / band, organ tunggal, tari tradisional. Menurutku ngebosenin bgt. Ga ada pensi sejenis drama, dance modern, / DJ party. katanya sih udah sering diajukan tapi dari pihak guru yg menolak karena alasan yg konservatif / mungkin ga jelas. Intinya begitu. Kesimpulan akhir ya teman2. Sekolah terbesar dengan fasilitas yg lumayan lengkap dan bertambah setiap tahunnya ini, not totally recommend karena beberapa kondisi yg kurang ramah tadi. Itu menurut aku yg udah pernah 3 tahun sekolah di sini. ⭐⭐⭐ Tapi Alhamdulillah nya aku belajar banyak di sekolah ini sampai aku dapet keterampilan baru yg berguna banget, yaitu skill editing. Yang paling asyik tentu program prakerinnya (prakerin - praktek kerja industri). Aku sendiri dapet tempat prakerin / magang di Jogja & Wonosobo. Iya. Prakerinnya 2 periode. Masing2nya 2 bulan lamanya. Yg di jogja ditempatkan & yg di Wonosobo cari sendiri. Keren ga tuh ?. Terima kasih staff guru jurusan animasi. Btw kalo boleh jujur, guru animasi itu lebih friendly daripada guru mapel lain. Tapi ada kok guru mapel lain yg friendly juga ? Pokoknya catatan ya teman-teman. Sekolah ini super strict. Perhatikan selalu berjalan di jalur hijau. Berpakaian rapi. Rambut harus rapi. Jangan datang terlambat. Kalau ketemu guru wajib menyapa. Dilarang ngecas karena bikin tagihan listrik membengkak. Jangan fotocopy di tempat fotocopy samping depan sekolah, pelayanannya jelek BANGET. Untuk kepoin Instagramnya bisa cek smkandazone. Di situ sumber informasi sekolah ya teman2.
Please update the review after the first review 3 years ago. Hi, I'm a 2018 alumnus, entering Smkanda 2015. Animation major ? If I may give an honest review about this school, yes, without intending to disparage or disparage, actually I have many stories and experiences at this extraordinary school. Hopefully it can be used as a material consideration for friends who want to register or register relatives to this school. Smkanda itself has been around for almost 23 years, counting from the time this review was written. It has a very large area and has many facilities that are quite complete. Starting from the teacher's office, classrooms, canteens, prayer rooms, libraries, computer labs, minimarkets, machine shops, workshop buildings/halls, there are. The last time I've been here it's been great. We've added a roof crossing between buildings, gardens, pools... And there's already a dormitory too. Parking is now free, isn't it like before, you have to attach a sticker to sign you have a SIM For the computer lab, there are also many computers. There are headphones. Last time I used windows 7 WiFi is available but only around the teacher's office & TU room. Oh yeah, the SOP (contribution for development operations) when I was still here was around 130k. If you don't know now. But there are also scholarships if I'm not mistaken. Smkanda itself has 6 majors. Light vehicle engineering, accounting, building drawing engineering, audio video engineering, electric power installation, and ANIMATION. but TKR is the mainstay here. Can accommodate 4 classes. Now, I don't know how many classes. Check in at 7 am & leave at 5 pm (depending on the schedule of each class) with 5 working days, Monday - Friday. The activities have Monday ceremonies, national day ceremonies, & Asmaul Husna (routine every Friday). Scout activities on Friday starting at 13.00 & other extracurricular activities every Saturday. For extracurriculars that are updated & still active, according to information, there are extracurricular dances, musical instruments. If the Scouts say they have not been active since Corona Discuss about teachers the teachers in this school have different characters. The friendliest teacher to the meanest there is. But it's also very unfortunate, the BK teacher is not competent in dealing with students who have problems. Please be more professional and don't justify. Then there's more. The security guard here is fierce & bitchy, making you uncomfortable. I like yelling to make people panic. Oh yes. Smkanda also often has big events every year. Kartini Day, farewell events, August, & classmeeting definitely set the stage. The frequency of the pensi that is displayed is dangdut / band, single organ, traditional dance. I think it's really boring. There is no drama type pensi, modern dance, / DJ party. he said that it had been asked many times, but from the teacher who refused for conservative or perhaps unclear reasons. That's the point. Final conclusion, friends. The biggest school with fairly complete facilities and increasing every year, not totally recommend it because of some of the less friendly conditions. That's what I think I've been studying here for 3 years. ️ But thank God I learned a lot at this school until I got a very useful new skill, namely editing skill. The most fun is of course the prakerin program (prakerin - industrial work practice). I myself got an internship / internship in Jogja & Wonosobo. Yes. Prakerin 2 periods. Both are 2 months long. Those in Jogja are placed and those in Wonosobo are looking for themselves. Cool isn't it? Thank you animation teacher staff. Btw, if I'm honest, the animation teacher is more friendly than other subject teachers. But how come there are other friendly subject teachers too Anyway, notes, friends. This school is super strict. Pay attention to always walk on the green line. Dress neatly. Hair must be neat. Do not be late. If you meet the teacher, you must say hello. It is forbidden to charge because it makes the electricity bill swell. Don't make a photocopy at the photocopy area next to the school, the service is VERY bad. For Instagram points, you can check smkandazone. There is a source of school information, friends.
Irwan Syaputra on Google

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Is the best
Rusty AR on Google

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My favorite school
Daikong Shitami on Google

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