Uncle Wind Wedding Planner & Organizer - Central Jakarta City

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Contact Uncle Wind Wedding Planner & Organizer

Address :

RT.11/RW.2, Gambir, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta 10110, Indonesia

Postal code : 10110
Website : https://instagram.com/uncle.wind
Opening hours :
Monday 10AM–5PM
Tuesday 10AM–5PM
Wednesday 10AM–5PM
Thursday 10AM–5PM
Friday 10AM–5PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Categories :

RT.11/RW.2, Gambir, Central Jakarta City, Jakarta 10110, Indonesia
Gabriella Karsten Martono on Google

First of all we just want to say thank you so much buat kerjasamanya untuk hari bahagiaku. Seneng banget bisa di organize sama uncle Wind. Dari awal planning weddingnya, ko Erwin banyak bantu ngasih masukan2 dan rekomendasi2 vendor. Walaupun baru plan 4 bulan sebelum hari h dan aku tinggalnya jauh, still weddingnya lancar dan sesuai keinginan kita. Kerjanya juga professional banget. Dari pagi sampai malem semua acara berjalan lancar dan tepat waktu. Aku dan suamiku juga sangat enjoy acaranya. Pokoknya Uncle Wind the best deh. And thank you banget udah jadi bagian penting dalam acara kami. Kami puas banget dengan pelayanannya. All the best buat Uncle Wind
Thank you so much for your cooperation for my happy day. Very happy to be able to organize together uncle Wind. From the start of his planning wedding, Erwin said that many help provide input and recommendations from vendors. Even though it is only planned 4 months before the day and I live far away, the wedding still runs smoothly and according to our wishes. The work is very professional too. From morning to night all the programs went smoothly and on time. My husband and I also really enjoy the show. Anyway, Uncle Wind is the best. And thank you very much for being an important part of our event. We are very satisfied with the service. All the best for Uncle Wind
Novandi Wijaya on Google

Thank you UncleWind: Ko Erwin, Ci Dian dan juga team yang udah jadi WO kami pada hari terpenting kami! (Malinda, Natan, Siska, Erica yang uda bantu sebagai Crew pagi & malam baik untuk menemani keluarga mempelai maupun sebagai runner; untuk Louis, Lilly, dan Johannes yang uda bantu sebagai Crew malam baik sebagai runner, checker, F&B, maupun acara) Kita berasa thankful banget untuk respon kalian yang sigap (Erwin & Dian), untuk timeline yang rapi tapi juga ada ruang untuk kita fleksibel dengan aktivitas yang terjadi ataupun hal-hal yang tidak terduga yang terjadi, dan ga lupa juga untuk usaha kalian dalam follow-up vendor di minggu-minggu terakhir menuju harinya. Yang terpenting, kalian juga sangat supportif dan pengertian dari awal kita deal dgn UncleWind hingga hari H nya. Note: UncleWind adalah vendor terakhir yang kita datangi di Wedding Fair dan Ci Dian tidak menyerah untuk meyakinkan kami untuk memilih mereka sebagai WO kami meskipun lampu-lampu convention udah mulai digelapin :D Kami pun memilih mereka dan kita sekali lagi berasa thankful banget karena kalian adalah vendor yang terpenting dan yang terbaik dari yang telah kami pilih. Thank you sekali lagi untuk Ko Erwin yang sangat detail dan gesit menulis minutes waktu kita meeting. Ga kalah penting untuk Ci Dian yang selalu ready dan available untuk ditelpon waktu dibutuhkan dan dengerin curhat Mell. Thank you juga buat input2 mengenai vendor yang oke dan bagus... Pokoknya pas hari H jadi bisa tenang banget dan ga usah pikirin perintilan karena ada UncleWind yang ngurusin semuanya dan memastikan semuanya berjalan lancar... :D thank you for the fun throughout the preparations as well! Last but not least.... There might be a lot of Wedding Organizers available around the town but definitely UncleWind is a highly recommended Wedding Organizer for your day! No doubt for that. All the best dan sukses selalu buat UncleWind ke depannya!!! Novandi & Mellissa
Thank you UncleWind: Ko Erwin, Ci Dian and also the team who have become our WOs on our most important day! (Malinda, Natan, Siska, Erica who have helped as morning & evening crew both to accompany the bride's family and as runners; for Louis, Lilly, and Johannes who have helped as night crew both as runners, checkers, F&B, and events) We are very grateful for your swift response (Erwin & Dian), for a neat timeline but there is also room for us to be flexible with activities that occur or unexpected things that happen, and don't forget to also follow your efforts. up vendor in the last weeks leading up to his day. Most importantly, you are also very supportive and understanding from the first time we deal with UncleWind until the D-day. Note: UncleWind is the last vendor we visited at the Wedding Fair and Ci Dian did not give up on convincing us to choose them as our WO even though the lights of the convention were getting dark: D We also chose them and we feel very thankful because you are the most important vendors and the best from our selection. Thank you again to Ko Erwin who is very detailed and agile in writing the minutes of our meeting. No less important for Ci Dian, who is always ready and available to call when needed and listens to Mell. Thank you also for your input about okay and good vendors ... Anyway on the D day so you can be really calm and don't have to think about the commuting because there is UncleWind taking care of everything and making sure everything runs smoothly ...: D thank you for the fun throughout the preparations as well! Last but not least .... There might be a lot of Wedding Organizers available around the town but definitely UncleWind is a highly recommended Wedding Organizer for your day! No doubt for that. All the best and always success for UncleWind in the future !!! Novandi & Mellissa
Stella Mariska on Google

