TPA Cipayung - Depok City

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Contact TPA Cipayung

Address :

Jl. Pertanian Cipayungjaya No.50, Cipayung, Depok City, West Java 16437, Indonesia

Postal code : 16437
Categories :

Jl. Pertanian Cipayungjaya No.50, Cipayung, Depok City, West Java 16437, Indonesia
Sulaiman Sulaiman on Google

Asalamualaikum Yth, Pihak yg berwenang Apakah tidak ada yang dengar tentang aroma bau sampah dan blatung radius dekat wilayah sini sebrang kali. Apakah tidak ada hati nurani jika ada warga yang setiap hari mencium bau sampah dan blatung? Trimakasih
Asalamualaikum Dear, Authorities Hasn't anyone heard of the smell of garbage and maggot scent near the area across the river. Is there no conscience if there are residents who smell garbage and maggots every day? Thank you
Eben Eben on Google

Padahal sudah digugat 2018 Tapi sampai sekarang masih bau, Kuasa hukum warga Pasir Putih, Achmad Faisal mengatakan, sidang perdana di PN Depok tersebut beragendakan pemeriksaan perkara perdata. Berdasarkan surat yang diterima tim kuasa hukum, sidang digelar pukul 09.00 WIB. "Dengan dimulainya sidang gugatan perdata ini, diharapkan dalam persidangan akan terungkap fakta-fakta pelanggaran yang dilakukan Pemkot Depok," kata Faisal kepada Tempo, Kamis 23 Agustus 2018. Menurut Faisal, pihaknya juga berharap majelis hakim dapat memutuskan secara adil untuk warga yang terdampak. Sebagaimana gugatan yang diajukan warga, pengelolaan TPA Cipayung telah melanggar aturan yang ada. "Harapan kami, warga dapat memperoleh hak-haknya yang selama ini dilanggar Pemkot Depok dan mendapat kompensasi yang layak. Kami meminta bantuan media baik lokal dan nasional untuk dapat mengawal kasus ini hingga mendapat putusan yang berkekuatan hukum tetap," ujarnya.
Even though he was sued in 2018 But until now it still smells, Attorney for Pasir Putih resident, Achmad Faisal, said that the first trial at the Depok District Court was scheduled to examine civil cases. Based on the letter received by the legal team, the trial was held at 09.00 WIB. "With the commencement of the civil suit hearing, it is hoped that the trial will reveal the facts of the violations committed by the Depok City Government," Faisal told Tempo, Thursday, August 23, 2018. According to Faisal, his party also hopes that the panel of judges can decide fairly for the affected residents. As with the lawsuit filed by residents, the management of the Cipayung TPA has violated existing regulations. "Our hope is that residents can obtain their rights which have been violated by the Depok City Government and receive proper compensation. We ask for the help of both local and national media to be able to guard this case until it gets a permanent legal force," he said.
Bos Yuli on Google

Dalam amanat Undang-undang No. 18 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pengelolaan Sampah (UUPS), pada Pasal 25 ayat (1) Pemerintah dan pemerintah daerah secara sendiri-sendiri atau bersama-sama dapat memberikan kompensasi kepada orang sebagai akibat dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan oleh kegiatan penanganan sampah di tempat pemrosesan akhir sampah. Pada ayat (2) Pasal 25 UUPS dijelaskan bahwa Kompensasi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) berupa: a. relokasi; b. pemulihan lingkungan; c. biaya kesehatan dan pengobatan; dan/atau d. kompensasi dalam bentuk lain. Orang atau warga masyarakat yang dimaksud tersebut adalah berdomisili disekitar lokasi pemrosesan akhir sampah yang merasakan atau mencium bau sampah dari Tempat Pengolahan Sampah (TPS) 3R (reduse, reuse dan recycle) atau Tempat Pembuangan sampah Ahir (TPA). Sampai pada jarak tertentu yang sudah tidak mencium lagi bau menyengat dari sampah. Dalam menyikapi pasal 25 ayat (1) dan (2) tersebut, tidak ada alasan bagi pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah (pemda) untuk tidak memberi atau menahan dana kompensasi tersebut kepada warga yang terdampak bau TPA. Dana kompensasi warga terdampak ini sering pula disebut sebagai "dana bau". #Tolong di tindak karena ada beberapa warga yang tidak menerima , Untuk saran mending duitnya sebagian dibuat buat pengelolaan sampah biar gak bau kemana mana.
In the mandate of Law No. 18 of 2008 concerning Waste Management (UUPS), in Article 25 paragraph (1) The government and local governments individually or collectively can provide compensation to people as a result of the negative impacts caused by waste handling activities at the final waste processing site. In paragraph (2) Article 25 UUPS explains that the compensation as referred to in paragraph (1) is in the form of: a. relocation; b. environmental restoration; c. health and medical expenses; and / or d. compensation in other forms. The person or community member in question is domiciled in the vicinity of the final waste processing site who feels or smells garbage from the 3R Waste Processing Site (TPS) (reduse, reuse and recycle) or the TPA. Up to a certain distance that no longer smells the pungent odor of garbage. In responding to article 25 paragraphs (1) and (2), there is no reason for the central government and local governments (pemda) not to give or withhold the compensation funds to residents affected by the smell of TPA. This compensation fund for affected residents is often referred to as "smell funds". #Please act because there are some residents who do not accept, For suggestions, some of the money is better made for waste management so that it doesn't smell anywhere.
Nartri S on Google

Penjaga ramah, khususnya bagi mahasiswa yg mau ambil sampel atau hanya untuk bertemu pengelola. Tinggi sampah sudah lumayan menjulang, lalu air lindi juga masih hanya ditampung dan belum ada pengolahan signifikan (hanya ada kolam aerasi cascade) (Review per Jun 2016)
Friendly guards, especially for students who want to take samples or just to meet the manager. The height of rubbish is already quite towering, then leachate water is still only accommodated and there is no significant treatment (there is only aeration cascade pond) (Review per Jun 2016)
Leman Sulaiman on Google

YtH, Selaku pihak yang berwenang/pemprov Tolong mohon dengan sangat, bau sampah sapai radius rumah warga sebrang kali dari jalan pasir putih. Mohon memberikan solusi bagi rumah warga yang berdampak bau sampah dan belatung yang sangat kadang menyengat hidung. Trimakasih SULAIMAN .
Dear, As the authorized party/provincial government Please sincerely, the smell of garbage reaches the radius of a resident's house across the river from the white sand road. Please provide a solution for residents' homes that have an impact on the smell of garbage and maggots which sometimes sting the nose. Thanks SOLOMON .
Shakila Khairani Alifia on Google

kuwat Winarno (maskuwat) on Google

Nabiilah Mujahidah on Google

I came for data collecting purposes for my research at work hour (around 1pm). The staff were so nice and give fast responses with my needs. The accessibility to TPA Cipayung is well enough, either by motorcycle or by car, not far from Jembatan Serong.

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