Therapy House - Sleman Regency

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Therapy House

Address :

Jl. Gurameh Raya, Mladangan, Minomartani, Ngaglik, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Opening hours :
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday 9AM–7PM
Categories :

Jl. Gurameh Raya, Mladangan, Minomartani, Ngaglik, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Amru Alarsy on Google

Alhamdulillah sudah terapi di mutiara madani, pelayanan sangat nyaman, untuk biaya bisa menyesuaikan sesuai kemampuan.. ☺☺
Alhamdulillah, I have therapy at Mutiara Madani, the service is very comfortable, the cost can be adjusted according to ability..
Agus Samitra Land on Google

Alhamdulillah keluarga saya terapi di Mutiara Madani sangat terbantukan, Alhamdulillah sangat bermanfaat, terkait biaya InsyaAllah sangat bisa menyesuaikan di Mutiara Madani Matur nuwun ustadz
Alhamdulillah, my family therapy at Mutiara Madani was very helpful, Alhamdulillah it was very useful, in terms of costs, God willing, it was very easy to adjust at Mutiara Madani Thank you ustadz
Sultan Sulaiman on Google

Alhamdulillah dulu pernah ada pengalaman saat kelahiran anak saya,, bilirubin nya sangat tinggi dan gagal pernafasan.. Alhamdulillah dengan pendampingan terapi di mutiara madani dengan Rahmat Allah tumbuh kembangnya normal. Jazakumullah mutiara madani...
Alhamdulillah, there was an experience at the time of the birth of my child, the bilirubin was very high and respiratory failure. Jazakumullah madani pearls...
Ken starnia on Google

Alhamdulillah saya pribadi banyak terbantu kan dengan kehadiran Ustadz Narotama ( Pembina Mutiara Madani Terapi Warisan Nabi ) dengan program pendampingan terapi yang dilakukan. Hasil baik yang dirasakan sangat cepat dan Alhamdulillah mudah dilaksanakan sehingga apapun yang menjadi hajad kebaikan di dalam hidup saya mudah terwujud kan.. Kaitannya dengan biaya Alhamdulillah beliau sangat bijaksana, berapapun kemampuan terbaik yang dimiliki klien, beliau dengan senang hati membantu hingga tuntas. Karena niat beliau, berharap kepada Allah diijinkan oleh Nya menjadi jalan kesembuhan dan jalan kebaikan siapapun yang membutuhkan nya . Bravo Mutiara Madani. Semakin eksis menebar manfaat untuk masyarakat ...
Thank God, I personally have been helped a lot by the presence of Ustadz Narotama (Guardian of the Pearl of Madani Therapy of the Prophet's Inheritance) with the therapeutic assistance program that was carried out. The good results that are felt are very fast and Alhamdulillah, it is easy to implement so that whatever is the intention of goodness in my life is easily realized right.. Relation to costs Alhamdulillah, he is very wise, whatever the best abilities the client has, he is happy to help to the end. Because of his intention, hoping that Allah will allow Him to be the way of healing and the way of goodness for anyone who needs it. Bravo Mutiara Madani. The more it exists, it spreads the benefits to the community...
Fredi Syawal on Google

@irma putri @Rumah murah jogja Alhamdulilah saya yang terapi langsung ke ustadz penjelasannya sangat jelas dan beliau dengan senang hati tetap membantu saya sampe sembuh dan terwujud apa yang saya hajatkan dengan anggaran terbaik yang saya miliki. Dan alahamdulilah saya mendapatkan langsung manfaatnya dari terapi yang dilakukan di mutiara madani
@irma putri @Rumah murah jogja Praise be to me that the therapy directly to the ustadz, the explanation is very clear and he is happy to help me until I recover and what I want comes true with the best budget I have. And alahamdulilah I get the immediate benefits of the therapy done in madani pearls
Ida Kurniati on Google

Alhamdulillah kehadiran Mutiara Madani menjadi solusi yang sebenarnya bagi masyarakat yang memang benar-benar membutuhkan.. baik untuk persoalan keluarga, sakit fisik, pun juga keluhan psikologis.. Adapun tentang biaya, Alhamdulillah bisa menyesuaikan dengan kemampuan yang ada. @mikirin masa depan maaf saya tidak tuh dengan kata2 anda sampe ditagih tagih, karena orang berobat butuh biaya kalau tidak punya kita bisa bilang bukan berarti diumbar di medsos kalau diumbar di medsos berarti anda sudah terlalu hati anda dengki apa lagi nominal sampe disebutkan, alhamdulilah dengan adanya mutiara madani saya sembuh karna pertolongan Allah melalui mutiara madani, yang penting kita ikhlas berbuat jujur tidak punya biaya bilang pasti Allah ngasih jalan ko,bukan dengan mengumbar di medsos, saya tau anda tidak seperti itu tapi alangkah baiknya anda datang langsung ngomng ke tempatnya insyaallah pertolongan Allah akan mudah semuanya
Alhamdulillah, the presence of Mutiara Madani is a real solution for people who really need it... both for family problems, physical pain, as well as psychological complaints.. As for the cost, Alhamdulillah, I can adjust it according to existing capabilities. @thinking the future, sorry, I didn't mean that your words were billed, because people need money for treatment. If you don't have it, we can say that it doesn't mean that it's shown on social media. the existence of civil pearls I recovered because of God's help through civil pearls, the important thing is that we are sincere in being honest, it doesn't cost me anything to say that God will definitely give me a way, not by slapping on social media, I know you are not like that but it would be nice if you came straight to the place, God willing Allah's help will make everything easy
kyla candrika on Google

Saya mau kasih pengalaman ustadz... Alhamdulilah dr kecil saya ketergantungan obat kimia sampai sering sakit terutama batuk grok yg gak sembuh sembuh. setelah didampingi terapi herbal di mutiara madani sampai skrg Alhamdulillah jadi jarang banget sakit..hanya dengan herbal ustadz saja lngs cepat sembuh.... Alhamdulilah jadi lancar menghafal Al Quran....Jazakumullah ustadz... tentang biaya sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing,,,juga tergantung hati kita iklash atau tidaknya mengeluarkan biaya utk diri kita sendiri lho...
I want to give you my experience... Thank God, since I was little, I was addicted to chemical drugs so I often got sick, especially coughs that didn't heal. After being accompanied by herbal therapy at Mutiara Madani until now, Alhamdulillah, I rarely get sick.. Only with herbal ustadz, I can heal quickly. about the cost according to each need,,, also depends on our hearts to be sincere or not to pay for ourselves you know...
imam mahrus ghozali on Google

Bismillah.. saya menyaksikan langsung Alhamdulillah dengan Rahmat Allah banyak yang sembuh total dan berhenti dari ketergantungan obat kimia.. dengan anggaran yang bisa disesuaikan dengan kemampuan terbaik setiap klien. Adapun untuk saudara saudara kita yang dhuafa disini ada program pengobatan gratis..
Bismillah.. I witnessed it firsthand, Alhamdulillah with the grace of Allah, many have fully recovered and stopped being addicted to chemical drugs.. with a budget that can be adjusted to the best ability of each client. As for our brothers and sisters who are poor here, there is a free treatment program..

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