Terimakasih Unclewind sudah membantu saya dan pasangan dari perencanaan awal hingga pernikahan kami dapat berjalan dgn lancar. Dari awal dbantu negosiasi dgn venue, dtemenin k vendor2 wkt pameran dan luar pameran. Dikasi saran ini itu yg mmg penting utk pernikahan kami. Makasih Ko Erwin dan Dea sudah dibantu banyak banget! Crew hari H jg helpful dan ramah. Hari H diarrange dgn baik, koordinasi dan kerjasama dgn gereja, venue, dan pihak vendor2 lainnya jg lancar. Untuk yang sedang cari wedding planner/ wedding organizer Unclewind rekomen bgt, ga cuma janji2, tp kerja nyata, detil dan komunikatif.
Thank you Unclewind for helping me and my partner from the initial planning to our wedding run smoothly. From the beginning, it helped with negotiations with the venue, accompanied by vendors and exhibition times. These recommendations are important for our marriage. Thanks, Ko Erwin and Dea have been helped a lot! H day crew also helpful and friendly. Day D is well organized, coordination and collaboration with churches, venues, and other vendors are also smooth. For those who are looking for a wedding planner / wedding organizer, Unclewind's recommendation is not just promises, but real, detailed and communicative work.
Kevin Suryanto on Google

Wedding 7 Nov 2020, berjalan sangat lancar dan luar biasa. Unclewind sangat membantu dari awal persiapan , cari vendor, handle vendor dll. Sampai tiba di hari H, acara berjalan lancar tanpa kekurangan apapun Tim sangat responsif dan memperhatikan segala aspek yang ada ? Sukses selalu UncleWind..
Wedding 7 Nov 2020, went very smoothly and amazingly. Unclewind is very helpful from the start of preparation, find vendors, vendor handles etc. Until arriving on the D-day, the event ran smoothly without any shortcomings The team was very responsive and paid attention to all aspects ? Always success UncleWind ..
Reynaldi Aldi on Google

Sangat puas dengan Uncle Wind, sangat profesional, semua dikerjakan dengan baik dan bertanggung jawab sekali. Crewnya juga sangat baik, ramah dan responsif semua. Sangat membantu d hari H. Thankyou Uncle Wind, your the best! Next klo ada acara lagi atau ada keluarga lagi yg menikah pasyi akan rekomendasi Uncle wind! ??
Very satisfied with Uncle Wind, very professional, all done well and very responsible. The crew is also very good, friendly and all responsive. Very helpful on H. Thankyou Uncle Wind, your the best! Next time if there is another event or another family getting married, I will definitely recommend Uncle Wind! ??
Giovanni Setiawan on Google

Super recommended Wo & Wp !! sangat puas dengan servicenya untuk Ko erwin , dea dan smua team nya . smua vibesnya positif bgttt bikin happy seneng smua. kluarga orgtua smua puas dengan unclewind! ambil paket wedding planner bener2 detail ditemenin diarahin disuggest dr 0 sampai selesai . Unclewind slalu mengusahakan yg terbaikkk sebisa mungkin sesuai keinginan kita dan kluarga! request apapun diusahakan! Thankyousomuchhh unclewind for making our big day so beautiful and memorable ! Gbu
Super recommended Wo & Wp !! very satisfied with the service for Ko erwin, dea and all his team. all the vibes are so positive it makes everyone happy. the parents are all satisfied with unclewind! take the wedding planner package, the details are really accompanied and directed to suggestions from 0 to completion. Unclewind always tries his best as much as possible according to our wishes and family! any request is worked out! Thankyousomuchhh unclewind for making our big day so beautiful and memorable ! Gbu
Pudding PUCCA on Google

UNCLEWIND WEDDING PLANNER is like a "LIFEHACK" ... Make your wedding plan & your LIFE much easier guys... Because since day one , Mr.Erwin guide & gave me recommended vendor & other stuff, pretty much just like what I wanted. not only during the wedding plan , on my big day i can just rely on them ... SO ......DEFINITELY you guys must check this WO , Strongly recomended.. Thanks Erwin , Dea , Nathan & other member of UncleWind , for make my life easier... THANK YOU GUYS
Anton Anton on Google

Thanks from me and my wife to Unclewind (Erwin and team), our Wedding Organizer who is a very detail, profesional, patient, friendly and experience.. Our wedding reception at Luxus MGK Kemayoran eventually was a great, perfect and unforgetable moment. We had a routine and intensive meeting with Erwin to discuss progress of each vendor and the details process, he always reminded us and followed up each progress. Even our parents were very satisfied during the whole day process. Erwin and team also could build a good relation and coordination with others of our vendors. Perfect.. Once again thank you for Erwin and Team..

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